Chapter 504 Secretary: Miss, I’ll come to rescue you right away!

“Kiji~?” Sougo Tama stretched his waist: “Secretary, not bad, it has been two months, you are still the first student to offer me Jiji…”

Nito Hisako: “…”

When she is willing? She mustered up all the courage that came from the desire to save Miss Erina. She believed that as long as she had this courage, as long as she had this mood for Miss Erina, she would definitely be able to defeat the legend. The sixth day demon king, rescue Miss Erina from the deep and fiery hell!

There are miracles in this world! The God of Cooking will never let her down. What’s more, this kind of thing has already been verified in countless enthusiastic stories-Nito Hishasa in the second phase.

“In order to encourage your courage, you will decide the topic of eating halberd this time…” Tujian, quite majestic, always enlightened.

Hearing this, Nito Hishasa had an illusion that things should develop like this…

Look, it’s true. Even the development is the same as the development of Hot Blood Man. The original winning villain swelled and gave the advantage to the protagonist. With this advantage, the protagonist made the villain’s big devil defeat disastrously…

That’s right, that’s it, Scarlett, there are miracles in this world!

Hurry up and give full play to your advantages, so Hisako Nito, a member of the medicated diet family, said: “Medicated diet, the topic of this halberd meal is medicated diet…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

His special medical skills are about to break the standard, the secretary, this guy also chooses medicated diet, isn’t this a gift? Is he Doma Sougou who takes advantage of others? Just a reminder…

“Medicated diet, secretary, in fact, I am quite researched on medicated diet. Would you like to choose another one?”

These words made Nito Hisako sneer in his heart, did he study medicated food? Do not make jokes! Tuma-senpai is nothing more than a chef halfway through, and the Tuma family is not a culinary family, and every recipe for medicated food has been put into the menu after countless generations of chefs’ efforts and summaries, and called it medicated food…

When it comes to the research on medicated diet, Nito Hisako doesn’t believe that any peers can do more research than her who came from a family of medicinal diets. After all, she is learning on the shoulders of giants.

As for what Tama Sougou just said, Nito Hisako has automatically translated it into: “Oh, I’m still in the field of medicated diet. I have no choice but to fool Nito.”

“Since Doma-senpai has a deep research on medicated diets, it is just right that I will use Doma-senpai’s strengths to defeat seniors head-on, and welcome back Miss Erinai with this honor!”

“Secretary, why are you…” LV6’s medical skills and LV2’s culinary skills are definitely not as simple as 1+1…

But the more Sougo Tama was like this, the more Nito Hisako felt his lack of confidence, but this was also in line with the bloody routine. At this time, Nito Hisako seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

“No need to change, the topic of Shiji is medicated diet, then, the bet about Shiji…”

“Oh, okay, you can be happy…” As the saying goes, good words are hard to persuade ghosts who want to die, Sougo Doma said helplessly: “Declare in advance that Erina’s bet with me is that when I am more than half of it. A month-old nanny and servant…”

“So what did Tuma-senpai give?”

“The Tujian family unconditionally injected 100 billion yuan into Yuanyue Resort, and I will be her servant until I leave Yuanyue…” Sougo Tsuchima replied very simply, anyway, this kind of thing will be clear by looking up casually.

Nito Hisako:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Unconditional capital injection of 100 billion? This f*ck doesn’t treat money as money! ?

It’s no wonder that Miss Erina would agree to the food halberd, even if it is Commander Nagiri, facing the unconditional capital injection of 100 billion, I am afraid that she will have to be moved.

If that food halberd wins, the other directors of Yuanyue Resort will also look at the lady with admiration. At that time, Miss Erika’s position will be absolutely unbreakable, no wonder, no wonder…

Not to mention, behind this 100 billion capital injection, there are additional conditions, that is, the soil senior in front of him becomes Miss Erina’s subordinate. You must know that although Miss Erina is somewhat neurotic, she is often ashamed afterwards. Incomparably, then, the shameless Miss Erina will beat the ragdoll who represents the culprit again…


The fact that this guy became Miss Erina’s servant is enough to make her heart tempted, not to mention, there is an unconditional injection of 100 billion yuan…

However, this is contrary to the conditions for miracles. Based on Nito’s experience, Miss Erina must have lost because the conditions are too harsh…

After all, the protagonist of Hot Blood Manga will never make such an asymmetric bet!

Nito Hisako from S2 knows this well, so.

“I understand, Morama-senpai, but I don’t ask much. If I get lucky this time, please cancel the punishment for Miss Erinai…” This is the opening of the protagonist of Bloody Manga Way!

“What if you lose?”

“I…” Nito Hisako was a little dumbfounded, what should I do if I lose? I didn’t say anything in the hot-blooded comics! If you lose, isn’t it equal to death, but because of a halberd eating…

Not to mention that Nito Hishasa refused to agree, I am afraid that even Chief Nagiri would not agree. Although Shiji emphasizes the weak and the strong, if it kills…

Yuanyue Chaliao should be closed early.

As for betting on a career as a chef…

Let’s not say that the “senior” of Tujian was gambled on this kind of thing at all. It is said that she has been trained as a medicinal chef since she was a child. Chef, what else can she do?

Although, according to the routine, her current winning rate is close to 99%, but Nito Hishiko dare not bet on that one%, in case she loses…

While Nito Hishasa struggled, he had a rare admiration for Sougo Doma. This guy didn’t care about the bet of Shiji, whether he ended his career as a chef, or injected an unconditional capital of as many as 100 million… …There is no Shiji gambling agreement that he dared not agree to.

If this were not the case, there would not be so many students who knew that the chance of winning was very small, and would always agree to go down with each other…

It’s like buying a lottery ticket. What if you get hit?

and many more!

Nito Hisako suddenly thought.

Could it be said that Tujian “senior” is actually playing routines, he deliberately forced himself into a desperate situation, and then exploded like a hot-blooded comic…

Very good, if this is the case, she just throws the problem to this guy.

“Since it was the halberd that I initiated to Senma Doma, if I lose, what Senma Doma wants to gain, should be determined by you…”

“Woo~!” Hearing this, Doma Sougou’s index finger leaned lightly on his lips: “That’s it. Just like Erikai, it will take care of my house a lot. Time is over. Of course, Erina will take care of me. After a long time, you can follow along, after all, taekwondo…”

Nito Hisako said he wanted to shout: Miss Erina, please wait, I will rescue you from hell right away!

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