Chapter 549

As the saying goes, if you can’t change into a dragon, then follow the dragon. If you can’t become the president, then become the president’s confidant-Mr. Zuojima thinks so.

Those seemingly reckless questions, in fact, people are playing forwards! He has never expected to be the president himself, so there is no pressure to play forward. Don’t say, if you don’t know the inside story, he might be affected by his straightforwardness. When voting, he listened to him. If so, vote for the Shirashima city that really wants to fight for…

Hey, isn’t the number of votes drawn by two people more than the number of votes drawn by other members alone?

The idea was very good, but unfortunately, they met the president who always didn’t play cards according to the routine——Sougo Tama. As the former president, although he only served for less than two days, he was also the president! Even if he is about to abdicate, before he abdicates, he still has a great say in the choice of the next president…

To be honest, the presidential election is entirely a gimmick created by Sou Goto Tama. According to the formal recruitment process, he should select the next president. Then, when he submits an application for withdrawal from the school, he will be the next president. Submitted the list of-the reason why Sougo Tama had to make it so complicated was entirely because the position of the president was a sinkhole at all!

If he is really asked to appoint a president, then, when the next president discovers this tiankeng, he will definitely hate Sougo Tama for a lifetime. Although he is not afraid, he is always worried about… It’s unpleasant to think about it every day by a man…

If it was a president who was elected, it would be different. Sougen Tuma could totally push four, five or six. By the way, he said that he was also very stunned. At that time, they were fighting so hard, but he didn’t even put his hands in it. pass!

As for some people’s cheating experience after becoming the president, how can the honest Sougou Tuma know that they will encounter those bad things? In other words, could it be the members who were dissatisfied and protested to the school? Ahem…

Therefore, the position of president must be elected by everyone in a fair election, so that Sougo Tama looks innocent!

However, other people don’t know about this. When Doma Sougoto casually said: “He recommends Sashima-san as the president…”, the members will be so panicked. If you go up, then they are still running for a fart?

Not to mention other people, even Zuojima’s good friend, Shirashima Ichijo, is suspicious of Zuojima. This is not a friendship between plastic and plastic. It is because the interests of [Oolong Tea Research Institute] are for current students. It’s too big!

You know, as a high school student club-each semester can apply to the school for an appropriate amount of research funding.

Taking the club funds roughly estimated by them this semester as the standard, [Oolong Tea Research Institute] can apply for about 2000W like a school in each semester, and there are three semesters each year, that is to say, it is just the funding for each year. , It is as high as 6000W Fukuzawa Yukichi…

6000W yen, an ordinary animal has to work for more than ten years without eating or drinking to make enough money. What’s more, students who don’t usually have any pocket money?

Of course, they are not as big-hearted as Doma Sougo. As the president, it is impossible to withhold the club funds as they want, but don’t forget, what is their club research? Studying tea, this kind of purchased product whose price is difficult to determine, unless it is a fool, would it not be easy to want to make a fortune from it?

With such huge benefits, Shirajima One City can still form an alliance with Zuojima, and there are doubts about it. In fact, it is not a plastic friendship.

It’s like, Sashima-classmates were happy when they heard that Sougo Tama intended to make him the next president, but after others had spoken out, Zuojima could only grit his teeth in his heart-this group The bastard who looks down on people, wait for him to become the president…

Thinking of this, Zuo Dao’s classmate secretly glanced at Baidao City, but just happened to meet his slightly suspicious look.

At this time, in addition to scolding the other party for selfishness in his heart, Zuojima not only did not stand up to help him, but also doubted his intentions. Maybe at that time Shirashima stood up and said a few good things about him, and President Tama took advantage of the situation. Did you designate him Zuojima as the next president? At that time you still need to choose a fart!

Although insulting each other madly in his heart, student Zuojima did not confess Shirajima City. This friendship is by no means plastic!

The format of the field made Soma Tama quite happy. Although he hadn’t figured out who the Zojima student launched the gun for the time being, he actually dared to hit him with a small idea, and wanted to attract a wave of people through him. Afraid not to think too much? He only needs to throw out the job that looks beautiful, but is actually a big pit…

It seems that the effect is not bad. Don’t say that Zuo Dao attracts a wave of people. I am afraid that the person behind him must have an idea about him, ooh~! Having said that, these members are really lucky. Before they stepped into the society, they began to learn the intrigue in the society. Well, with this credit, he will not be greedy for ink.

“Okay, everyone, be quiet! So, do anyone have any questions now? Does anyone think that the funding of our club is high?” Seeing the crowd still reluctantly crusade against Zuojima, Tujian felt a little noisy. Without extending his palms, he pressed down.

The members are not stupid, knowing that Soma Tama has dispelled the thought of direct appointment, and quickly quieted down. Through Zuojima, who has been judged by everyone, they finally realized that the president has the right to speak in the appointment and removal of the next president. , Although, this president can’t serve for much time, but this is the most important thing…

If you feel wronged for a while, you can inherit an extremely well-funded society. This business is really worth it!

“President, we have no problem, and we feel that the club funding is not only not high, in fact, it is also very low. You must know that high-end tea has always been a luxury item. Every member has to research luxury goods. This is the club funding. , Where is it high…” So some people tried to please the other way around.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

“So, do you think the club I am going to has less funding?”

Can these guys speak?

“Forget it, anyway, funding is something that the next president should consider. I believe that the presidents elected by the ‘talented’ presidents will certainly not disappoint everyone.”

In this regard, the members were quite self-aware and did not speak—all they wanted to do was Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, so it would be nice to continue to receive so much funding next semester.

Seeing that the crowd didn’t speak any more, Tuma Sougo then looked at the time.

“Woo~! Now that you know everything, you can start the presidential election after Teacher Song Qi comes. Oh, I really helped myself find a troublesome errand. Fortunately, I will step down soon… ”

A group of members: “…”


Excuse me, sister! There are tens of millions of funds for Fukuzawa Yukichi’s activities if you set up a club at random, and they are willing to do it in ten times the trouble!

It’s so full, but you don’t know that the hungry guy is hungry…

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