Chapter 456-Asura Field (Fog)

“I don’t know…” Yukoshita Yukino, who insisted on being absolutely correct, lowered his head and left the classroom as if to escape.

Before the girls showed disappointed expressions, Xia Zhiqiu, with a black belly, Shi Yu was online.

“Actually, I know what’s going on…”

Fujie Takuya’s girlfriend Yoko couldn’t help being the first to say:

“Does Xiazhiqiu-classmate really know? Tuma-classmate, he…”

“Yoko, don’t worry, she must know the inside story of the relationship between Kasumigaoka and Tuma…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ^_^

Zongwujun’s relationship with her, I didn’t expect the classmates to talk unexpectedly, so if you do, just talk more.

“In fact, what happened this morning has nothing to do with Sougo-kun. He only learned that this happened when he arrived at school today. He had just transferred to school and even thought that this was Toyonosaki’s custom…”

Girls: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What school will have this strange custom?

However, it really has nothing to do with the Tujian classmates. Does that mean that the group of perverted boys are really rejecting the Tujian classmates. Although this kind of rejection seems to be a good thing, rejection is rejection!

Damn it, that group of boys is too much. On the surface, they pretend to be a lot like Tuma, but for group actions or something, Tuma must be excluded. Tuma must be very injured now, Xia Zhiqiu. He didn’t take the opportunity to comfort him, I really hope they break up soon!

Of course, some people disagree.

“Impossible! Takuya-kun admired Tuma the most. He would mention Tuma-kun every time he chats with me. If this happens, it is absolutely impossible for Takuya-kun not to contact Tuma…”

“Actually, Sougo-kun really didn’t know that such a thing would happen today…” Before Yoko could finish her words, Shiyu Kasugaoka said with her hands spread out.

“I don’t believe it. If this matter has nothing to do with Tuma, then why did Yuksoshita say that to you just now?” Yoko also has his own reasons.

“Hey…” Xia Zhiqiu, black belly, Shiyu sighed on the surface, but secretly said in her heart: “Finally asked the question, it’s great, Xuexiaxuno, I think you will have more in the future. There is no face to observe Zong Wujun, wanting to talk to my old lady…cough cough, this girl grabs a man, no way!”

Thinking like this in her heart, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said in her mouth: “The answer is very simple. Xuexia classmate likes Zongwujun and wants to attract his attention.”

A crowd of girls: “…”


Did they hear something shocking?

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, aren’t you and classmate Tujian a lover?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ^_^

That’s right, in the eyes of others, she and Zongwujun are a perfect pair. Who would let Zongwujun use her as an excuse to fool others…

You can’t laugh, you can’t laugh, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, you have to hold back, now the most important thing is to prevent the guy under Xuexia from using the handle as an excuse to stare at Zongwu-jun openly every day!

“There is a saying from the Heavenly Dynasty that as long as the hoe is well dug, there are no corners that can’t be dug down? Are there fewer couples breaking up? Hey…”

Just as Kasumigaoka Shiwa was speaking, Shiina Mashiro suddenly turned his head back: “What is a couple?”

“A couple is someone who will stay together for the rest of their lives…” a kind man explained to Shiina.

“Are Shiba and Sogo a couple?” Shiina asked again.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

There is also the little trouble of Zhenbai. If she admits it now, then Zhenbai tells Zongwujun, that guy may be proud of it, and even tease her with this.


“It is said that Tujian and Xiazhiqiu were together as soon as they turned around. They are a couple, really white…” Fortunately, there was another kind person to help out at this time.

“Impossible…” The kind-hearted person didn’t finish his words, and Yako Tamaki, who appeared to be a lady as soon as he turned around, suddenly stood up: “U, M, R, that’s not right, Tuma classmates can’t…”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What kind of coax did this guy follow?

and many more!

Don’t U, M, R just bury that girl? What does it have to do with Sou-go-kun?

At the same time she was shocked, Yuzhi Yazi was also carefully observing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

The same black is long and straight, Yuzhi Yazi is silent!

Appearance, Yuzhi Yazi was silent again, she can only say one thing with her own scumbag attributes-each has its own merits, it is impossible to overwhelm each other with this!

Then there is Yuexue, Yuzhi Yazi fell to the ground: (ㄒoㄒ)

Why? Why is there not much difference in the Ministry of Sorrow of the Moon! ?

“U… Is it because of you, Tuma-classmate rejected Ako?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Did she hear something big?

The girls present were suddenly in high spirits: (☆▽☆)

What is a big melon? This is what a big melon is! Unexpectedly, Yuzhi, who just transferred, once confessed to Tuma, but was rejected…

Moreover, in terms of their observations over the past few days, although Yuzhi has always had the habit of peeking at Tujian, she has confessed to Tujian at all…

In other words, Yuzhi confessed before the transfer. Doesn’t it mean that after Yuzhi confessed and was rejected, he transferred to school and chased her husband bravely. Therefore, Yuzhi transferred to Toyonosaki for the sake of Tama. .

In addition to what Xia Zhiqiu just said, Xuexia likes Tuma, this, this…

Classmates Tujian are not like light novel heroes, why do they have the urge to eat melons and watch the show?

Before these people who ate melons were addicted to their feet, Shiina Mashiro, who was sitting aside, also spoke:

“Shiyu, can you teach Zhenbai how to dig a hoe…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (?_?)

“It’s really white, why are you learning to dig a hoe?”

“Digging the corner…” Shiina was really white, with a serious face.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Really white, you don’t want me to teach you how to dig your own corner, do you? Bah, although it’s not yet…

Some girls present: “…”

Really white, you are awesome, you did what we wanted to do but didn’t dare to do, and also said something we wanted to say but dare not say…

“You, you…” Yuzhi Yazi was also shocked at the moment: “It’s really white, you can’t do this!”

Girls: “…”

Unexpectedly, Yazi’s three views are quite right.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

For the sake of what you said, I won’t bother you!

“Why?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“Azi will dig the corner of the wall, it’s really white, don’t forget, I will help you…”

Girls: -_-|||

Please ignore what they just thought.

Kasumigaoka Shiba: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

The corner of the old lady hasn’t been repaired yet, so you are all worried about it?

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