Chapter 495

“Guru~!” I don’t know why, looking at the smiling face of Soma Sougou, the boys present subconsciously swallowed their saliva and shivered again, always feeling that he was unkind, but Helplessly, they can’t think of any way by themselves…

“Do, President Doma, what do you mean by that is very simple?”

“Rumours and facts are inherently easy to confuse. Just turn the rumors into facts, destroying the evidence that is not good for you, and then expand the scope…” Speaking of this, Sougo Tama looked at them sympathetically. : “Actually, you idiots dug yourself a big hole without realizing it!”

An Xizhe and others:? ? ?

Da Hang? What big pit?

“I just wanted to ask you, what time do you plan to go to school for training tomorrow morning?” Sougo Tsuchima smiled happily.

“President, this is just an excuse at the time, training or something…”

“So, you are really stupid? Your self-exercising behavior was praised by the school. On the second day after being praised, all of you were absent. Is it because the others didn’t wake up fast enough?”

A crowd of boys: “…”

and many more!

It seems to be true, that’s the case, doesn’t it mean that a group of boys with pale faces look at me, I look at you…

“It seems that you have already understood! This is what I said to clean up your difficulties. Have you been enlightened? Starting tomorrow, according to the naked training method of the Showa era, the morning training will be carried out in school openly… ”

A crowd of boys:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

No, no?

Really, really want to learn from the people of the Showa era? That’s not a reversal of history, yes, it’s going to die, right? And, how early should they get up!

“Company, President, can I only do this?”

“Otherwise?” Tuma Zougou rolled his eyes: “Didn’t I say that, you are digging a big hole for yourself…”

A crowd of boys: “…”

It’s more than digging a hole, it’s because they filled in soil after falling!

“President Doma, if we conduct training sessions in accordance with the school’s explanation, can we get rid of it?”

“It’s not that simple. This is just the first step. The rumors are confused with the facts. The next step is to destroy the evidence against you. Forget it, since you are my members, the evidence against you is only I will handle it…”

“Evidence against us?” Many boys wonder…

“You don’t think that what you are doing can be hidden from surveillance? What’s more, you think everyone around the school is blind and deaf. You don’t know what you were doing last night, right?”

A crowd of boys: -_-|||

No, that’s right, there are surveillance and witnesses, this is what they worry about the most…

“President Tuma, can the evidence really be dealt with?”

“Woo~! If it’s like a surveillance video, just tamper with the content…” Sougo Tama nodded: “The one that is a little troublesome is the witness near the school…”

A crowd of boys: -_-!

Don’t make it so easy to tamper with surveillance!

In other words, is it just a little troublesome to shut up witnesses near the school?

“When did I say I would shut up those witnesses? Have you ever heard of a hundred ghosts drinking feast?” Doma, a superstitious communicator, Sougo.

“Is it the banquet held after Hyakki Yakyuu?”

“Bingo, you are right!” After Sougo Tama snapped his fingers, he pointed his finger in the direction of the atrium and said, “Last night, there was a Hundred Ghosts drinking banquet there.”

“President, are you trying to use legends to cover up the truth?” Tian Ye seemed to have guessed Doma Sougou’s plan.

“It’s okay to say that, the strange story of Toyonosaki was born by you. After midnight, the noisy drinking banquet of the Hundred Ghosts descended in Toyonosaki Atrium…” Doma, a missionary, Sougou online flicker.

A crowd of boys: “…”

Can this work?

“Do, President Doma, it’s already the 21st century…” someone warned carefully.

“What about the 21st century? Why did Newton start to study theology in his later years? Because he understood that there are many phenomena in this world that science can’t explain, and all we have to do is to create a few events that science can’t explain. Let Toyonosaki’s strange talk overwhelm the facts you have created!”

A crowd of boys: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

President, why can you talk about creating events that science can’t explain so easily!

“After things have reached this point, you are one last point away from being completely washed out…”

A crowd of boys: (⊙ˍ⊙)

No, isn’t it? I’ve done this step. Isn’t it completely whitewashed?

“President Tuma, what’s the difference…”

“It’s not that you are talking about the fact that can withstand verification…” Sougo Tama stretched out his index finger and shook: “To be honest, your excuses are really bad enough, self-training to vomiting and coma, may you really Can it be done? Would anyone doubt it?”

A crowd of boys: -_-!

How can it be done!

and many more!

President Doma doesn’t want them to really exercise until they vomit or become unconscious tomorrow, right? No kidding, it will die, it will definitely die!

“Do, President Doma, I, we can’t do what we can’t do, so I exercise until I vomit, then, if that goes on, the body will definitely…”

“Tsk tsk…” Before they could finish speaking, Tama Sougo sneered and interrupted their words: “Don’t worry, I didn’t expect you to do this. I just said what I want you to say. Affordable to verify…”

“Does this make any difference?” the boys said in confusion.

“The difference lies in the expansion of the scope I mentioned last, do you know how to do this kind of abnormal behavior so that it is not abnormal?” Sougo Tama asked, tilting his head.

“…” A group of boys were silent, perversion is perversion, how could it be…

“It’s very simple. Just let this matter become sparse and normal. Think about it. If other people exercised themselves to vomit or coma when they exercised themselves for the first time, then, everything you said , Can you withstand scrutiny?” Sougo Tuma said with a smile for their sake.

“Well, other people, presidents, how could other people be like us…” Stop it, how could someone be willing to join them in this kind of self-exercising activity…

“You really are idiots?” Before the boys could finish speaking, Sougo Tama shook his head and said, “Could it be that your use of atmosphere is limited to isolation?”

A crowd of boys: “…”

“[Oolong Tea Research Society] There are dozens of members at any rate. As long as you play together, start with the boys in the homecoming department and trick them into…”

“President, isn’t it good to use cheats?”

“Ahem, invite them in, and baptize the newcomer from the [Oolong Tea Research Institute]…”

“President, do we [Oolong Tea Research Institute] have a baptism ceremony?” Someone wondered.

“Not before, but in order for you to be able to completely wash it off, it will be there in the future!” Tujian decided in one word, always enlightened.

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