Chapter 499

PM00: 10

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

Accompanied by a “cangdang” sound, the door of the rooftop opened again.

“Song Go-kun…” As soon as the lunch break came, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu led Shiina Shiina on a familiar road to the rooftop. The soil always realized that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had probably developed a cheeky habit. Who caused this?

Doma Sougo thought this, and suddenly appeared in front of them in an upside-down manner. Then, before she screamed, he gently gave her a hand knife…


“It hurts!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her head: “Zong Wujun, what do you want to do? Not only did you suddenly appear scary, but also…”

“Are you scared?” Looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was still a little frightened on his face, Tuma Zouwu touched his chin and stretched out his index finger and said: “This is called a pay for a pay…”

“Nani? What does it mean to pay for a report?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was puzzled.

“Are you an idiot? Talk about those in the class…”

“It turns out that you all know it. The act that Sougo-kun just beat is to let me…” Don’t be affectionate? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have misunderstood something. Her face became cold, and her heart also went cold. It was just that before the next words could be spoken, Sougo Doma gently knocked on her forehead with a hand knife:


“Stupid, I want you to think about it for yourself, no matter what the genius girl writer Xia Shizi teacher…”

“I don’t care!” This time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu resolutely interrupted before Tuma Zouwu finished speaking.

“If I never thought about talking to you…” In the following words, Sougo Tama did not say clearly, but looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s wine-red eyes. After a long while, he slowly said: “If that’s the case… …” You will change from the flower of the high mountain to the laughing stock of everyone.

Before the next words had time to speak, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also stared at Sou Jian Du Jian:

“There are not so many if, I never expected that I would meet the prince, even if my reputation is damaged…”

“So, do you need a weak onion knight to escort you? Miss Maid?” Before she could finish, Sougo Tama suddenly asked with a smile.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What the hell is the weak onion knight?

and many more……

Is Sou-go-kun just showing, confession! ?

Yes, do you want to agree directly? Is it too unreserved…

“Eh, a lot, I remember someone saying that the maid’s status is humble and can’t command the knight?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth bends unconsciously, but at the same time, she ridicules with the words of Sou Mazuru.

“So it’s a weak Onion Knight…” Sougo Morama shook his finger and said, “Of course, although it’s still very weak now, I know that the Onion Knight will be able to become stronger, the Onion Knight…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Why is every sentence mentioning the onion knight’s weakness, what on earth is Sougo-kun thinking? ?

Before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu started to complain, he heard Sougo Tuma continue to say:

“Once the Onion Knight changes his job, he will gain unparalleled strength…”

“Zongwujun, are you exposing your secondary 2 attributes now?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a blank expression on her face.

“Actually…” Sou Goto Tama smiled: “I just want you to realize that the Onion Knight is very strong in the late stage, especially the Onion Knight who keeps changing jobs…”

“Where is this setting?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tilted her head.

“RPG masterpiece “XX Knight Biography”!” Sougo Tama, the hidden game master.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Heh, hehe…

“Why use a career in an RPG game? And, why onion? Onion…”

“Because the first time I saw Shiyu shed tears, I used onions…” Doma Sougo turned his head and put his hands around the back of his neck.

“When did I…” Have you shed tears? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu just wanted to refute, but a memory suddenly appeared, and then she was hungry.

She remembered why she shed tears at the time, it was because the cooking of this guy in front of her was too cheating, and the tears that flowed down were so delicious that she cried!

By the way, what did Zongwujun say at that time?

“Onion, I added onion…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Why is the so-called onion knight this onion?

“Zong Wu-jun, do you like watching girls cry? Then I am not very dangerous, will I burst into tears every day? Zong Wu-jun is a hobby…”

“No…” Toma Sougo turned his head: “The onion knight’s meaning is hope. In the future, apart from onion, there will be nothing to make Shiyu shed tears…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


Why can you tease so much! !

Suddenly, she lowered her head, but the curvature of the corners of her mouth increased again. The breeze passed by, the world is so beautiful…

Will Sogo-kun…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seemed to have some expectations.


“Shiyu, Zongwu…” Zhenbai, who was standing by, suddenly said, “What did you just say?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


Forget, forget, this really white light bulb, the guy who is still ready to dig her corner is still there, she has just fixed the corner now! I wanted to pour some water…

No, this is not the main problem anymore!

The main problem now is.

I have to find a time to ask Sougo-kun clearly-Shiina Shiro, Yuzuki Ako, and what is going on with Yukino under Yukoshita!

Now, just look at Zongwu-kun…

“It’s really white, Shiyu and I are discussing whether the profession of Onion Knight is strong or not.” In order to prevent the pure and paper-like girl from being stained black by herself, Tōma Sougo replied in the tone of a celestial parent. The general tone should be Yes: “That’s right, you gave it to your child when you charged the phone bill.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


So Gokun, you’re too perfunctory, right? Even if it’s really white…

“Sougo, I haven’t seen the Onion Knight…” Zhenbai pitifully lowered his head.

“That’s because Zhenbai didn’t play games very much!” Sougo Tama once again perfunctorily said in the tone of a celestial parent. The general feeling is: “Don’t ask me, you can’t read a book yourself? What is the answer in the book? All…”

“Games?” Zhen Bai blinked the beautiful Dan Feng’s eyes in doubt.

“Yes, it’s a game, a game…” Sougo Doma put his arms around his chest and was about to nod, but suddenly realized something: “True White, you haven’t played games much, right?”


“From a certain situation, playing games is actually a way to improve your own experience. Many classic RPG game plots are created by countless people. It will have a great effect on improving your comics. I will let Silly Qiang arrange an hour’s game lesson for you every day…”

A life without games is definitely an incomplete life!

What kind of education did this guy Zhenbai receive before? Even the power of games is deprived. A childhood without games is still called childhood?

If such a thing happened to Xiao Jian, Sougo Tama suspected that he might have exploded long ago…

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