Chapter 441 Hot Pot is War

Shivering and cold!

At this time, Shiyu Kasumigaoka had a feeling of lifting a rock and hitting her leg. Because of the “child” of Xiaogui, she couldn’t get on the high speed in the car, but what she didn’t expect was that Shiina Makishi got in the car because of this. , And also grabbed her steering wheel, an operation of draining and bending over the ditch came in an instant, and another straight shot was swung out…

What made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu helpless was that she still had nothing to do with it.

A wave of strong tongue? Let alone whether Zhenbai can understand the meaning of her poisonous tongue, what would Xiaokun think of her after her poisonous tongue? The image will be broken…


Just as Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was thinking about it, Tuma always realized and pointed it into a knife, and lightly knocked on Zhen Bai, preventing her childish behavior…

childish! This is the definition of Sougo Doma for what Mashiro did just now-maybe in Shiina Mashiro’s view, knocking on the forehead is actually a game, but she is excluded. This feeling is like a group of children playing hide-and-seek. At the end, forget some guy who is still hiding and leave it behind.

Of course, the specific description can’t be expressed in vain, she only knows that she is a little bit disappointed, and a little apprehensive, afraid… afraid of being abandoned…

“Sougo, it doesn’t hurt to knock on the forehead…” Shiina said with a serious face after touching the knocked forehead.

Hamster buried:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Sister Shiyu, we have a traitor.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-!

No, it’s really white, this method of improving goodwill is too cheating!

“Idiot, it’s just a tap, how could it hurt…” It’s so white. With your words, Xiao Mu and Shi Yu can’t slander him, right? Doma Sougo thought this while rubbing his true white head.

“Zou Gou’s hands are very warm…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Is this the ultimate fighting power of the boss? Every second is making a big move! ! !

“Sister Zhenbai, if her head is rubbed by O’Neill, she will become bald. O’Neill has a bald total enlightenment bacteria on her body, which is a terrible existence comparable to earthwork bacteria…” The hamster on one side is already buried. The eyes were fierce.

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Xiao buried, you actually used the words I used to fool you to fool you really white. Is O’Neill sauce equal to the earthwork guy in your eyes? Damn it, the earthmoving guy should die!

“It’s really white, Xiaobui is right. Research has shown that the total enlightenment bacteria is a terrible existence. It will not only cause damage to the human skin, and cause hair loss, hair loss and other crises…” Although I don’t know the earthwork What is the bacteria, but this does not prevent Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Xiao Qian from reaching an agreement.

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

Believe it or not, make you two bald!

“Zong Wu Bacteria?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Really white, do you even want to start?

“However, Sougou’s hands are warm and comfortable. I like it very much…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Again, another big move! Doesn’t Zhenbai’s MP need to be restored? No, I can’t bear it anymore!

“Really white, are you a pet?”

“Pet?” Shiina really blinked, “Is the owner Sogo?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Really white, count you ruthless!

Just as she surrendered, Doma Sougo was another hand knife.


“Sougo?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“Idiot, you are a human!” Correcting the white road is really a long way to go.

“Doesn’t Sougo not want to be the true white owner?” Shiina was a little confused.

“Woo…” Sougo Tama retracted his hand and squeezed his chin and said, “Compared to the owner, I want to be a friend of Zhenbai. Like me, Zhenbai is an independent person, an independent individual. No need to cling…”

Listening to the speech of Tuma Zougou, the corner of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth bends slightly. It is worthy of the Zongwu Jun she is fond of. If she wants to be replaced by a light novel male protagonist or something, now it is mostly embarrassing and anxious explanation, although after the explanation Most of the identity of the owner will be implemented. Of course, at this time, the male protagonist will usually become an innocent role that I actually don’t want, but it’s really white…

How can those leading heroes take the rhythm of the conversation in their hands like Zong Wujun, and use an equal and respectful attitude to instill a correct outlook on life to Zhen Bai?

The more you compare the protagonist of the light novel with Doma Sougo, the more Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can discover the shining points of Doma Sougo…

“However, Teacher Shaoqiang taught Zhen Bai, always enlightenment is god and master…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She should call the police!

Hamster buried: (¬_¬)

O’Neill, Xiao Mu didn’t remember teaching you to be such a guy!

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Shiyu, stop your movement of taking out your phone, Xiao Bui, what do you mean by that expression? Ernie Chan is not such a guy who is in danger…

Damn it!

What did the mentally retarded silly Qiang teach Zhenbai, or else just format it?

“Really white, remember what I told you? Shaoqiang occasionally enters the unreliable mental retardation mode…”


“Master or something, it’s just stupid and unreliable speaking, referred to as mentally retarded speaking…”


“Okay, there is an old saying in the celestial dynasty that it is said that you can’t speak, sleep and sleep! Eating and eating…” Di Jian, turning the topic away, had a hand, total enlightenment.

“There is no Baumkuchen today…”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

“It’s really white, you have to taste the hot pot first, isn’t the meat fragrant?”

“hot pot?”

“Yes, hot pot has a long history. In the heavenly dynasty, since hot pot was created, it has been sought after by countless gluttons. Compared with the Baumkuchen…” Enlightenment.

However, there is a price to be a good teacher. During this explanation, Hamster Mai has led Kasumioka Shiba to Shiina Shiina in a five-pan meat…

“The sukiyaki made by Oni sauce is first-rate…” The hamster did not forget the chef.

“Sougo-kun doesn’t even make sukiyaki like others. What I have eaten before!” Shiyu Kasumigaoka who doubted his life because it was too delicious.

“Sougo, the hot pot is delicious, and so is the Baumkuchen…” Shiina was really white who didn’t listen to the explanation at all.

Hot pot is war. Those who underestimate war are often destroyed by war. Sougo Tama sighed softly when looking at the swept away five high-class wagyu beef. This war, he was too arrogant… …

While thinking about this, Doma Sougo brought out five plates of high-quality wagyu again from the kitchen-of course, if you make all the preparations, you will have the ability to despise war.

“If you eat food too fast, you will feel full soon…” Seeing the three people who are eating support, Sougo Doma continued to popularize science.

Shiba Kasumigaoka, hamster buried, Shiina really white: “…”

Sogo-kun (Ouni-chan, Sogo) You are really Gou!

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