Chapter 498

As the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. If Sougo Tuma sees this group of boys arguing, he probably won’t be entangled in whether they took the wrong script. After all, he himself deeply. Know this.

“Reporting work? What kind of work should be reported separately, and I also looked admiringly saying that Kasumigaoka is for the president, how about it, how?” In order to get rid of a competitor, Watanabe decided to beat the drowning dog.

“Asshole, I’m just reporting to President Tuma, which members have not received the news yet. After all, this is the task assigned by the President…” Tian Ye gritted his teeth: “Speaking of Kasumigaoka, don’t you forget Do you know the reason why we joined the club in the first place? As for today’s classmate Xia Zhiqiu’s deep-rooted performance, the president is definitely a lover…

Isn’t this worthy of my admiration? ”

In fact, in love with Xiaobai, I just want to break up a pair of Soma Sougou who is a pair: “…”

“So, it seems that Tian Ye, you really just need to work hard. If it weren’t for President Tuma’s order, you might still want to share the compensation with Teacher Song Qi.” Dahe, who knows something, said: “I was wondering at first that the fields, which often take advantage of others, would actually say such things directly…”

“Dahe, you have less blood!” Before Dahe could finish speaking, Tianye stared at Dahe and interrupted him.

“Isn’t it? You asked me to buy you fried noodles and bread last week, saying that you will pay back if you have money in a few days. It’s been more than a week. Tianye, don’t you think it’s okay?” Dahe replied.

In fact, all the boys present know that Tian Ye and others have an advantage in running for president. After all, they are the ones who pass the news to everyone. At this juncture, one step ahead may become the key to the election. Therefore, boys We thought very simple, to kill Tian Ye and others!

Not to mention, when President Tuma first came, he had a separate conversation with Tian Ye (coincidentally met Tian Ye). If he didn’t press Tian Ye to death, he could be the president of a fairy society with tens of millions of funds for activities during the semester. Just fly.

The most important thing is that there is only one purpose of this club’s activities, and that is-tasting tea, although, under the explanation of Sougo Tuma, they all tacitly know what this tea tasting means. After all, green tea bitch, cough cough……

But the school doesn’t know. For a club whose activities aim at tasting tea, the funding of this club is ridiculously high. If you become the president, you don’t have too many opportunities to profit from it!

In addition, the school dared to give so much activity funds, that is to say, the school is very optimistic about the prospects of this club, maybe it will be the president and get a letter of recommendation from the school…

Sougo Morama who bribed the principal—in fact, you really think too much.

If there are any popular candidates among the competing presidents, then they will bear it. However, the members looked at each other, and they all looked like a group of LOSERs, and they were all veterans of the community. So who is worse than anyone else?

They are incomparable with those super incumbents, can’t they be compared with a group of fellow losers?

It is precisely with this kind of psychology that countless people have begun to explode, and an invisible bloody storm is going on in private.

Tian Ye, An Xizhe and other five people became the primary targets of elimination for others. After all, these guys took the lead. Of course, they wouldn’t just wait and die.

As soon as Dahe’s voice fell, Tian Ye had not had time to refute, he saw Anzai take out 500 yen from his pocket and handed it over.

“Tsk tsk, I also said Tianye, Dahe, you are a caregiver, but a fried noodle bread, you can think about it for more than a week, the 500 yen will be given to you, and the more is calculated as interest.” An Saizhe handed the money to Dahe. , Mockingly said.

In fact, he kills three birds with one stone. It not only shows the fact that the field has taken a fried noodle bread in Dahe, but also puts Dahe on the label of carelessness. By the way, he also labeled himself generous and helpful.

“Anxi, you…”

After an argument.

Someone suddenly said: “Actually, that guy Fujigami is the most likely to get the position of president. Usually, it is that guy who slaps President Tama’s flattery the most…”

An Xizhe and others: “…”

Damn, it’s a miscalculation!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Sougo Tuma.

He is now pulling out a foldable parasol from behind him-if it is on the beach, it would be nice to call it a beach umbrella.

Looking at the extremely spacious sun umbrella after it was opened, Tuma always wanted to give himself a compliment. What does it mean to be prepared and not troubled? He is called prepared and not troubled!

Not to mention the spring sunshine, even if it is rainstorm…


Sougo Doma inserted the parasol into the ground of the “Externalized Land”. The cylindrical bottom was made by Sougo Doma like a sharp blade. The roof made of reinforced concrete looked like tofu in front of him. Wait After fixing it, he nodded in satisfaction. (Children can’t learn!)

Even if it rains heavily now, he will be safe and sound!

He doesn’t believe that if it’s like this, he can still get a slap in the face!

While thinking about this, Sougo Tama took out the blindfold from behind and put it on his eyes, skipping class to sleep, of course, we must ensure the quality of sleep!

“Next time, should I prepare a beach chair and drinks and fruits? Others are in class. I am drinking drinks and eating melons on the roof. I am happy to think about it. Is this the joy of comparison…” In the earth, the salted fish didn’t want to stand up at all, always enlightened.

“No wonder Shiyu compares me with those guys. Oh, it’s just crushing. No wonder those guys just looked at me like looking at gods. If you treat me as an ordinary human, those guys will be desperate, right? Haha… …” There is no self-knowledge in the earth.

“But…” Doma Sougo pushed the blindfold up a little, staring at the blue sky, and after a long while, he muttered to himself: “Shiyu is really a fool. If you say that kind of thing, if I…she doesn’t Has it become a laughingstock? Well, what a headache…”

“Forget it…” Sougo Tama pulled down the blindfold again and covered his eyes: “Anyway, I never thought of making that fool a laughingstock.”

Spring is a good season to be a salted fish. Summer is too hot, autumn is sweltering and cold, and winter is freezing cold. How can it be like spring, Tujian Zouwu just put on a blindfold, and before long, he has already fallen asleep.

It was not until the lunch break came that the biological clock of the earth’s total enlightenment rang, and he was awakened from his deep sleep.

Sougo Doma finished the finishing work, turned over and jumped onto the roof, and then took out the folded umbrella again, rubbed it on the cement on the roof, and fixed it (good children can’t learn, this It was a damage to the public property!), and then took out the picnic cloth from behind and spread it out before taking out the bento one by one.

After getting everything ready, Doma Sougo stretched and looked at the time again.


PM00: 00

“Clang, clang. Clang…” After a rush of bells, Doma scratched his head: “Is this just in time? Or is it prepared in advance?”

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