Chapter 440

“Actually, I just wanted to invigorate the atmosphere, Shiyu, Xiaokui, can you understand?” Looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was sitting at the dining table with a face shaking his legs frantically, and a face of Ouni Jiang, I didn’t expect you to be a small burial for this kind of person.

“Not only did things like this to other people’s bodies, but also played with other people’s minds, Sou-go-kun, do I need to understand? Or…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s eyes flashed red.

“Such a thing like this?” Before Tōma Sougo had time to speak, the hamster was taken aback when he heard the words, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes: “Sister Shiyu, did Ernie-chan do anything to you?”

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Why did you feel a chill in your back just now, who is releasing murderous aura?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Oops, when I drove, I forgot that Xiao Sui was still a child.

“Xiaokun, you forgot, Zongwujun just knocked on our forehead with violence!” Fortunately, she was witty enough.

“Yes, Ernie Chan is a big badass…” The hamster was thinking of something, and she covered her head with her hands: “Against violence, reject all violent methods!”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

This piece of waste material can really meet the needle, and who in the family uses violence more? From the face-holding bug attack to the spinning and stepping on people…

“Xiaokun is so excited, does Zongwu Jun often use violence against Xiaokun?”

“To be honest, I think I am a victim more often…”

“Zongwu-jun is really too much, he actually used violence to such a cute little sleepy sister…”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Doesn’t this guy listen to the whole thing?

“Xiao Kun, otherwise we will vote to destroy Zongwujun’s humanity!”


The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Do these two guys sing and harmonize like this? Come and personally refute them!

“I said you two are enough, can’t you eat well? It’s really white to learn from others, how quiet you are when you eat…”

“Sougo, what do you mean by this or that?” Shiina Mashiro, who reacted slightly slowly, said suddenly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Hamster buried: “…”

Really white, you are still entangled in this matter! ?

“It’s not a mess, it’s just a knock on the forehead, yes, it’s just a knock on the forehead…” Mu Jian, suffering from the pain that shouldn’t be endured, always enlightened.

“Does Sougo like to knock on his forehead?”

“Huh? Why does Zhenbai ask that…”

“Because Zhenbai’s forehead can be knocked on Sougo!” Shiina Zhenbai looked serious.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Although this sounds very moving, but who would regard knocking on the forehead as an interest! ?

Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s wine-red pupils glanced at Shiina again without a trace: “…”

I’m sure, this guy Zhenbai is definitely the most powerful enemy ever! ! !

This kind of straight ball was sent out casually without saying it, and it gave people a feeling of, ah, if it was really white, it would indeed feel like that. It was really terrible!

Hamster buried: “…”

O’Neill doesn’t like knocking on other people’s foreheads. If you like it, you also like knocking on the head, huh!

“It’s really white, knocking on the forehead is just a means to achieve an end, not a hobby. Just now Shiyu and Xiaokun both fell asleep, and I also wanted them to get up…”

“ZZZ…” Shiina was really white who fell asleep instantly.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Really white, how much do you want to be knocked on the forehead?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Come, come to this set, really white this guy is really not easy!

Hamster buried: “…”

Is Zhenbai misunderstanding something?

“Oni sauce, let’s eat, the ingredients are so delicious and thick, the shouxi pot is very good, I want to eat meat…”

Before he finished speaking, Tōma Sougo had already picked up a sliced ​​green onion and handed it over: “Little sleepy, children must eat more vegetables to ensure a balanced nutrition…”

“Oni sauce!” A certain dumpling of Qicheng puffer fish.

“The violent Zong Wujun is really too much, Xiaokui, I will give you meat…”

“Thank you, Sister Shiyu, O’Neill, the big bad guy!”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Doma Sougo smiled slightly. If you can see this scene every day when you go home, it seems, it’s not bad…

However, good things are often easily destroyed.

“Sleeping” Shiina Mashiro suddenly took his hand. She seemed to be wondering why Sougo didn’t knock on her forehead…

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

So, what is the situation now?

“Zhen Bai, Xiao Kui and Shi Yu really fell asleep and didn’t wake up just now. Don’t pretend to sleep for me…” Well, he lied. Those two guys can act more than Zhen Bai.

“Oh…” Some “reluctantly” really white opened his Danfeng eyes.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth, and she increasingly suspected that she had deliberately misled her in the room just now.

“Why does Sister Zhenbai want to be knocked on the forehead by O’Neill…” The hamster was buried here and declared to enter the battlefield!

“Because my sister was knocked…”

Hamster buried: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

It’s actually related to her? Besides, my sister is too familiar with it, call her a little sleepy, a little sleepy!

“Shi Yu has also been knocked…”

“Only Zhen Bai was left behind…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was instantly energetic: ( ̄︶ ̄)

No, I didn’t expect that being knocked on the forehead would have this effect. So, is that actually a way of expressing intimacy? What a pity, really white, she won this round!

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Does this guy really understand what knocking on the forehead is, why did she turn into a scene of being abandoned…

“Really white, knocking on the forehead is a punishment…”

“Sougo will never punish my younger sister…” Shiina shook his head and said his own analysis.

The color on the hamster’s buried face flashed by.

Although it is true, it was said by others, Xiaobuying, Xiaobuying…

and many more!

The person who should be proud of it now is O’Neill. If she satisfies this statement, how will she be embarrassed to act like O’Neill in the future, and how can she make O’Neill offer Kole potato chips…

“Sister Zhenbai, O’Neill can really beat people, now Xiaokui’s forehead is still aching…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

That’s right, for example, now, he wants to throw a hand knife at this scrapped forehead!


There is a small buried saying that Zhen Bai shouldn’t be entangled anymore, right?

“Will it hurt?” Sure enough, even if it was really white, after listening to it, he began to hesitate.

“It will be very painful…” Before Xiaomian could express his position, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu rushed to answer: “After all, it is the first time, and some pain is inevitable. Of course, if you get used to it…”

While she was talking, she stared at Shiina Shirai closely, as if she wanted to test Shirai’s reaction.

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Shiyu, this guy has completely released himself! ? What a terrible speech, why can it be the first time with a knock on the forehead? And, what is it if you get used to it…

“Because it is the first time, does it hurt?” Fortunately, Zhenbai didn’t hear the meaning inside: “Zou Gou, Zhenbai can bear it!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted his teeth again—Is this guy Zhen Bai really so ignorant, or pretending to be!

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