Chapter 548

The members were a little confused.

They are all high school students, and those present are not fools. Almost no one knows the price of tea, but it is precisely because they are clear that they feel embarrassed…

President Tuma felt right after this calculation. Not only is the funding of the club not high, it even feels a little bit low!

Yes, but! Don’t forget, they are the club formed by high school students. Let’s just talk about the Kendo Club-then it’s impossible for everyone to issue bamboo swords, plain sticks, and more. It’s up to students to buy them themselves, not to mention plain sticks. The bamboo sword, even the kendo suit, I prepared it privately!

Besides, other clubs, such as football clubs, team uniforms and shoes, have to be bought by themselves!

Is the baseball club hot enough? But they are generous in providing baseballs to the members. As for the others, please buy them yourself.

Aside from these popular clubs, the funds of some unpopular clubs are shabby. In one sentence, it is cold and bitter when receiving funds. After opening the fund bag, the wind and wind are miserable…

However, what they just heard, President Tuma… President Tuma unexpectedly used the reason that everyone has to taste high-quality tea. The key thing is that the school has approved it!

High-quality tea, among the members present, I am afraid that many people have not tried the taste of high-quality tea from birth to now…

This f*ck! What does the school think? Can you approve this kind of funding?

You know, if the Kendo Club wants to buy bamboo knives or other sticks, it has to ask grandpa to tell grandma for a long time to get a shortfall of funds, but their club—many members of the club are looking at Somatochi.

How strong is this guy’s negotiation ability! ?

You know, tea is a consumable, a consumable! Compared with the bamboo knife vegetarian stick, the consumption speed of tea…

However, this is just right. President Tuma has opened the road ahead. Then they will be the president, and they will not be able to receive the club activity fund along with Xiao Gui and Cao. Moreover, purchasing or something, that is a place where there are countless oils and waters. What’s more, are you buying goods that fluctuate in price like tea?

As for this activity classroom with extremely superior conditions, a group of members said that they had figured it out. This f*ck can fool so much with just one activity fund. To fool a club activity classroom, for President Tuma ——Perhaps it’s not as difficult as making a girl.

Fortunately, President Tuma doesn’t seem to be interested in the club. They just committed a little thing…

Doma Sougou——Are you sure that is a trivial matter?

They just committed a small matter and forced the other party to surrender the management rights of the club. If the other party didn’t say anything, they probably wouldn’t know until graduation, that their club had so much funding!

President Doma is still too glass-hearted.

Between the earth, the glass heart, always enlightened: “Ha, ha ha…”

In this way, wouldn’t it be cheaper for them?

As long as you think of running for president, you will not only be able to hold a large amount of activity funds, but also get a perfect venue for club activities. Everyone will be like chicken blood!

This is also no way. Even if it is a well-known high school, the club’s activity funds cannot be given too much, or it can be described as pitiful. After all, high school students, let alone their age of study. , In other words, the schools in this country are profit-oriented, causing capitalists to bleed. Isn’t this a trouble?

Imagine that the presidents of other clubs are tightening their belts to live, and the presidents of their clubs…

This kind of feeling is so sour and refreshing. There are still real benefits in it!

Thinking about it this way, while many members felt that Tuma always understood the heart of glass, they were also feeling, President Tuma! Good people! This kind of opportunity to make money in high school, even if you say let it go!

“Um, President Tujian, our community is just studying oolong tea…” Everyone sighed, that silly and bold bubbling again.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He was interrupted again and again, he also had a good temper, if it wasn’t for the image…

“Student Anton, Tian Ye, please explain, who is this guy who once questioned me?”

Students Anxi and Tian Ye, who originally wanted to wait until they were running for president, said: “…”

But now that President Tuma pointed out, they didn’t become the target of public criticism, so how can they run for the president! ?

After a long silence, the silly daring has been scanned by hostile eyes: “President Tuma, that guy is the left island of Class B. I heard that he bumped his head when he was a child…”

Immediately after the introduction, Anzai took a step forward: “Sajima, do you think President Tama can lie?”

Classmate Tian Ye: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Anxi, Gobi, actually took the lead. Although he has become a target of public criticism, if he has the support of President Tuma, no, he can’t give up like this…

“Zuodao, I used to think you were pretty straightforward. I didn’t expect you to have such vicious thoughts and suspect President Tuma…”

Other members: “…”

Are these two guys going too far? What is this guy Zuojima saying, it’s also for them…

“Woo~! Classmate Anton, Classmate Tian Ye, don’t be so excited…” Tuma, defending justice, always enlightened.

An Xizhe: “…”

His surname is not Anton!


If the president retreats now, he won’t be so excited! Why is the president who named them, and the president who upholds justice? Is there something wrong with this.

“It’s a good thing to have doubts. Since Zuojima thinks I’ve concealed something, then I recommend Zuojima as the president, so that Zuojima can communicate with the school to resolve doubts!” The earth always realizes this way.

An Xizhe: “…”

Classmate Tian Ye: “…”

A group of members who have targeted the president: “…”

The atmosphere fell silent for a long while.

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Just kidding? Tuma-student recommended that guy from Zuojima as the president, so they are still arguing? No, absolutely can’t let this happen!

“President, the guy from Zuojima is just sensationalist. If you want to become a hot spot in the election, you must not believe it!”

“Yes, those questions sound so stupid, that is, Zuojima will hold on to it, care about it…”

“President, your hard work cannot be destroyed in the hands of Zuojima…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

A lot of hard work? This, he paid the capital, and the capital is the hard work, so the hard work is indeed correct. Then, the question is, how much hard work does he have now?

He was thinking about it here, but the boy named Zuo Dao over there was panicking.

Zuojima knows what he is capable of, and he is usually a bit dull. It doesn’t matter much to run for president or something. The reason why he came up is entirely because of his good friend, Baidao Yicheng, who has been playing since childhood.

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