Chapter 467 The Past of Tuma Sou Enlightenment and Tuma Dahei (3)

Art comes from life——

When a gentle-looking middle-aged man with scorn on his face walked out from behind these black-clothed men, Sougo Tama had a deep understanding of this sentence and kindly reminded:

“Who, nowadays, even third-rate Jidao movies rarely have this kind of silly X appearance. The guy who helped you design this set of actions is obviously unconcerned. Is this, you have been cheated?”

Doma Ohira: “…”


Why is the focus of your own oudoudou so weird?

A middle-aged boss who thinks he is very handsome on the stage: -_-|||

Embarrassing, embarrassing…

Shouldn’t you ask who he is at this time? Is there any purpose in kidnapping Morama Ohira? Is this guy in front of me too hearted? The most important thing is, is this way of playing really silly X! ? Don’t BOSS all appear like this? It’s so handsome in the movie…

“No one still thinks that this way of playing is very handsome, right? No?” Tuma, warm-hearted, Sougo.

The middle-aged boss who thinks he is handsome: “…”

A crowd of brawny men in black: “…”

Looking back carefully, the boss’s way of playing is really stupid.

Dahira: -_-|||-_-|||

Sougo even talked about this guy? The other party is the prisoner who kidnapped him! If it weren’t for his hands and feet tied up and his mouth sealed with tape, he would have to ask Sougo what the stupid Odoudou wanted to do!

After letting go, Doma Zougou, who was just looking for fun, said this – of course it was because that guy was too pretending to be on the stage. He just made a comment. Unexpectedly, it would make people unable to get off the stage and have poor psychological quality. This is definitely the worst Jidao he has ever seen!

In an awkward atmosphere, the middle-aged gentleman, who was suspected of being a big man, was the first to be uncomfortable. He coughed twice first:


After alleviating the embarrassment, he said coldly: “The second young master of the Tujian family, he can fight, but how can he fight, facing guns…”

Only halfway through the conversation, the middle-aged Sven closed his mouth, because a certain familiar touch had reached the back of his head, it was the firearm he was talking about!

“Excuse me, facing the gun, what’s wrong?” Looking at the familiar figure behind the other party, Tama Sougo asked gently again.

Middle-aged boss: “…”

Faced with guns, of course, he was like him. Didn’t he even dare to turn his head without seeing that he had already raised his hands and held his head?

This is completely planted!

Look at his subordinates, all of them squatting on the ground with their heads in their heads, all of them honest.

Good citizen Morama Ohira: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Really, it’s really a gun, a gun! And all of them are submachine guns. What about filming? Doesn’t it mean that the domestic gun ban is very strict? Damn it, those hypocritical politicians lied again, and, after all, this guy didn’t figure out the situation. These guys later are obviously not easy to provoke, why do they have to provoke them? Is he just coming out of the wolf’s den and entering the tiger’s den again?

Moreover, this time in the tiger’s lair, he was also burdened with Zou Gou’s Odoudou, and he doesn’t know if Zou Gou has called the police, unfortunately…

At the same time Doping sighed.

“Huh…” The guy holding the gun against the middle-aged boss spit out his smoke: “Faced with guns, of course you have to use guns to fight back. Sougo, do you want to say that?”

“Mr. Tufang, I’m asking this old man who seems to have a lot of life experience. You are a rush to answer like this…”

“The answer is better than you, a fellow!” Tukata Shiro looked very excited, and almost squeezed his hand holding the trigger.

A certain middle-aged boss on the verge of death: “…”

You two are noisy, don’t get excited, be careful of fire!

Good citizen Morama Ohira: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

He is actually the horror who followed behind?

Sougo, how many things did this guy do without hiding from his family? Dad would have to be angry if he knew it!

A crowd of brawny men in black: “…”

Who told them that the Tujian family was an explosive household? There was no background. If the young master who kidnapped them would definitely be tied up, as long as the kidnapping was successful, he could make a fortune without worrying about retaliation.

This f*ck kidnapping is a successful kidnapping, but there is no background, don’t worry about revenge…

The gunners are blocked by the water, and they are all long guys in their hands. This also means that they have no background? So what are the ten shorts in their hands?

Fortunately, they had time to tease the tied master. Shouldn’t they be guilty of death? should……

While these strong men were rejoicing, Tuma Zougou put away the wooden sword while saying: “Well~! It’s not a rush, but you are too slow…”

“Asshole, if something happens to you, Master Guilong…”

“It’s just a bunch of unpopular goods, I have a sense of measure, and if Daping is injured, the old man will…”

Ohira, a good citizen: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Gui, Lord Guilong? Are these people Dad’s people? Dad and Odoudou, how many things are hiding from him!

Suspect the Domata Dahei in life.

at the same time.

“Ha, ha ha…” Tukata Shiro, who reacted to something, began to laugh awkwardly, and then: “Sougo, Master Daping was not injured, right?”

What should I do if he offends his boss’s son without a word? Waiting online, very anxious!

“I don’t know. Anyway, Daping Nissan was already lying there after I came here. He didn’t speak and didn’t ask for help. He probably suffered some brutal beatings, so he hasn’t woken up yet.”

“Huh~!” Hearing this, Shibuchiro sighed in relief: “Are you unconscious due to injury?”

Great, the boss’ son didn’t hear him, so there’s no need to answer!

“These damn bastards, dare to do something to Master Daping, and beat Master Daping…” The more he talked about it, the more excited he became, and then…


The middle-aged gangster who was hit by a gun at the back of his head wanted to cry-didn’t these two guys see the current appearance of Dahei Tama? His hands and feet are tied up, and there is tape on his mouth. Can he speak for help?

“Mr. Tufang, it’s too insincere with his fists. Assaulting the young master of the Tujian family, you have to kill him if you say it…” Tujia is good at persuading others.

“Wait, wait…” The middle-aged elder who behaved unusually attentively after he was held back by the head with a gun, finally broke his gong. One shot, where would he go to reason?

“We didn’t do it, we didn’t do it…”

“Lying, we are all here, but Daping still doesn’t ask for help or speak. Obviously, he must have been bullied to faint by you!”

The still simple Tubo Shiro nodded subconsciously.

“Second Young Master, didn’t you notice that Young Master was tied up? And the tape on his mouth…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Nonsense, for generations to come, our Tujian family are not afraid of being tied up. Even if our hands and feet are tied up, even if our mouth is sealed, we can break free with our own strength. If Daping wakes up, he would have broken the rope by himself. Tear off the tape…” I would never admit that I hadn’t observed Dahei Tomama’s Sougo Doma with a plausible expression:

Doira: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Does the Tujian family still have this brutal skill? Break the rope? But he really can’t do it!

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