Chapter 458

Shizuka Hiratsuka was very happy when she woke up today.

The rented apartment was taken care of by the housekeeping arranged by Sougo Doma. The girl’s high school student named Aoyama Qikai is really powerful!

When Aoyama Nanami first came, Shizuka still felt ashamed to see people, what a high school girl can do well, she, a teacher…

Too incompetent!

No wonder she always fails on blind dates, and Hiratsuka wanted to cry at the time.


Aoyama Qikai is an optimistic, cheerful, and considerate girl. After having a conversation, Hiratsuka Shizuka and Aoyama Qikai have become more and more able to talk.

Why is this girl not her own student?

After helping to carry the trash out together, Shizuka thought with regret.

Hardworking, down-to-earth, able to endure hardships, have their own dreams, and are willing to work hard for their own dreams-what a youth! Hiratsuka wanted to shout at the time.

Looking at Qikai Aoyama, Hiratsuka quietly thought about his student——Yuno Xingxia, the sister-in-law, had a psychological problem, but still did not admit it, Yukino under the snow was bullied by Yang Nao to a psychological problem, Xia Zhi Qiu Shiyu, sleep or sleep in class, if she didn’t sleep in class, she…

Shiina is really white, and Shizuka’s mouth twitches. If there is a ranking of the students who are least willing to face, Shizuka will definitely vote for her. This girl who lacks common sense can always use some questions to make Hiratsuka difficult. Live, but after hearing about Zhenbai’s past, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt sorry for Zhenbai again…

Yuzhi Azi;


Doma Sougo…

The names of the students slid through Hiratsuka’s mind. After comparing one by one, Hiratsuka sighed. Compared with this girl who desperately pursued her dream, her student was indeed a little worse.

It’s not that the difference lies in the performance, but the difference in the pursuit of the future and dreams, especially Soma Sougou…

Looking at the hard work of Aoyama Qikai, Hiratsuka Shizuka really wanted to hand over Tuma Zougou, and then pointed at him and asked, look at the other Aoyama Qikai, looking at you, if it weren’t for Tuma Guilong, what would you be? If you two change roles, can you do the same thing as Qingshan?

Of course, Shizuka also thought about it in her heart. She was also quite helpless for Sougo Doma. As for the other students…

Hiratsuka has a hunch that their youth story is definitely problematic!

At the same time that Shizuka Shizuka was thinking about it, Shizuka Aoyama, who often worked out of part-time training, brought the topic to the teacher with a sense of words and colors. After hearing about the high water Chihiro Chihiro, Shizuka was particularly at ease. It turned out that the blind date was. On the way, she still has seniors!

Think about what Doma Sougo once said to her: “Teacher Hiratsuka, this is not your fault, it is the fault of this country, the prevalence of male chauvinism… My Nissan, Doma Ohira would not… ”

Combine examples.

Shizuka Hiratsuka affirmed Sougo Morama’s words in her heart. That’s right, she didn’t marry herself on a blind date for so long. It must not be her fault. It was because of this country and because she didn’t meet the right person! Ohira Toma…

Hiratsuka’s expectation for Ohira Doma increases by one.

In this expectation, Aoyama Nanami seemed to have cleaned up and looked at the apartment just like when she moved in, Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Student Qingshan, you are so good, the teacher lost!

In order to compete with Aoyama Seven Seas again, and to fund the dream-catching journey of Aoyama Seven Seas, Hiratsuka silently left her contact information-this is definitely not because Hiratsuka is lazy, the woman lacks strength, and does not clean. What? She just wanted to use her own way to support the dream journey of Qingshan Qihai.

“The guy from the Tujian family will enjoy it. The money is worth it!” Seeing the apartment that looked like a new one, Shizuka was very proud of her. Who said she was not enough for a woman? stand out! stand out!

Look, how clean she cleaned the apartment by herself…

The so-called good wife and loving mother refers to her Shizuka Hiratsuka, right? Ha ha……

This thought continued until Shizuka Hiratsuka went to work, and when she first walked into the office, she heard the teachers talking.

“Ms. Song Qi is really bold enough. Has anyone in your class participated?”

“There are five in our class…” a teacher said irritably.

“That’s not too small…” said a teacher.

“Less? I’m almost dying of a headache now, if the Parent Committee investigates…”

“Why did this happen?” Before the teacher could finish speaking, someone looked at the ceiling and asked.

Seeing this piece of sorrow, Hiratsuka Shizuka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What did she miss?

“Teacher Hiratsuka, you are here, how many people are involved in your class this morning?” Someone spoke before Hiratsuka could ask.

“What are you talking about?” Hiratsuka looked dumbfounded and quiet.

“Does Mr. Hiratsuka still know what happened this morning?” someone asked.

“It’s no wonder that Mr. Hiratsuka just came to work, and even if something happened, she wouldn’t be involved…”

“But Mr. Tongsu is in a miserable situation. Although she has just joined the job, as a class advisor, she is more or less responsible for today’s affairs.”

“Aren’t we the same? Those guys used to be our students more or less, if Song Qi…”

“Damn it, blame Songqi that bastard!”

Seeing the teacher who complained in front of him, Shizuka Hiratsuka wondered: “So what happened this morning?” And, why does that teacher Matsuki sound so familiar?

As soon as the voice fell, someone handed his cell phone and said, “Teacher Hiratsuka, it’s not easy to elaborate on this matter, you can see for yourself…”

Hiratsuka nodded to express her gratitude. After reading the content on the phone, she fell silent.

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Is this so noisy? Dozens of male students who only wear a month and a half woke up in the atrium of the school, but the leader is the teacher Song Qi? Let alone famous schools, this kind of thing can’t happen even in ordinary colleges and universities! People want faces…

“Are you kidding me?” Hiratsuka Shizuka doubted his life.

“We also hope that this is someone else teasing us…” the other teachers said, covering their faces.

“How did this happen?” Seeing the teachers who doubted each other’s life in front of them, Shizuka’s mouth twitched. If this thing is true, does it mean that she really shouldn’t change her job Come to Toyonosaki and destroy the Three Views!

“do not know……”

“It is said that most of these students do not have any intersections…”

“A few other students are of different grades…”

“Each have different societies…”

Hearing these remarks, Shizuka Hiratsuka became more and more surprised. If so, the only explanation is that the students involved were organized by the teacher named Song Qi…

Here comes the problem!

Who is Teacher Song Qi? Hiratsuka thinks this name is familiar!

Song Qi, Song Qi…

and many more!

Isn’t this the club instructor invited by Tama Sougo?

Shizuka reacted!

She seemed to realize something…

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