Chapter 445 Difficulties

As a “social man” who has experienced severe beatings in society and is well versed in the unspoken rules of the world, Teacher Song Qi is aware of the seriousness of the matter. If his activities with this group of members are spread out today, let alone whether the society will cause an uproar. Anyway, he is so cold…

Why couldn’t he control himself at the time? After thinking about it, Mr. Song Qi finally came to the answer-it was all because of his talents as a famous teacher. He taught those “astray” high school girls so well that he didn’t care about punching or shaking. The dice are all about losing more and losing less…

Faced with such a gifted “student”, of course he has to teach more carefully, where there is still energy to observe the surroundings, so that…

“Hey…” Teacher Song Qi once again glanced at the drunk member, and sighed in the bottom of my heart. He was really a famous teacher, and a famous teacher who failed!

Damn it, it turns out that the reason for all this is his hot teacher’s heart!

Now how to do?

Let’s just say that these students drink privately-Teacher Song Qi, who has a mentor’s heart, subconsciously thought of excuse…

No, it won’t work! Not at all. If one or two students are good enough to say, even five or six members can shirk it, but with dozens of students, he shrugged off—Ms. Song Qi wanted to scratch his head!

Isn’t it just an ordinary club gathering? Why did things develop like this? Why is it that other club gatherings to eat barbecue in a home cooking restaurant is considered a luxury, while their club gatherings are in high-end clubs? What is this…

and many more!

These should be the responsibility of the principal. Why is it that the funds of a high school club can be extravagant to the point where they can spend money in a high-level club! ?

In the beginning, Mr. Song Qi imagined the club party to be eating skewers in a restaurant. The members talked about the reasons for joining the club. Then he imagined the future. He drank cheap wine and watched the members speak. Holding a drink and toasting like an adult, he exclaimed: “This is youth…”

But when he arrived, Mr. Song Qi found out that he was wrong!

The family restaurant has become a high-end club. If it weren’t for this gathering, Mr. Song Qi might not have entered this club in his life;

The toast is indeed a toast, but it’s not a drink. It’s all wine, and it’s all high-end wine. For those wines, Mr. Song Qi will only open a bottle occasionally to try it out on important festivals. ;

He did sit on the sidelines, but that was because there were too many female students who needed him to preach, and he couldn’t take care of them if he didn’t sit on the sidelines. As for cheap wine, think about Latour who was drunk by himself in one sip—it’s true. Cheap, it’s just a few months’ salary.


This is definitely not the case for club gatherings!

Most importantly, under the atmosphere of such a high-end clubhouse, how could he stop the students from drinking?

Damn it!

To know that this is the case for club gatherings, he, he must-prepare early, adjust the body to the best condition, so that he can drink a few more bottles.


regret? Don’t make trouble, regret is impossible to regret. Drinking a bottle of good wine with a salary for several months, persuading the female high school students who have gone astray to return to the right way, accepting their worship, and being envisioned by many members and truly experiencing it After the teacher’s dignity…

Teacher Song Qi wants to say: “You can’t imagine this kind of happiness at all!”

As for the current situation-hasn’t it been exposed yet? As long as he operates properly, he is still Song Qi with the soul of a famous teacher!

As for how to do this, Teacher Song Qi began to wonder, since he can’t shirk his excuses, then he can only cover up the truth of the matter. It’s not a crime that a famous person has said before, and it is not a crime that has not been discovered!

Teacher Song Qi made up his mind.

Just now.

Yamazaki’s retreat is also the launch of the banknote ability.

“Indeed, it doesn’t seem to be very good to let these children go back in this way. Otherwise, I will contact a few five-star hotels and arrange them to rest for a night…”

Teacher Song Qi; (⊙ˍ⊙)

Five, five-star hotel! ?

Just these students?

It’s early for them to enjoy the blessings!

Although all the truth will be concealed after this night, Teacher Song Qi feels distressed! He has never lived in a five-star hotel when he grows up!


When Ms. Song Qi was in deep thought, Yamazaki’s cell phone rang.

“Yamazaki, are you ready to have your abdomen cut?” As soon as the call was connected, a grim question from the earth party came.

Yamazaki: “…”

Vice-chief, what the hell is cutting abdomen? Can you make it clear? ?

“Beep, beep, beep…”

Unfortunately, before Yamazaki could speak, the phone was hung up.

“Sorry, the number you dialed…” When Yamazaki called back again, he could not reach the earthworker.

Yamazaki Retreat: (One. One;;)

Cut, cut the belly…

Is the vice commander serious! ?

No, I can’t stay here anymore.

You must hurry back to find out the information!

Thinking of this, Yamazaki, with a cold sweat, turned his head to look at Song Qi, and once again used the money transfer technique…

“Teacher, there is still about 8 million yen in this card. Please accept it. This money is regarded as our Kondo team’s apologize to you today…”

Teacher Song Qi:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, this, this is his lucky day, right?

Eight or eight million, does he have that much deposit?

However, as a sacred teacher, Song Qi thinks that he should refuse this huge sum of money!


However, before he could say Ha, he heard Captain Yamazaki continue.

“Of course, this is also an apology from the Kondo team. Anyway, today is your party. We did not say anything, and we got a mess…”

“Actually…” Teacher Song Qi wanted to be more potent, saying that it didn’t matter.

But before he could speak, Yamazaki retired and continued:

“In this case, the Kondo team can’t accompany you to the end, and even send you home as I just said…” While speaking, Yamazaki suddenly remembered the scene of the earthwork sharpening his knife, and his face became even more ugly. …

Must go back!

However, Yamazaki’s changing face seemed to Teacher Song Qi, it was guilt, extremely guilt!

Reminiscent of Captain Yamazaki’s performance after receiving the call, Ms. Matsuki’s mind further improved the reasoning…

Captain Yamazaki first wanted to send each of them home;

After realizing that the impact of going back like this was not good, Captain Yamazaki prepared to arrange these students to stay in a five-star hotel;

After answering the call, Captain Yamazaki fell into a dilemma…

In other words, Captain Yamazaki was ordered by the person on the phone to do something, and he was worried about these drunk students, that would be embarrassing and guilty…

Inferring from this, the card that Captain Yamazaki handed over was mostly used to take care of these students.

Should I say, is it really the Kondo team? ?

Next, Captain Yamazaki will say: “I’m very sorry, because of our negligence…”

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