Chapter 496

This is a country where everyone agrees. This is a country that can only be recognized by following the crowd. Under such national conditions, as long as there are enough people involved, it will be difficult for the lonely to resist the atmosphere caused by the gregarious people. Satoru knows this, and is good at taking advantage of it…

“Do you know? When the number of abnormal people exceeds the number of normal people, the abnormal people are equivalent to normal people. In this case, normal people will appear out of place. The baptism of newcomers evolved based on this…” Said so.

A crowd of boys: “…”

President, you seem to make a lot of sense, but this is a pervert, in fact, you have regarded them as perverts, right?

Tuma Sougou didn’t care what these guys thought, when he said this, he glanced at the shameless boys again:

“Well, I have said so clearly, you should know what is going on with the newcomer’s baptism, right?”

A group of boys shook their heads, they really don’t know…

Tuma always felt his head: “Can you be more stupid? The so-called baptism of the newcomer is actually a journey to draw the newcomer into the abyss of your abnormal family. Do you remember how you became a abnormal?”

“Um, can we say that we are not that abnormal?” Someone couldn’t help but say.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

“Wake up from the school atrium with only a pair of tights under the crowd…”

“President, there is a reason…”

“Whether it’s drunk or self-exercising, since you put aside all constraints, you have been labeled as abnormal in my place. Fortunately, this country has many abnormal customs, such as XX festival. Tens of thousands of men only wore a loincloth to compete for the mascot. Compared with these, you still have to wash…”

“President, that’s a national celebration…”

“You see, all abnormal behaviors can be washed into celebrations. That is to say, as long as there are enough people involved, everything can be taken for granted. This is why I want you to recruit new people, and The reason why they were baptized…” Doma Sougo said, looking at the sky with his hands on the back of his neck.

“Company, President, what do you mean by baptism…”

“Did anyone guess it?” Sougo Tama looked back.

“Guru…” An Xizhe and classmate Tian Ye swallowed at the same time: “President, don’t you want to recruit new people in the future, get drunk first, right?”

“It’s not me…” Sougo Tama lowered his hand from the back of his neck: “It’s you. Originally, this matter today has nothing to do with me. What’s more, I’m already prepared to abdicate and let Xian.”

“Retire, abdicate and let the virtuous!?” A group of boys shouted: “Tu, President Tuma, what do you mean by this?”

“Well~! Originally, I was thinking about everyone’s happy life in the future before establishing the [Oolong Tea Research Institute]…” Sougo Doma spread his hands and said.

“President…” The boys shouted together.

“As far as the current situation is concerned, the biggest problem for you now is to wash yourself, not to consider the illusory happiness. Then I am not among them. In fact, it doesn’t make much difference…”


“By the way, [Oolong Tea Research Institute] still has about 10 million Fukuzawa Yukichi’s activity funds. Originally, I thought that after spending yesterday, there would be only about 2 million left, but I didn’t expect to be taken advantage of yesterday. Finally, I saved a lot of money.” The soil, the biggest victim, is always enlightened.

“One, ten million Fukuzawa Yukichi!?” If it hadn’t just experienced various blows, the boys present almost exclaimed.

President, so much activity funds, in what name did you apply for it!


This is not a high school club anymore, it’s a chicken that will lay golden eggs! ?

Moreover, this is different from the millions of yen that Ms. Matsuki secretly deducted. Those millions of yen can only be regarded as a windfall, but club activity funds can be applied for every semester!

“President, after you leave, we will miss you…” So after learning of the club’s remaining activity funds, An Xizhe choked with sobs while wiping non-existent tears.

“President, I, I know what to do to wash everyone out, please leave everything to me…” Tian Ye was also unwilling to show weakness.

“Me, so are we…” Boy A.

So, the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, but these guys obviously think too much. How can you get away innocently?

Seeing these jumping up and down, it almost didn’t write on the forehead, Tuma, please pass the next president to my guy, Tuma Sougo patiently persuaded them to leave and asked them to take what they just did. The conversation is relayed to other members, as to whether they will follow suit…

Doma Sougou smiled silently while holding the recorder.

He really hoped that these guys would conceal everything, so that his voice recorder can play its role. However, Sougo Tama also understands that the chance of using this voice recorder is not great. After all, As long as those guys are not too stupid and want to fight for the position of president, they will be wary of each other…

Not to mention, the situation they are facing now is that as long as anyone tells the truth, the person who chooses to hide it will be eliminated directly, or even isolated and bullied, because no one will trust another to deceive them. Guy…

In this situation, they can only explain things clearly. As for the recorder, it is actually just a preparedness. Of course, this refers to the recorder that has modified the recording.

Although recordings cannot be used as evidence in court, for ordinary people, they can’t control so much. If there are recordings, that is the truth. As for tampering with the contents of the recordings? Tampering, what tampering? Ordinary people don’t know so much.

Just as Sougo Doma had expected, even though Anzai Tetsu, Tian Ye and others were aggrieved when they went downstairs—they almost knelt and licked the guy Sougo Doma, but the problem is that Sougo Doma looks like that guy. I don’t understand what they are doing, and I didn’t even mention giving them the position of president…

What a special thing!

Think about it, in the high-level clubhouse for team building and ordering so many escort ladies, there will still be about 10 million yen left in the club’s activities afterwards. If there is no team building, how much is the club’s funding?

The general high school club activities cost hundreds of thousands of yen a semester. After going crazy in the high-level clubs, there are still tens of millions of yen left. What kind of fairy club is this?

If one of them becomes the president, then, next time you apply for activity funds, you secretly hide a sum, and if the others don’t investigate, will anyone find out?

It will never be discovered!

Think about it, other clubs can apply for hundreds of thousands of funds for activities at most. As long as they can get millions of funds, other members cannot have opinions. After all, clubs that can get millions of funds for activities…

Doma Sougou——Go, I really thought that without his investment, Yamamoto, who had a pit in his head, but was stingy, would bypass the student union and approve the activity funds for them?

What a group of innocent guys…

An Xizhe and others did not know this at all. They believed that as long as they inherited the association, then the reason for applying for the funds of the association activities only needs Xiao Gui and Cao Sui to…

Not to mention, according to the plan of the former president of Tuma, hehe, and the former president of Tuma, the number of people in the [Oolong Tea Research Institute] will only increase, and the activity funds they can apply for will certainly also…

Now that there are tens of millions of funds for activities, how many can I apply for after the number of people has expanded?

Greed stays in the heart, and then stays in the line.

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