Chapter 459 Motivation

Regardless of Hiratsuka’s carefree appearance, when she really wants to encounter things, she has extraordinary care and observation and reasoning ability.

Turning on the cell phone, Shizuka Hiratsuka called out the news that happened today in Toyonosaki.

She carefully observed the pictures.

Teacher Song Qi…

Fujigami Takuya…

Masao Oshima…

In the picture, every figure that appeared made Hiratsuka quite impressed, and these impressions seemed to remind Hiratsuka of something, she quickly turned over her desk, and after a while, she found Sougo Domama once. The club invitation form handed to her, scroll down the invitation form, it is the basic personal information of the members of the club…

After comparing the list one by one, Shizuka couldn’t help covering her forehead. As expected, the people in the picture were actually members of the [Oolong Tea Research Society] founded by Sou Goto Tsuchina. what!

What happened today is bound to have something to do with Sougo Tuma. What on earth does that guy want to do! ?

Obviously, after observing for so long, she thought that Sougo Doma would have no big problem except that he didn’t like to study and skipped classes. Even Hiratsuka saw that Sougo Doma insisted on the absolute correctness of Yukiyuki. Snow is much more normal.

Because absolute correctness itself is a false proposition, how can there be absolutely correct things in this world? Yukino who adheres to this philosophy looks dazzling and gentle, but Shizuka Hiratsuka doesn’t want to see Yukino like this. After all, the world is neither so gentle nor correct.

As far as Shizuka Hiratsuka’s observations are concerned, Sougo Tama and Yukoshita are perfect. He is neither gentle nor correct, but he is a guy who has lived out himself, and he is also a winner in life…

In the class, it seems that everyone can talk to Doma Sougo. He can perfectly fit into any small circle without being excluded. More importantly, Doma Sougo is that fellow, little At his age, he actually has a girlfriend! If it wasn’t for this guy to be his own student, Hiratsuka would want to become the FF team…

The ashes were all raised by Tujian Zongwu and that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!

The most annoying thing was that, according to the news that Shizuka Hiratsuka had inquired about, Tama Sougou had only transferred to school within two days before taking down that Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

This speed… The Flash?

Why is it so simple for others to get happiness, and she has no boyfriend in her 30s? Damn it!


Skip these not to mention.

Since Tuma Zougou behaved so normal, even excellent, why on earth did he do such a frenzied thing? Obviously it is already the envy of everyone, what on earth does that guy want to do?

That’s right, Hiratsuka has begun to determine that this incident is definitely related to Sou Goto Tama.

The cause is a sentence Tama Sougo said to her: “Sorry, I forgot that Hiratsuka-sensei is also a woman, and our club refuses all women to join…”

At that time, Hiratsuka almost died quietly, what does it mean to forget that she is also a woman? Is this guy blind, even if blind dates always fail, but how does she say she is a beautiful woman like a flower? In this regard, Hiratsuka was originally very confident, but before a serious look of Sougo Morama, Hiratsuka doubted his life for the first time.


That sentence was not a big deal at first, but in light of the events that happened today, Hiratsuka surmised that Sougo Tama had premeditated at that time. Otherwise, how could he refuse women to join the club?

After all, once a female student participated in what happened this morning, it was really a big deal. If it was an accident that attracted the attention of people from all walks of life, then under the investigation of various parties, what Tama Sougo did. Because it will inevitably be exposed, I am afraid that even the Tujian family will not be able to keep that guy.

If it’s just a boy–

Everyone has seen it fresh, and within a few days, the heat of this incident will naturally fade away. After all, there are more boys dressed up like this on the beach…

It’s just that this incident once again proved that the words Tama Sougou once said were indeed not a lie. He really didn’t treat her Shizuka Shizuka as a woman in order to be in the original place of the club, thinking Invite her to serve as an instructor, if you treat her as a woman, how could the premeditated Doma Sougo invite her!

Thinking of this, Hiratsuka wanted to give Sougo Doma two punches fiercely.

Looking at the fate of the teacher Songqi who replaced her…

Hiratsuka’s desire to beat people grew stronger.

At this time, Shizuka Hiratsuka’s doubts were, what method did Sougo Doma use to get the people in the entire community, including the instructor, to make this kind of news today, and why did Sougo Doma make this kind of news? thing!

When class was over with full of doubts, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked out of the office with the personal information sheets of the members of the society, and rushed to the class. Coincidentally, Yukino Yukoshita had just escaped from the classroom at this time. .

“All the participants are members of Sougo Doma’s society?” After listening to Shizuka Hiratsuka’s account, Yukino Yukoshita also found the problem: “Sure enough, this matter cannot be separated from Sougo Doma. relation.”

“I can think so for the time being, but I still don’t understand why that bastard Doma did such a thing?” Hiratsuka gritted her teeth, but she was almost fooled into becoming a teacher!

“Teacher Hiratsuka, you can’t use common sense to infer the thoughts of a scumbag…” In line with his own speculation, Yukino Yukino felt relieved, but she couldn’t help her tongue.

“Xuno, when everyone decides what to do, they have a motive…” Hiratsuka explained, always feeling that as long as it involves Sou Gouto Mokuma, Yukino’s whole person has changed.

“That Doma Sougou is absolutely an exception, or he is not a human being at all…”

“Xuno, are you too deep in your prejudice against Doma Sougo?” Looking at Yukino’s confident face, Hiratsuka quietly suppressed the anger towards Doma Sougo, and asked patiently.

“Ms. Hiratsuka, have you really learned about the past of Sougo Tama?” Yukino Yukoshita did not argue, but looked at Hiratsuka quietly with a calm expression.

“you mean?”

“One person has a mental disorder, dozens or hundreds of people need psychotherapy, more than seven teachers have died socially, and a famous elementary school disappeared. This is just what the guy did when he was in elementary school…” Xuexia Xuena was expressionless. Said.

“Chiba Jinwu Elementary School incident?” Hiratsuka Shizuka finally became serious.

“Teacher Hiratsuka also knows?”

“As a teacher who is committed to the education industry, even though he was in school at the time, he kept paying attention to that incident. It was also that incident that made me realize that as a teacher, if you can’t be a role model for the students, it will do much harm. ……” Hiratsuka nodded quietly.

Here, she even more calmly stated that she was in school a few years ago, and she is not a middle-aged woman!

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