Chapter 446 Teacher Song Qi has a righteous face

“I’m very sorry, because of our negligence…” As Matsuki expected, Yamazaki Reti apologized: “As a result, we may not be able to finish drinking together for everyone…”

Teacher Song Qi: (⊙ˍ⊙)

He, he, he guessed right! ?

Wait, what the hell could it be?

He has to make the possibility certain!

Song Qi was thinking about it, and Yamazaki retired and continued:

“If the teacher can guarantee the safety of these children, then this card will serve as a gift for the Kondo team…”

“As a teacher, it is my duty to ensure the safety of students…” After receiving the bank card, Mr. Song Qi said with righteousness.

Today is indeed his lucky day!

Not only did I taste what it was like to taste the high-end wine that I might never have the chance to taste in my life, but I could get 8 million, 8 million afterwards…

“…” Looking at the upright teacher Song Qi after receiving the card, Yamazaki was a little speechless when he retired, talent! Is this the difference between reading and not reading?

Had it not been for the purpose of quickly going back to investigate the information that the deputy chief had asked him to cut his belly, Yamazaki would have wanted to defeat the guy in front of him as a teacher.

“Ahem…Well, although we can’t send you back safely, but here you can still help teachers and all of you contact the hotel staff. As long as you add a little service fee, you can make the kids safe…”

Before Yamazaki could finish speaking, Ms. Song Qi was on fire at that time!

Is he someone who cares about service fees?

Obviously, no!

What he cares about is the money for these students to stay in five-star hotels! If the card is not in his hand, Mr. Songqi feels distressed. After the card falls in his hand, Mr. Songqi feels pain…

five star hotel? This is all his money!

bribery? If it doesn’t exist, how can members of Jidao bribe the teacher? The most important thing is that there is no need for the Kondo team!

These Fukuzawa Yukichi fell into his hands, who would dare to say?

As for these students…

five star hotel?

Beautiful them! Doesn’t it smell good to sleep here waiting for the wine to wake him up?

Someone asked him Songqi and said that he took the students to the group building tour to see who has the opinion!

Will these students have ideas? Even more not, in a high-end clubhouse, waiting for drunkenness, this kind of life of drunkenness, dreams and death, how many people want to ask for it, but can’t get it?

Five-star hotel, forget it. If you spend tens of thousands of yen a night, even if you wake up, these students won’t enjoy it. The proof is that he won’t even Songqi!

What’s more, just a group of students, what qualifications to enjoy the services of a five-star hotel? It’s better to leave this unexpected fortune to him. Then when he goes on a blind date, he can take his wife to the Yuanyue Resort to be chic — one hundred thousand yen a day, I don’t believe those women are not on the hook!

Thinking of this, Teacher Song Qi’s face was full of stern expression:

“No need, Captain Yamazaki, are you underestimating our consciousness?”

Yamazaki Retreat: (¬_¬)

From the moment you quickly receive the card, your consciousness is gone.

“I just made a suggestion…”

“Captain Yamazaki, don’t underestimate my students, even if they don’t have other help, they can stand up on their own and walk on…” Ms. Song Qi’s expression became more serious.

Yamazaki glanced at the drunk students. He wanted to say to the guy in front of him, can you check the situation before filling the chicken soup? ?

Just forget it! Yamazaki shook his head:


“Captain Yamazaki, this is a test, do you understand? Only by letting these children step through this test in person can they grow up! And you, the so-called contact service staff, are not the murderers who murdered the growth of these students? Captain Yamazaki…” Ms. Song Qi is justified.

“I’m just to be on the safe side…” Yamazaki softened in the face of the aggressive Matsuki.

“Safe? As long as I am here? Where can there be insecurity, Captain Yamazaki, don’t underestimate the consciousness and responsibility of a teacher!”


“I will be responsible for these students. As a teacher, I promise that I will let each of them return to school safely. This is my duty!” Song Qi’s face exudes a sacred light…

After some “fierce” competition.

Yamazaki retired and led the Kondo team to the door: “Then please, Mr. Matsuki…”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!” Teacher Song Qi said in a big way.

five minutes later.

“Hiccup, today is indeed a lucky day…” Teacher Song Qi took a bottle of good wine, poured it into his mouth, and sighed.

He didn’t even notice the torn off label on the bottle-the water of life.


ten minutes later!

Teacher Song Qi once again fell asleep holding the wine bottle.

After a while……

The inner hall manager knocked on the door and walked in. She glanced at the student babies who fell on the ground-these guys are useless to scream!

Immediately afterwards, he began to search around again.

“Wake up, wake up…” As an adult, Ms. Song Qi became the primary goal of the inner manager.

After being rubbed for a while, Teacher Song Qi opened his eyes in a daze, but he was still drunk.

“You, who are you guys?”

“Sorry to disturb you, our shop will close soon…” the inner hall manager said politely.

“Hit, close? You, what are you doing, kidding, high, high-level clubs, are there any closing rules?”

Inner Hall Manager: “…”

Of course not, but the second half can only be experienced by a real VIP. If he hadn’t spent a lot of money in this private room today, he wouldn’t be too lazy to come over, he would have been stunned!

However, if the customer of this private room is converted to VIP, it will be a performance!

You know, this VIP room has reached the limit of consumption without touching the second half. If it touched the second half, wouldn’t it be flying?

Thanks to this, the inner hall manager is very polite.

“This guest, we usually close at 12 o’clock in the evening. Of course, if the guest is upgraded to…”

A bunch of babbles didn’t finish.

Teacher Song Qi is on fire: “You mean we don’t have enough consumption?”

Although I don’t know how much I spent today, but the money spent, Teacher Song Qi looks distressed!

“We don’t mean that, your consumption has reached the standard, but you have to become a real member…”

“Do you know the Kondo team?” Song Qi, take advantage of the momentum to suppress others, teacher!

“Near, Kondo group…” Naidoo manager wiped his sweat. How could he not know the Kondo group if he did this job? Although the Kondo team seems to be slightly declining at present, it is not something they can provoke!

If it weren’t for the Kondo group’s ban, they could play more tricks in the second half! It’s like now, only some willing girls can play…

However, they do not blame the Kondo team. Before the Kondo team came, the messy fees collected by them occupied a lot of their profits.

After the Kondo team came.

Without those messy things, they came seriously, and there was a balance.

“Captain Yamazaki of the Kondo team just talked and laughed with me, don’t you know?”

“Mountain, Captain Yamazaki?” Wiping sweat again…

“So, you guys, don’t think it’s what, what, just pretend, just pretend, it’s so ridiculous, too young, you say, why don’t we sleep today?” Jiuzhuang dare, This is indeed true.

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