Chapter 436 Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s Supernatural Incident (2)

No matter how strong a woman is, she will feel scared in the face of such a supernatural existence as A Piao, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is no exception.

The smile on her face looked rather stiff:

“Really, really white, you, you were joking just now, then, how could that stupid teacher be here?”

“Shiyu, Zhenbai is not joking…” Shiina, writing in true white, read as true black, shook his head: “Teacher Shaqiang is here now.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: (ㄒoㄒ)

It’s even more terrifying without joking. In other words, this guy really doesn’t understand what a joke is scary!


That silly teacher seemed to be invited by the bastard Sou Go-kun, so dare that guy say that he is not an alien? Damn it, once anything has something to do with the bastard alien Zou Gojun, I always feel that the style of painting has changed…

“Shiyu, I will let Teacher Shaqiang come out to say hello to you?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Wait, wait!

Apiao or something, she was not ready to face it at all!

Judging from Zhenbai’s current performance, she did not lie scary, but she called out to say hello, sure that this would not irritate the teacher named Silly Qiang Apiao?

What should I do if A Piao is angered?

She has lived in ordinary people’s lives for more than ten years, and she doesn’t even know that there is such a thing as A Piao in this world!

“It’s really white, it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to say hello…” No, you can’t let things like A Piao come out to break her deep-rooted worldview, you must stop Zhen Bai.

“Didn’t Shiyu want to know the identity of Teacher Shaqiang?” Shiina was naturally black and really white.

Hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wanted to find a time machine, traveled back and slapped her in the past, so that you can inquire about it. Can A Piao’s identity be guessed? Don’t you know this is the most taboo thing?

It’s like a supernatural game that invites the pen fairy, you have to avoid the identity of the pen fairy and the cause of death!

“That, really white, in fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to know…” In the comics of Zhen Bai, I finally understand why the second male will be in a car accident inexplicably, and the second female will disappear inexplicably. This is probably not the real experience of that Apiao.

Moreover, it is also said that it is best not to have bloody pictures in the girl manga. Those pictures are not the cause of the death of the silly teacher?

Where did she have the courage just now, she actually dared to question that stupid strong teacher in her heart, and wanted to hold on to that stupid strong teacher, ha, ha ha, shouldn’t A Piao know how to read minds?

No wonder, no wonder, no wonder!

“Shiyu, don’t you want to say hello to Teacher Shaqiang?” Shiina is very emotionally sensitive.

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: ⊙﹏⊙‖∣

Really white, don’t talk about this kind of thing! What if A Piao is angered because of this…

“I, I’m just not ready yet…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled awkwardly.

“Ready?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“It’s really white, if it’s the first time to meet someone (Apiao), it’s best to prepare some small gifts. This is a personal etiquette.” Xia Zhiqiu, super polite, Shi Yu.

“Teacher Shaqiang shouldn’t care about gifts…” Shiina tilted his head and said, “It won’t be used anyway.”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Say, say it! Really white, you just used it to refer to that stupid teacher, huh, huh, “it”, it’s “it”, it really is Apiao!

Of course Apiao doesn’t need gifts prepared by human beings, ha, ha ha, really white, there is no need to say this kind of thing at all!

“That, it’s really white, whether it’s useful or not, it’s all my heart…” The polite and respectful Xia Zhiqiu, with a black tongue and a black belly, doesn’t exist at all.

“Mind?” Shiina Masashi showed a puzzled expression again.

“Yes, I believe that the existence that can teach the true white must be a great existence. If you don’t prepare a little heart, I will meet you, my conscience is disturbed…” Not only disturbed, but also panic!

For the first time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu found out that she was also a good flatterer, she said so, should Apiao be satisfied, right? There is no risk of irritating it, right?

“Is Mr. Shaqiang a great existence?” Shiina was puzzled. Although I felt that Mr. Shaqiang knew everything, but sometimes he was confused, and Sougo often scolded him for mental retardation.

“That’s right!” Xia Zhiqiu, who is so complacent, Shi Yu nodded affirmatively: “Teacher Shaqiang must be a very, very great existence, worthy of people’s respect!”

“Really?” Shiina Zhenbai said with some regrets: “However, when I first met Teacher Shaqiang, I didn’t give him a meeting ceremony…”

“Ha, ha ha, Teacher Shaqiang is so great, he definitely won’t care about this little thing…” The smile on Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face became more rigid.

“Since Teacher Silly Qiang doesn’t care, why does Shiyu have to meet him after preparing the gift?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (One. One;;)

Even if I prepared a gift, my old lady didn’t want to meet A Piao!

“It’s really white, although Teacher Silly Qiang won’t care about this little thing, but I will care. When facing the existence of their worship, human beings will always give willingly…”

“So Shiyu would care about this?” As if remembering something, Shiina, writing really white, reading really black, suddenly said: “But Shiyu just said clearly that Teacher Shaqiang was talking nonsense, and said it was fraud……”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Oh, oh, it’s really white, can’t you spare my life, if you knew that the stupid teacher is A Piao, who is still in this room, mother, bah, there is no blame, there is no blame… …I can’t say anything like that!

“It’s really white, you got it wrong, what I just said is that everything that the silly teacher said is a good word for us to learn! As for liars…

Really white, do you know that countless great beings in history have all been regarded as liars, because those great beings have far more knowledge than us, and people tend to shirk their incomprehensions on others…”

“Shiyu was also a liar because she didn’t understand it at the beginning?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

My mother…cough cough, I’m not this kind of person!

“Yes, that’s right, I’m just an ordinary high school girl, and my knowledge can only be described as superficial. But later, when I understood Teacher Shaqiang’s brilliance, I deeply admired him. , Teacher Shaqiang is definitely a wise man with far-reaching insight,

Really white, you see how good teacher Shaqiang summed up girl comics, car accident cancer can not be cured, these tragic elements will inevitably make an ordinary girl comics sublimated and become a masterpiece! ”

“But that day Zou Wu told Zhen Bai that these elements are all nonsense, and you don’t need to listen to the silly teacher in this kind of place…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Sogo-kun, although I want to say that you did a beautiful job, why do you want to turn your life into a supernatural style of painting!

Really white, do you have no common sense that even A Piao is not afraid?

Don’t say such things in front of Teacher Silly!

Teacher Silly Qiang will be angry, really angry…

Who will tell her, if the ghost is irritated, how can she calm her down! ! ?

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