Chapter 435


Silence is the reaction given by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu after reading Zhenbai’s manga.

After a long while, she said:

“It’s really white, let me just ask, the male lead and the female lead are related to each other because of the dog. Then, what about the dog?”

“Teacher Shaqiang said that a dog’s life is short. For you, it is only a period of time and memory. For a dog, it is a lifetime. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with it.” Shiina, being taught crooked, really white.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was ashamed: “In other words, the dog is already…”

“Yeah! The dog is gone.” Shiina Shiro was slightly sad.

“Then did you draw the cause and effect?”

“Teacher Shaqiang said, it’s better not to have too bloody images in the girl manga…” Shiina, completely crooked, really white.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Can’t show too bloody scenes, then why do you arrange such a plot, who is that stupid teacher? Really white manga teacher? Why not give some guidance in this regard, it’s really white! ? #^_^

“Then the second man, why didn’t he inexplicably hide himself shortly after he appeared on the stage?”

“Teacher Shaqiang said that accidents may happen every day in this world, and the second man likes to listen to CDs with his eyes closed when he walks…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

“So the second man…”

“Yeah!” Shiina nodded really white: “Because of an accident, there was a car accident.”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Is that silly teacher poisonous?

“There is also the second female, why the same…”

“Teacher Shaqiang said that countless disappearances happen every day in this world…”

“Stop, I see!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu waved her hand to stop, why is there such a thing as a female second in the girl manga? That silly teacher is absolutely poisonous!

“Shiba is amazing, unlike Ayano, she doesn’t understand these meanings at all.” Shiina admired.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

No, you think too much, no one can understand those meanings!

“Really white, is that silly teacher your manga instructor?” That guy is definitely misleading his children…

“Teacher Shaqiang said that he is a common sense instructor, but Mr. Shaqiang seems to be very proficient in comics.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

That guy named Shaqiang really dare to say it! Guys who are proficient in comics can’t see the real problems of Zhenbai?

“Really white, who is that stupid teacher? What else did he say?”

“Teacher Shaqiang said that the essence of girl comics lies in car accidents, cancer, and can’t be cured…”

Kasumigaoka Shiba: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

The case is solved, the mystery of the male second car accident has been solved! God can’t cure cancer in a car accident. Does that guy think that girl comics are acting in a stick play?

“Really white, listen to me, don’t talk nonsense by that stupid teacher, that fellow…”

“Is Teacher Shaqiang talking nonsense?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“Yes, that guy is definitely a liar, why would your family invite this kind of person to teach you?” This is definitely misleading people, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suspects that true white common sense will be so lacking, I’m afraid to talk to that stupid person. Teacher Qiang can’t get rid of the relationship either.

“Teacher Shaqiang was found by Zongwu…”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Okay, common sense has nothing to do with the silly teacher, but Zongwujun will not be deceived too, right?

Wait, if the silly teacher was found by Zong Wujun, doesn’t it mean that the silly teacher is not far away?

As far as Zhenbai’s common sense is concerned, Zongwujun should not let Zhenbai go to school by himself. That is to say, Teacher Shaqiang is a tutor, so the question is, I didn’t even mention the matter of asking for tutor. It’s not enough!

“Besides, Teacher Silly Qiang is not a human…” Shiina Masashi lowered his head, looking slightly aggrieved.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Let Zhenbai say such things, what did that stupid teacher do! ? Xiao Bui, I blamed you, Zongwu Jun, the bastard really dares to let Zhenbai go to school by herself. Doesn’t that guy know that Zhenbai’s lack of common sense makes her unable to protect her safety at all?

Seeing Zhen Bai looks like this, she has been bullied! Perhaps Zhenbai was threatened by the stupid teacher, and he is not allowed to tell his family about the bullying, Damn it! However, that guy probably underestimated Zhenbai’s lack of common sense, because she has not yet been classified as a family member, so…

Okay, although it sounds a bit shocked, but this happened to give her a chance. The scumbag who bullied the really white teacher, and that kind of scum, let her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu expose it!

“Really white, did that stupid teacher do something?”


“True Bai, don’t be afraid. You are safe now. That stupid teacher can’t hurt you. You just need to tell what happened to you, and you won’t be bullied by some stupid teacher in the future…” Zhenbai seems to be Scared, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to speak softly.

“Teacher Shaqiang didn’t bully Zhenbai.” Shiina was convinced of this.

The more so, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu increasingly thinks that the stupid teacher is so good. A guy like Zhenbai who has no common sense will choose to hide it. If Zhenbai hadn’t just said it, she might not be able to detect it. Uncertainly, I was fooled.

This is probably the so-called benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom, and the defiled see defilement, right?

“True White, if you have not been bullied, why would you say that the stupid teacher is not a human?” At the same time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu watched carefully. She wanted to observe Shiina’s every move, if she changed her mouth at this time, or showed it. If it’s not natural, then she can follow the trend and ask questions…

“Well, Teacher Shaqiang is not a human!” Shiina’s white face did not panic, but confirmed again.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

Really white, you are enough, what else can it be if it’s not a person? Gorilla? Or is it A Piao?

“If Teacher Shaqiang has not bullied Zhenbai, and he is a good person, then he will be sad to hear Zhenbai say such things.”

“Why?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“It’s really white, it’s not a human being, it’s a bit insulting.”

“However, Teacher Shaqiang is not a human being…”

“Zhenbai, do you know how to distinguish between people?” Isn’t Zhenbai’s common sense lacking to such an extent? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu started to feel a headache.

“…” Shiina was silent for a while, “I know!”

“Do you really know?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said suspiciously.


Shiina Mashiro again rarely said that he did not want to answer, as if he was a little angry.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-|||

“It’s white, I didn’t doubt you, otherwise, let’s play a game. You can talk more about the stupid teacher. I will guess his identity?”

“Teacher Shaqiang is here now…” Shiina blinked his eyes in a very serious tone.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”


No, no! ? Difficult, can it be said that the silly teacher is really a ghost, A Piao?

Young birthday, haunted!

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