Chapter 505 As O’Neill Sauce, Always Arrange Everything for One Touch

Food preparation stage.

After Nito Hishago took the time to recall the bloody comics several times, she felt more stable…

First of all, based on his own strengths and the decision to attack the enemy, even if the “senior” of the earth is called the sixth demon king of the cooking world, he can’t always be proficient in cooking, right? She is the heir of the contemporary medicated diet family. As far as the medicinal diet is concerned, Nito Hisako believes that even Miss Erina would be worse than her.

Secondly, Shiji’s gambling agreement did not drive the “senior” of the soil to a dead end. In this case, the villain boss often neglects, and this is her chance!

In the end, she wanted to rescue Miss Erina. As long as she keeps this intention, she, Hiisa Nito, will be able to win the final victory. There is a miracle in this world!

The right time, the right place, and the people are all in hand, so I asked her what to lose?

If the dream is Kasumigaoka Shiba, then the reality is probably Yinglili…

At the end of the halberd.

When the three judges all voted for the winner, Sougo Doma.

Nito Hisako: “…”


No, it’s impossible, because, why is this guy so good at medicated food? Isn’t he just a cook who is a renunciation?

Moreover, what about the good explosions? What about miracles?

She was deceived, there is no miracle in this world…

Looking at the decadent Nitohisako, Tama Sougo thought for a while. After seeing her taking care of her own family, he decided to comfort this guy. So, he stretched out his index finger and thumb and compared it with each other. After the tiny gap, he suddenly said in Celestial language:

“Secretary, it seems that there is a gap of billions of points between you and me, just like this finger joint, so don’t be sad, you have great potential, I believe that one day, you will defeat me… ”

Nito Hisako:? ? ?

“Senior Tujian, why did you suddenly speak Celestial dialect…”

If she hadn’t made up for the Celestial language with Miss Erina for a while, she would still not understand the comfort. In other words, Miss Erina suddenly wanted to learn Celestial language at that time. If she remembered correctly, she would have been Did this guy fool you?

“Because I’m more introverted, things like comforting people don’t fit me very well…” Sougo Tama rubbed his nose and turned his head to the other side. The main reason is that the pronunciation of Japanese is different from 100 million! How can he be such an honest person to speak without his conscience?

If you say it’s almost a billion points, it’s only a hundred million points. It’s definitely not a lie!

Looking at Don’t open his face, it seems that the “senior” Tuma is a little bit shy. Thinking about his lame comfort, Nito Hisako suddenly felt that the young master of the Tuma family is actually not a bad person…

This kind of thought had just emerged, and it was obliterated by Sougo Tama’s next sentence.

“As the defeated party of Jiji, Secretary, do you start fulfilling the contract with Jiji now, or do you wait for the eldest lady of Erikai to perform it before starting? I am very fair…”

Xinhu Feisha: -_-|||

It’s fair to be a wool, although the halberd treaty is to serve as a nanny and servant for 15 days, but the end time is one month later! If she goes now, isn’t she going to work for nothing? But if you don’t go…

Thinking of Miss Erina who was tortured and scarred, how could Nito Hisago sit still?

Besides, her original job was to take care of Miss Erina. If you really want to talk about taking care of people, Nito Hishasa feels that she is completely competent. Of course, this is one of the reasons why she would propose eating halberd.

Anyway, even if she failed, she could still meet Miss Erina. With her help, she did not believe that the pampered sister of Tuma “senior” would still have a reason to do it!

“Senior Doma, please send me to Miss Erina now. I will learn how to get along with Miss Doma as soon as possible within this period of time…”

I don’t know why, looking at Nitou Hishasa cautiously, as if facing a big enemy, Doma always feels like he is robbing people’s girls.

Tuma Zou Wu thought for a while. It was probably his illusion. How could a guy like him do such a thing as a looting girl?

What’s more, who do you give to the robbing women? Give it to Xiaobu? I’m kidding, if it wasn’t for this waste material to come to him in the name of visiting Yuanyue to relieve her boredom, it is a pity that it didn’t take long to come to Yuanyue, and just entered his big villa, that waste material completely exposed her. the goal of.

“Euny Chan, this house is so big, are you the only one to live in?”

“Oni sauce, game room, you said that the game room is ready…”

“Euny sauce, Yuanyue’s network is so fast…”

“Oni sauce…”

Seeing how many people shrank into dumplings as soon as they entered the door, Tamazuo’s mouth twitched, “Xiaobui, don’t you want to see Ernie Chan’s school?”

“Ouni-chan, that kind of thing doesn’t matter at all…”

“Euny sauce, Xiao Mai is hungry…”

“Nani, O’Neill still has to go to class, what should I do if Xiao Mai is hungry…”

“It’s not a class, it’s a halberd…”

“Oni sauce, what is the halberd?”

“It’s the confrontation between the chef and the chef. It’s very passionate. Would you like to see it?”

The hamster, who had no interest in cooking at all, smiled awkwardly and impolitely.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

So, what use do I want those messy titles?

“Hey, don’t be like this on O’Neill, Xiao Bai understands, Xiao buried depends on O’Neill to eat halberd with others, O’Neill must be super powerful…” The hamster said insincerely to praise.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Haha, the cooking skill of this waste material is not so good, forget it, as long as she knows how to eat it.

It’s just that because of his overly handsomeness, he always wins other people’s halberd challenges. The people who make halberd appointments with him are almost in the next and a half months. Sure enough, he is too handsome to bear this age. Shouldn’t bear the weight…

A large number of halberd victims defeated by Sougo Doma: We originally wanted to refuse. If it weren’t for the price tag you gave too much, people could not help but want to buy a dream…


Not to mention this.

The rest of the time is okay, he can always accompany this scrap with a lot of waste, but when he eats the halberd? What if he goes to eat the halberd, this waste material is so boring and wants to stroll around, what should I do if I get lost? This is entirely possible! After all, Yuanyue’s school is really not that big…

In view of this, Sougo Tama decided to help his family find a few more babysitters. Moreover, she is a babysitter who will not expose her salty nature…

After all, this waste material cares about his personal image very much.

Fortunately, Tujian Zougou is that he has never considered following the plot and what Jixingliao dormitory to live in. Otherwise, there are too many people upstairs and downstairs, and the details of this waste material will not be concealed at all. Live!

Not to mention the man in the apron with fruit body in Ji Xing Liao, if it is so hot that this waste material has a lot of eyes, should he go peeling? Should I go peeling?

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