Chapter 468 Ghost of Daping, Ghost of Vice Chief, Ghost of——?

“Don’t think I’m telling lies. If you don’t believe me, I will immediately throw Ohira into Tokyo Bay. Under the stimulation of the sea, Ohira will surely be able to wake up, then break the rope by himself and climb out of Tokyo Bay! “In order to avoid other people’s unbelief, Sougo Morama who stabs onii-san’s back at any time suggested.

Doma Ohira: “…”

This Odoudou actually wants to drown him! ?

Tusuojuro, who has the same treatment with Doma Ohira: “…”

Sougo, don’t think I will believe your evil!

A middle-aged boss who thinks he is handsome: “…”

This is the so-called grievance of the rich, right? Damn it, if that’s the case, why did this guy bring so many people here? Wouldn’t everyone be happy if they succeeded in kidnapping?

The day Tomata Ohira was kidnapped was probably the worst day he has experienced in his life. Although it was a breathtaking life in general, it is difficult for him to reorganize the three views of his collapse as before. .

Odoudou, who is very lazy, is actually a master of kendo…

The composition of the Tuma family also includes an armed violence group…

Odoudou is burdened by more than he imagined with this Ouni sauce…

One after another doubts and thoughts surfaced in his heart, and Daping Duma looked a little muddled, even when the rope on his body was untied, he didn’t even notice it.


“Mr. Tufang, I’m not wrong, Daping must have been greatly stimulated. Seeing his unsaved appearance, he may leave some psychological shadow, and the guy who caused all this is the group behind him. Still, kill it!” The soil, full of killing intent, always enlightened.

The middle-aged boss who thinks he is handsome: (ㄒoㄒ)

Is the second young master of the Tujian family the sixth day demon king reincarnated, right? Killing people at every turn, this is just a child! Do you want to kill me so hard?

“Huh~!” Hearing the words, Tufang Shishiro took a puff of cigarette, and then nodded: “Indeed, Master Daping’s current state does seem to be problematic. You are right. These things caused Master Guilong’s sadness. Guys, they are all our enemies. Facing the enemy, we must cut the grass and root…

Yamazaki, give those guys a good time! ”

A middle-aged gangster who is full of pressure when he comes out: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, what is this so happy? He, doesn’t he just want to make a small profit? Moreover, with so many of them, kill them if they say they want to kill them? They are all lunatics! ? Who on earth said that the Tujian family is a nouveau riche, there is no background at all! ! !


Before the middle-aged boss could speak, Dahei Tuma, who was in a trance, was scared awake by giving them a happy sentence: -_-|||

He hadn’t noticed before that his home was so cruel, even his Odoudou was accustomed to such things, he was a good citizen! How can you watch this bloody incident happen in front of you? He has to stop…

“Wait, wait…I, I’m okay, these kidnappers haven’t had time to do anything to me, I just…”

“Huh~!” The middle-aged gangster with a cold sweat on his face breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the kidnapped young master was a man of sensible sense!

“Daping Nissan, I know that you are afraid of being ashamed in front of me, so I bit the bullet and said that I was okay. Don’t worry, I won’t laugh at you. Brother, you are unanimous. Those guys have created a psychological shadow on you. I will definitely not. Make them feel better, Yamazaki, don’t give them a good time when you start, take your time, and make them regret coming to this world…”

The middle-aged boss who just breathed a sigh of relief: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Why are you waiting! Sure enough, there is no such thing as a soft-hearted man!

Toma Ohira: -_-!

So what is this guy like being educated by his father! Dad, Dad…

Guilong Tuma, who doesn’t know anything about this, said: “I really want to educate this bastard, but I really can’t do it!”

“Sougo! Don’t misinterpret my words casually! I mean, I’m fine, except for being stunned, I haven’t suffered any harm!” Daping, who is still not used to life and death, shouted.

“Master Daping, are you sure you are not injured? Do you want to contact the ambulance for you?” Before Sougo Tuma spoke, Tubo Shiro went forward.

“I’m sure, sure, and sure, right, are you?” To Shiburo, Toma Ohira has a deja vu. He seems to have seen the earth somewhere, but the impression is too shallow.

“Under the Tujian family, the deputy head of the Kondo team, Tubo Shiro, has seen Master Dahei.” Except for Tubo Sougou, Tubo Shiro is very generous to the people in the Tubo family.

Tama Ohira: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

He guessed right, Dad really has his own violent armed group!

“That’s it, then always realize him…”

“Master Sougo…” Facing the inquiry of Tamata Dahei, Tukata Shiro hesitated. Although the Kondo group was a legal organization founded by Sougo, its nature determines that even if the Kondo group is legal, it is It will not be accepted by the public, if Sougo’s identity in the Kondo group is exposed at this time…

The heir of the Tujian clan can never be a member of the Jidao organization. Tubei Shiro knows this well. If Sogo wants to fight for the position of the heir of the Tujian family, then he will expose Sogou now, which will only let him be The eldest son Morama Ohira gets the handle of Sou Gou!

Although Turkishiro thinks that he is serving the role of Guilong Doma, and the inheritance rights are too far away from him, but people are close to each other. Compared with Dahei Morima, who has only met a few times by chance, Turkishiro is actually More inclined to Doma Sougo…

Therefore, when Doma Dahei asked Doma Sougo, Tubo Shiro hesitated.


“Eh, don’t you know, Dahei brother? Me, Sougo Tama, the captain of the Kondo Ichiban combat team!” Looking at the slightly hesitant Takuro Takuro, Sougo Tama didn’t care.

Tobe Shiro: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

He just struggled with a fart, always realizing that this guy is completely losing the character of inheritance!

Doira: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Odoudou actually joined the Jidao organization? Dad, what is he thinking! ! !


“It’s not dude, it’s O’Neill!” The younger brother and younger sister couldn’t control Ohira Tama and shouted again.

“Oni sauce has always been only one person, that’s me…” The Tamazonou, who is definitely not a sister, is not to be outdone!

Tusuo Shiro: -_-|||

Can a title be disputed? Sure enough, the only thing that can make Zong Wu care so much is Miss Xiao Bui!

“I will definitely let you call me Ernie-chan willingly…” Tsuchima Ohira swears.


“Don’t underestimate the ghost of Daping…” In order to give himself confidence, Tuma Daping decided to accept the nickname of the middle two, but unfortunately, he was only halfway through his words, and he listened to Tuma Zou Dao.

“Mr. Tufang, you really have a relationship with Daping Nissan. You are called the deputy chief of ghosts, and Daping Nissan is also called the Daping of ghosts…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Doma Ohira: “…”

“Deputy Chief of Ghost?”

“Ohira of the ghost?”

The two looked at each other, and then each became embarrassed. They had heard of the name bumping! But this is really the first time to hit the nickname!

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