Chapter 487

Private Toyosaki, rooftop.

The warm spring breeze blows slowly, with the warm sunshine and comfortable temperature, it is really a lazy atmosphere. Under this atmosphere, it is really suitable for salted fish who like to enjoy peaceful days. .

Why is such a peaceful time always ruined by others?

Doma Sougo looked at these guys in sportswear in front of him, and couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing.

These guys actually lied to him that they were classmates with him? What a joke, although he often formatted and deleted the less important same-sex looks, it was not important. After all, he remembered clearly that there is no physical education class in today’s class, so how come he has so many students in sports uniforms? …

So it’s a liar! It’s done, it didn’t run away!

If it wasn’t a liar, he would be on the spot…

“Student Tuma, do you want us to call Fujigami together…” Before Tuma Zougou let out his wild words in his heart, the leader couldn’t help saying.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

and many more!

Something is wrong…

Why do these swindlers even inquire about the small role like Fuji? Woo, could it be that…

Are these guys really his classmates? Speaking of it, the guy in front of you is indeed a bit familiar. Didn’t you delete it when formatting? No, no, it’s not the time to consider deleting and deleting. He just vowed that he “treats others with sincerity”, but in a blink of an eye he forgot the other party, it seems that it’s not very good.

What is the name of this somewhat impressed guy, An, what is An, An Dong or An Xi? It should not be Anzai. Coach Anzai is so famous. How could he forget that if it wasn’t Anzai, then it should be…

“Haha…” Doma Sougo seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up: “It was just a joke, a joke, an Italian joke, Anton, are you okay?”

“I am Anxi, Anxi Zhe!”

“An Dongzhe?” You also deserve the surname Anxi. I don’t know why, Sougo Tama suddenly remembered this sentence.

“It’s An Xizhe!”

“I understand Anton, I know Anton, then again, you really changed after putting on your clothes. If this is a guy who is unfamiliar with you, I will definitely not recognize you. If it weren’t for me, I always treat people with sincerity. Not sure…” In fact, what Tama Sougo actually wanted to express was the difference between sportswear and school uniforms.

The boys who came up for trouble: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

You are the only one you can’t recognize!

Moreover, what means that they put on clothes as if they changed themselves. Is this mocking them for waking up shirtless in the school atrium today? Others don’t know what happened, Tuma classmates don’t know what happened?

Perfect misunderstanding.

“Student Tuma, do you need to explain something to us about this morning?”

“I’m even more curious about this matter than you guys. In other words, how did you make yourself into that kind of virtue?” Tuma Zougou asked in confusion.

“Come on, if it wasn’t for you…”

“Is it related to me?” Sougo Tama pointed to himself without panic: “Can I still get all of you into the school?”

“This…” The guy who came up for trouble was a little shaken.

“Okay, then you tell us, why do we all go out together, only you are alright? By…” Some people were dissatisfied.

“Please translate, translate, what does it mean that I’m the only one okay?” But, before that person could finish speaking, Sougo Tama smiled and interrupted his words: “Please translate, what should happen to me? ”

The atmosphere became heavy.

For a long while.

Someone couldn’t help but said, “All the members who went out were shirtless and woke up in the atrium of the school. Student Tuma, where were you at that time?”

“Watching the excitement on the spot…” Sougo Tama was so honest.

“You!?” The virtue of honesty always makes others angry. As soon as Tōma Sougou’s voice fell, some people were unhappy on the spot…

It’s just that this unhappy guy is probably Xiao Transparent. Before he could say anything, the leader An Xizhe stretched out his hand to stop him from speaking. At the same time, he raised his head again and looked directly at Sougo Morama:

“Student Tuma, since everyone who went out together wakes up in the school atrium, why didn’t you go out with us?”

“I don’t have much interest in experiencing the training method of “Showa Boys”. In other words, you guys are really good at it! But…”

Boys who want to find the difference: “…”

God’s learning “Showa Boy”.

Why did they wake up at school without planting a tree in your heart?

and many more!

Could it be that–

Tu, Tu Jian, he believes the school’s broadcast! ?


Doesn’t this mean that Tuma students didn’t know about their gathering in the school atrium! ? That……

“Do you think I would say that?” I haven’t waited for these shocked people to find fault…


Toma Zou Wu has jumped from a place outside of Hua to the rooftop, and then walked to the few boys who wanted to find fault with full pressure: “What do you think, you perverts, I worked tirelessly to create it for everyone’s happiness. [Oolong Tea Research Society] What about you? You guys will set up perverted personalities for me one by one…

I don’t know. I thought that our [Oolong Tea Research Society] was a concentration camp where abnormalities gathered. If it was exposed, your reputation as the president of me would be ruined by you. For abnormalities, only apologize for it…”

The oppressive force of the first-sounding Tujian Zou Wu is too strong, and the students who originally came to find the fault feel a sense of being wrong. They keep backing away:

“Tu, Tuma, it’s too exaggerated…” The guy who was not happy just now sneered, shrinking to the end.

“You bastards, it’s already an honor for you to cut your belly. This kind of storm that may cause social death at any time is also due to you for doing it!” Tujian, unreasonable. Total realization.

“Then, that, didn’t the school help us to clarify…” Looking at Soma Sougou who is still smiling on his face, I don’t know why, An Xizhe broke out in a cold sweat.

“Clarification? Do you feel that the reason for experiencing the “Wind of Showa” can help you clarify and wash you off?” Tama Sougogo stepped forward again and increased his tone.

“This, this, in how to say it is also the official platform…” The boys who came to find the fault stepped back together, and the tone of their speech compared with Tujian Zougou, and it seemed that they were lacking in confidence.

“So, which idiot came up with the explanation, what’s even more ridiculous is that the school actually announced it…” Sougo Doma covered his forehead and said, “If this is something other people have reacted, I’ll tell you, it’s all over. , The kind that is useless for cutting abdomen!”

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