Chapter 455 Investigation? I think it’s chasing men!

Just when Ms. Matsuki and Principal Yamamoto had a “fierce” “fight” and won the admiration of a group of members.

Private Toyosaki, the entire second-year group of high school has an atmosphere of rain and wind.

Among them, Sougo Doma is in the most serious class. After all, he has only one boy in the entire class, which makes Sougo Doma feel like an emperor touring the harem.

Of course, if Xuexia Xuena stared at him with no vigilant eyes…

If Shiina Shiro didn’t show a pair, and I obviously didn’t do anything, why are so many faces missing…

Unparalleled drawing talent, coupled with unremitting efforts, will produce any chemical effects-that is far beyond the painting skills of peers, or in other words, the gap that allows peers to never see the end, this is Shiina’s harvest. one.

Another gain of True White is based on the foundation of the first gain. When facing an opponent that can never be surpassed no matter how hard they work, people are initially anxious, followed by despair, and finally fled— -Escape is shameful, but useful!

Zhenbai had experienced the scene where students in the studio left one after another. Therefore, when she realized that there were a lot less people in the classroom, she was a little sad and a little uneasy–Zongwu, would she leave like these students?

If Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu doesn’t have to look at him with a confused expression in confusion…

The confusion of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu——The boys who did that kind of thing were in the same class as her?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s doubts-will the morning matter involve Sou-go-kun? She remembers that Zongwu-jun’s popularity has always been very good…

If Mr. Kirisu’s face does not ignite raging with anger, he has made several mistakes with his knowledge…

If Yako Tamaki…

In short, if there are not so many ifs, this feeling of being surrounded by crowds is really enough-boring!

No way, when there is only one boy in the entire class, Tuma always realizes that it is a bit redundant, cough cough… The feeling of standing out from the crowd, and what makes him feel tired is that the whole class will always look at him at all times. Sweeping over his body makes him want to sleep early and feel uneasy…

As the only boy in the class who “survived”, Sougo Doma is burdened by his age and should not be burdened!

Some girls think this is a collective abnormal activity by boys, but don’t know why, Sougo Tama was excluded. Of course, this kind of activity is excluded, which is probably a good thing. However, being excluded means being rejected. Isolation, will he feel sad for Tuma…

This gave a slightly concerned look.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Ha ha!

Some girls think that as a boy, Tujian is generally aware of the incident. Why do boys do such abnormal collective activities? I really want to know…

This is a slightly questioning look.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

No matter which country, it can’t stop the rise of the gossip party!

Under these gazes, Doma Sougou felt like he was placed in front of the stage. He was very awkward to do any small movements. He was stared at every move and every move. At the same time he felt a little irritable, but at the same time, he was only bored. …

Hurry up and dismiss class!

“Ring Ling Ling…”

After Tama Zou was so bored that he read the textbook twice, the melodious class bell finally rang, and he got up, this kind of course that was watched by many eyes, whoever fell in love with whom, he first fled. Respectfully……

But before he walked out of the classroom, there was a cold voice.

“Toroma Sougou, let me just ask, do you like to play with others so much? If I’m not mistaken, this incident is just the beginning…” Yukino Yukino was determined.

“It’s not me, don’t talk nonsense, don’t spread rumors!” If there are other things, Sougenzu will recognize it, but this incident, as a perfect Oni sauce, how can it be a pervert? What’s more, there is Shiyu…So, before Yukoshita Yukino could finish speaking, Tuma Zougou interrupted three consecutive times with a calm expression of denial.

“It turns out that you would only dare to do it but not recognize it!” Xuexiaxue was disdainful.

“Do you have evidence? Or do you only slander…”

“You… Doma Sougo, I will definitely investigate and grab your handle by myself…”

“Then I’ll be looking forward to it…” Sougo Tama waved his hand after speaking, and left the classroom.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth. What the hell is going on with Xuexia Xuena, not to mention the excuse that she used to seize the handle of Zongwu every day, staring at Zongwujun, now more Too much, she wanted to forcibly associate what happened this morning with Zongwujun, and also used this as an excuse to investigate Zongwujun.

survey? How does she want to investigate? Could it be to inquire about Sou-go-kun’s hobbies?

Is this f*ck grabbing the handle? Still want to chase men?

“Student Xuexia seems to believe that what happened today is related to Sougo-kun?”

“Classmate Xia Zhiqiu, I would advise you to stay away from that guy…” Xuexia Xuena is still thinking about others, if the tone is not so rigid.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

Is my mother far away so that you can get closer? dream!

“Student Xuexia didn’t seem to answer my question yet, so you are so sure that today’s matter has something to do with Sougo-kun?”

“Is not it?”


“The whole class of boys participated in it, and he was the only one who missed it. Although I don’t know why that guy left such a flaw, this is a suspicious point!”

The dispute between the two attracted the attention of the girls.

“Xia Zhiqiu, Xuexia, is it true that what happened to Tuma this morning?” Finally, someone couldn’t help asking.

“Student Yukinoshita, do you know any inside information? Tama-san, he…”


Especially Fujigami Takuya’s girlfriend Yoko is most concerned: “Yukishita, why did he do this? Takuya-kun has always admired Doma…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

She wanted to tell these girls, yes, yes, this matter is mostly related to Sougo Tuma, but she has no evidence, she insists on the right, she will not use a slanderous way to evaluate a person in public, even Tu Jian Sougo, she just confronted it in private…

As for why Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard about it, Yukino under Xuexia just wanted to say that because of the relationship between the soil, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had been with her many times. While observing the Tujia Zongwu, she also had to deal with Xia. Zhiqiu Shiyu’s harassment made her heart tired. Besides, this person knew her attitude from the beginning, and she didn’t need to hide it…

Of course, Yukino Yukino also has her own careful thoughts. If Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wakes up because of her prompt, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu understands what kind of scumbag Tujian Zou Wu is, maybe, this black-bellied transitioner The girl will be with her…

Even if the two don’t help each other, that’s great. Although fighting each other with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, although they are eloquent, they are tired!

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