Chapter 484

hero! ?

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth, and Xuexia had figured out exactly what she thought, and she actually used a hero to refer to Zongwujun’s sticky bastard!


Hero? ?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu thought of the first time Tama Sougo had met her. At that time, Sougo-kun didn’t know who Xia Shizi was, but spent countless efforts to write a high-quality book review of “The Metronome of Love” , And using this as a promotion, she became a best-selling author…

And Zongwu-jun who did this did not mention his own role at all. Instead, she attributed everything to the eldest lady of the tongue of God. If at that time, she did not happen to meet Zongwu-jun, then now, she might Everything is attributed to the eldest lady, for the Sougo-kun who really helped her…

Hero? Zongwujun, this idiot, really looks like an unsung hero who silently dedicated himself.

Thinking about the experience of Undead Chuan Bunko,

That Sougo-kun who pushed open the door of the little black house…

The hero who fell from the sky! ?

It’s really a very apt description, but…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth and whispered to Xuexia Xueno: “Even if it’s a hero, it’s just my hero!”

Hearing this, Yukino Yukino shook her head again. After a while, she said: “Indeed, he is the hero I have missed…”

To be honest, Xuexiaxuena made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu feel at a loss. She thought Xuexiaxue would provoke her a few words, but Xuexiaxuenao did not play the card according to common sense. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu hesitated for a while before speaking. road:

“What you missed is…”

“Don’t worry, let me just say that I am not the kind of person who will intervene in other people’s feelings…” Xuexiaxue said in a low voice.

“So, do you like Zongwujun?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is good at grasping the key points.

“I can’t talk about liking…” Xuexia Xuena shook his head: “It’s more guilt…”

“Guilty!?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little confused.

“For the time being, what can be said here is that I will never persuade you to leave that guy again in the future, and, again, for the prejudice I once held against Sougo Doma, I will say sorry again.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Weird, definitely weird!

What happened back then?

“You don’t have to apologize, and even if you want to apologize, you should tell Sougo-kun personally to this apology…”

“Aren’t you her girlfriend?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Heh, hehe…

Damn it, can she say it now? If she had said it, those fishy cats would definitely be here! Even Xuexia, who said that he would not interfere with other people’s feelings, might have done it. Forget it, let’s find out what happened in the first place.

“In fact, I want to know more than apologizing. You said you had a prejudice against Zongwu-jun before, so at the beginning…”

“The kid’s jokes…” Before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu could finish speaking, Yukino turned her head and said in a low voice, “You don’t need to care, I just figured it out clearly.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Now that you have figured it out clearly, why are you turning your face away? Moreover, you didn’t say that at the beginning!

“I remember you said that Sōgo-kun caused a big disturbance at that time…”

“This is a fact!” Yukino under Yukino clenched her fists. Even if it was for her to trigger the disturbance in Chiba Elementary School, she still wanted her methods to be gentle. This is Yukino under Yukino. Contradictions.


The boy used to fight the whole world with his own power for her, but…

Just as Xue is contradictory under the snow, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu tentatively said.

“Then, can you tell me in detail what happened?”

“It’s already in the past…”

“Keeping half of your speech and hiding the other half is the most commonly used tactic in love novels. Does Xuexia classmate want to learn from dog-blood novels?” Seeing Xuexia Xueno wanted to refuse, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu said aggressively.

Just as the two of them were communicating.

Ms. Song Qi started to trumpet the rainbow fart in the class.

“Ms. Song Qi, that’s a teacher who even the principal respects…”

“Yes, yes, we wouldn’t be able to make this determination if it weren’t for the leadership of Teacher Song Qi…”

“It is precisely because Ms. Songqi leads by example that we can persevere…”

“Although I got vomiting in the end…”

“But we feel very energetic!”

Listening to these Song Qi’s speeches, a group of girls look at me and I look at you. After a long while, someone said: “If that’s the case, why didn’t Tujian stay with you?”

The boys who had just returned to the class became silent at the same time: “…”

Yes, Tuma classmate! Summa Sougo! That guy obviously went to the clubhouse with them to spend and get drunk, so why did they sleep naked in the school atrium, but did the classmate Tuma, who is the president, have trouble?

This is not fair!

Besides, if they hadn’t been backed by Teacher Songqi, they would have been punished by the school. What’s more, these boys knew that even if they had the school to help explain, they would not be able to deceive others as long as they came back afterwards…

The evidence is that when they went to Mr. Kirsu’s office, the responsible Mr. Matsumu Kirsu told them, don’t think that the school broadcast can cover up this matter!

No one will be stupid forever…

Of course, after saying this, the commendation that should be sent to them is still sent. After all, Kirisu is just a teacher. She can’t twist her thigh. She can’t refute the decision made by the school… But even if other teachers say, loose Teacher Qi did bring these students to self-exercise. That’s right, Kirsu’s sixth sense also thinks this is a problem.

However, she who had just worked was light-hearted and could only warn these students while commending.

After this warning, the members did not miss anything under the leadership of Ms. Song Qi, but afterwards, since Mr. Kirisu can skip the school broadcast to see the truth, what about the others?

If other people react afterwards, then believers of blame, perverts or something, will be posted on them again.


They also have Teacher Song Qi…

Teacher Song Qi must be able to handle everything clean, he is an eternal god!

What’s more, Teacher Song Qi did not abandon them, but said to them: “First, solve today’s matter, and talk about the future matters later.”

When he said this, Mr. Song Qi’s face was very calm, as if everything was under his control, which made the members feel at ease. Mr. Song Qi, he must have a way to solve the current predicament!


No matter how Ms. Songqi has a way, it can’t be avoided that some people think too much.

Doma Sougou, the president of [Oolong Tea Research Society], gathered them in the name of guiding them, and then, when they were jumping around, they sat firmly on the Diaoyutai…

How does this leave those boys out of ideas?

Don’t say that Mr. Songqi was brought by classmates Tujian, if Mr. Songqi couldn’t hold it…

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