Chapter 485: A Man Is As Childish As A Child

Human beings are selfish creatures.

For example, if a plane crashes and only one person survives the entire flight, is this person lucky? Presumably, most people would think that this person is extremely lucky…

However, from a certain point of view, the “lucky guy” who survived this crash is actually the most unfortunate guy!

Not only the mental or physical traumatic sequelae left by the disaster will afflict this “lucky guy”…

What’s more frightening is that selfish humans tend to attribute irrelevant responsibilities to them. For example, some family members of the deceased will question them like this:

“Why didn’t you die?”

“Why do you survive?”

“Why don’t you tell them how you survived?”

“I’m just such a relative!”

“My son (daughter)…”

Now, what happened to Tama Sougo was quite similar to that of the plane crash. It was obviously a common gathering held by the community, but he was the only one who escaped the storm this morning.

This makes the family of the deceased…cough cough, how can the members not be full of resentment or even resentment for him?

Fortunately, the rest time between classes is always short. The boys who are full of resentment are still considering how to speak, so that the girls can first move their attention from Sougoto Tama…

After all, these guys are good fools, but they are not idiots. They really want to complain about the gloom in their hearts. Isn’t that the same as telling everyone, is there something tricky this morning?

Therefore, it is impossible to complain in front of everyone, and it is impossible to complain in this life…

As for how to answer, they have to think about it, but before they have finished their consideration, after a rush of “bells” rang, the girls who ate melons hurriedly returned to their seats, which made them just return to the classroom. The boys breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time gave them more time to discuss.

“What do we say over the earth…”

“Just say that guy is too weak…”

“What about the unbearable bitterness?”

“Didn’t that guy seduce Xia Zhiqiu as soon as he came? We can also tell others that the guy said that Xia Zhiqiu classmate likes him…”

“After Xia Zhiqiu heard this, he would definitely be very angry, maybe he just broke off with that guy…”

In this class, the boys communicated through LINE, and then reached a consensus-not only to find the trouble of Tuma Zougou, but also to belittle his reputation, it is best to break him up with Xia Zhiqiu…

Once a person has a vengeance, it is quite terrifying.

Fujigami Taku also made some rebuttals for Sougo Tama, but when he sent the message, he hesitated again. In the end, he deleted those rebuttals, and then he chose to sit back and watch. Change.

The time for a class soon passed.

Just after the class, five or six boys stared at each other and walked out of the classroom. The rest began to pour dirty water in front of everyone.

“In fact, we have contacted a fellow Tujian…”

“However, he seems to be unable to suffer from self-training…”

“After all, Tama-san looks like a weak one…”

Listening to these boys’ speeches, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth twitched: “…”

It’s tricky, definitely tricky! fragile! ? Are you sure this word can be used to describe that alien? That is the guy who can jump from the top of the teaching building without blinking his eyelids? It’s so weak…Do you have any misunderstandings?

Xuexia Xuena who also knew: “…”

What kind of image is that fool in the eyes of these guys, can’t help but feel weak? That fool gets serious…

Other girls: “…”

Is Tuma that weak? That’s right. Judging from his delicate appearance, he doesn’t seem to be good at physical exercise, but why do they think that Tuma students reject this kind of activity is a normal person’s choice?

“If that’s the case? Why did classmate Tujian say that he doesn’t know what you are doing…” also asked a careful girl.

“That’s because we just asked Tujian if he wanted to exercise, but he refused. What else? No, Xia Zhiqiu likes him…” After a class of discussion, The boys who had perfected the details for a long time replied without leaking, and at the same time, they poured a basin of dirty water over.

“Wow…” Hearing this answer, many girls shouted in unison, turning their eyes to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ( ̄︶ ̄)

Although she knew that these guys were talking nonsense, she was quite satisfied with this answer!

Edit, you guys will continue editing, it’s best if the guys who are coveting Zong Wu-kun all stop…

Yukino Yukino held the book tightly: “…”

The idiot who used to fight the whole world alone for her seemed to have found someone who could do everything for him, and that person was different from her, that person had always stood by her side.

Psychologically slightly lost.

Yukino Yukino shook his head and returned his attention to the book in his hand.

Just now.

“You, you guys talking nonsense…” Yazi Tamaki, who had been silent, stood up suddenly: “U, Sougo Tama is not a weak fellow, he, he is very, very, very strong…”

“Yu, classmate Yuzhi?” The boys who missed the Shura field didn’t know why the newly transferred goddess was so excited.

“Tu, I always understand him, when he was 15th level, he dared to single-handedly challenge the 30th-level BOSS strong, he, he is not a weak one…” Yuzhi Yazi gave an example!


Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What the hell is going to single out 30 BOSS at level 15? Why does it feel that what this guy is talking about is more and more like a small buried?

other people:”……”

Yazi, what are you talking about?

“Even if it’s official, ooh…” Yuzhi Yazi wanted to submit a new testimony again, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who noticed something, covered her mouth.

“Don’t listen to this guy’s nonsense, Sou-go-kun does seem to be’weak’…”

The other boys were overjoyed when they heard the words. Their plan of splashing dirty water seems to have succeeded. Xia Zhiqiu classmates are saying that the guy in Tujian looks very “weak”, does that mean…

Thinking of this, after the boys once again made eye contact, they all spoke:

“But it’s better for boys to be stronger, right…”

“If it looks too weak, you will feel insecure…”

“It’s a pity, as soon as classmate Tuma heard about exercise or something, he directly refused…”

“Xia Zhiqiu classmate should persuade Tujian classmate…”

“Will it be impossible to protect Xia Zhiqiu in the future? And…”

“Actually, Tuma is not good enough for Xiazhiqiu…”

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