Chapter 488 They finally remembered the fear of being kicked

“Tu, classmate Tujian, you, you are too unreasonable to worry about the world, just the security of the school can dispel the suspicion of many people…”

“And, moreover, Ms. Matsuki and Principal Yamamoto will be responsible for the finishing touch…”

The boys who were originally strong to find fault have begun to defend the weak.

Hearing these excuses, Doma Sougou’s temple jumped, Ms. Song Qi? Which guy he chose, basically to make a mascot, trims the tail? Please, that guy can’t even do his own essential work, what can he do?

There is also the waste of Principal Yamamoto.

Thinking of that guy, Sougo Doma thinks of his entrance test paper. The guy who can score that test paper with full marks and put it in his portfolio… Sougo Doma wants to press his temple, if it weren’t for Yamamoto’s trash mess. If you do something, he will not be targeted by Kirisu Masuu, so he will be honest for a while…

And as a result, the good student treatment he imagined is getting farther and farther away…

Counting on the waste principal of Yamamoto to finish, I am afraid that things will end up with his “full score” entrance test-it is similar to the same thing.

and many more……

Isn’t it the same as his “full score” test paper now? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the school is simply talking nonsense with their eyes open, and by all means!

“By the way, wouldn’t it be Principal Yamamoto who asked you to exercise such nonsense with your self?” Thinking of the unreliable degree of a certain principal, Tōma always grieved.

“In the beginning, it was proposed by Ms. Song Qi…”

Sou Maura: -_-!

It’s over, two super unreliable guys collided together, which caused this farce…

At this time, the headmaster of the waste material from Yamamoto honestly punished Mr. Songqi. How good was it to push the pot over Songqi? Whitewash? So many people have seen it! Washing wool is white!

“Yes, since Mr. Song Qi said so, he must have full confidence so that we will not be doubted…” Song Qi started again.

It’s just that before they finished blowing it out, Doma Sougou directly interrupted: “Are you treating other people as fools? That kind of nonsense reason, it won’t take long for someone to see through, for example, me. , When I first heard the school broadcast, do you know how I feel?”

“Wh, how does it feel?”

“I was completely thundered, you really dare to say it, and the school really dare to believe it, yes, my whole person was shocked by the school’s explanation, can anyone believe this too?” Doma Sougo said while doing it. With a gesture of about to explode, he said.

“Why, no one believes it anymore, the girls in the class are convinced of this…” Although Sougo Doma approached step by step, these boys who had wanted to find fault could only keep backing away, but There are still people who are not convinced.

“Don’t make trouble, it’s just because they don’t bother to think, people say nothing!” Sougo Tama waved his hand: “As long as you use your brain a little bit, you will find that your statement is full of loopholes. For example, after listening to the broadcast, I , Just put it in a conclusive conclusion, nonsense!”

“That, that’s not the same. Classmate Tuma was with us yesterday, so I guess it’s not difficult to explain a little flaw…” An Xizhe refused.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t, where you were yesterday has nothing to do with me…” These perverts still want to drag him into the water? What a shame!

“Wait, classmate Tujian, you…” Hearing this, An Xizhe and the others finally remembered the business. They didn’t come to teach the person in front of them to party with them, but they didn’t encounter the bastard of today. Isn’t it right to teach Doma? Why are they backing so scared as he is pressing every step of the way?

Is this the legendary momentum?

“Previously stated that after the establishment of the group yesterday, all of you were drunk. As long as there is no way to wake you up, I can only ask someone to take you home safely, or to the hotel…”

Someone couldn’t help but wait for Sougo Doma to finish speaking.

“Student Tujian? You mean, did you arrange for someone to send us back yesterday?”

“Of course…” Sougo Tama nodded: “If you don’t arrange for someone to take you home, to a hotel or something, will you wait for someone to throw you into the alley of Ginza like a drunkard?”

The boys who originally came to find the difference: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

It’s not as good as waking up in a small alley! ?

“That, student Tuma, who did you arrange to take us back?”

“Gorilla!” Doma Sougo stretched out his index finger, and then pointed at the sky.

The boys who originally wanted to find the difference: “…”

Big, gorilla! ?

By the way, it is the pet of the Kondo group, the pet that was kicked by President Tuma-the talking orangutan!

Find the difference? Find a shit! ?

They finally remembered that this guy in front of them was a ruthless person who could kick the gorilla flying with one kick. He could kick the gorilla directly to faint with one kick. If it hits them…


They all believed that it was kicked out from the rooftop!

“Tu, classmate Tujian, how can you give us to the gorilla, it…” The boys with cold sweat on their foreheads had given up looking for faults, but there was still dissatisfaction in their hearts, but they remembered the guy in front of them. The force of force, this guy is not a weak person at all…

Thinking of Tuma’s military force, they didn’t dare to express their dissatisfaction at all, so they could only protest a little.

“Well, I’m just kidding. As the president, how could it be possible to hand over the members to the gorilla to arrange…” But before they could finish their protest, Sougo Tama waved his hand and interrupted, “In case it What if I take you to some tropical rainforest? Just…”

Boys who gave up violence to find fault:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Tujia classmates, it’s too exaggerated! Isn’t that a pet of the Kondo group? How could it be possible to live in a tropical rainforest!

While these guys were shocked, Sougo Tama continued.

“Even if I didn’t take you to the tropical rainforest, it doesn’t seem good to take you to the zoo or something. Without thinking about the gorillas, I can only consider the Captain Yamazaki who woke up first. After asking again and again, he promised to look after you until you wake up…”

A crowd of boys: “…”

So, classmate Tujian, did you leave them to the Jidao organization to take care of them? They should say something, are you really big-hearted? What’s more, they are all handed over to the Kondo team, handed over to the gorillas, and handed over to Captain Yamazaki, is there any difference! ?

Having said that, they didn’t complain with the guys in the Kondo team at the time, why did those guys throw them directly in the school atrium! ?

“Student Tuma, did you know that Captain Yamazaki didn’t wait for us to wake up at all?” Although he had given up on violence to find fault, the accumulated dissatisfaction still made these boys unable to help but interrogate.

In the eyes of these guys, although it was cool to brag with the members of the Jidao organization at the time, they and the Kondo group were completely different people. Sougo Tama absolutely understood this, but he still put them in charge of the Kondo group. What is the intention? ?

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