Chapter 428 Sudden Reality Has Always Been Serious about Destroying Others

“Sougo, whoever it is, will inadvertently produce evil thoughts and do the wrong things that you regretted…” Seeing Soma Sougo, who was constantly picking things aside, Kondo had a serious face.

“Owner of the orangutan museum, the difference between humans and animals is that humans can restrain evil thoughts with reason, but animals cannot. Are you indirectly showing the fact that you are an orangutan?” Doma Sougo said “doubt.”

“Do you really think that?” Kondo embraced his arms and looked directly at Doma Sougo. There is no need for him to refute this kind of thing.


Sure enough, Tujian always took a sip, and didn’t use words to win the chase.

Compared with animals, human beings are the most incapable of restraining their evil thoughts. Animals believe in the truth of the survival of the weak and the fittest. Compared with envy, arrogance, greed, etc., and complex minds of humans, they are more Can restrain one’s own malice.

“Zhou Wu, the strong will face the mistakes they have committed due to bad thoughts, and admit and make up for them, while the weak will only escape…”

“The owner of the orangutan museum, the mistakes that have already been committed are faults, how will they admit it afterwards, how will they make up…” To play tricks, Tōma Sougo had never counseled anyone, but before he could finish his words, Kondo Kondo bowed. :

“So I am very grateful to Sougo today. If you hadn’t kicked me up, maybe I had committed an irreparable mistake…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The owner of the orangutan museum is really difficult.

Yamazaki retired and nodded frantically—Boss Kondo, if you tear off the loincloth, the deputy should kill me.

“Yamazaki, Sougo, I’m really sorry for causing you trouble today!” Kondo Hoon bowed again.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Woo, this guy is really not just an ordinary gorilla—near! rattan! old! Big!

Looking at Kondo who apologized to him, Yamazaki Reti’s eyes burst into tears.

This, this is the Kondo boss he is looking forward to, no matter what happens, no matter what happens, the Kondo boss can be held on him, because of this, he can call it the banner of the Kondo team!

“Sougo, this is the first lesson I have made up for you. Face your mistakes and keep them in your heart!” After bowing and standing up, Kondo Hoon looked directly at Doma Sougo.

“Master of the Orangutan Pavilion…” Sougo Tama tried to regain the rhythm of the conversation, but just as he was about to speak, Kondo continued:

“Zongwu, the next lesson is for you who are starting to be confused and wake up again!”

Sou Maura: -_-!

There is no confusion at all, should I say such a thing?

“Sougo, hard work is an act that will never betray oneself, no matter whether it is a human or a gorilla, as long as you work hard enough, you will definitely be able to change something!” Kondo Kondo, whose painting style has changed towards passion:

Tuma Sougou covered his face: “I know, I know, after hard work, is it necessary to add friendship and victory? It’s really passionate…”

“Wait for me, don’t be tired, Sorry, even if I am really an orangutan, then, I have learned human language through hard work, can’t it prove that hard work is useful!?”

“Eh, a lot? Does the owner of the orangutan hall admit that he is an orangutan?” After hearing the words of the owner of the orangutan hall, Sou Wu Tujian was instantly energetic.

“Asshole, I’m just making a metaphor, a metaphor! What do you think of other people’s efforts?” Kondo said as he walked towards Sougo Doma.

“Woo…” Facing Kondo, who was constantly approaching him, Sougo Doma could only push out with both hands while retreating: “Even if it’s a metaphor, the gorilla is still a gorilla even if it learns to speak humans. I can’t change my race at all…

Moreover, gorillas work hard to learn human languages, and it always feels a little bit upside-down. Shouldn’t gorillas learn how to hunt first? A gorilla who can’t hunt, will starve to death in the forest…”

“I said, I’m not a gorilla…” At this time, Kondo Hoon had already approached Sougo Morama and snarled while pulling his clothes.

“I understand what you mean by the master of the orangutan hall!” Looking at the shouting Kondo, Sougo Tama suddenly clapped with a boxing: “The owner of the orangutan hall actually wants to say that through your own continuous efforts, you finally degenerate from a human being. The gorilla, though, still retains human sanity…”

Kondo Ho: “…”

Sogo, are you serious?

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-|||

“But, it’s already amazing, the owner of the orangutan museum, Yamazaki, you must learn from the owner of the orangutan museum. The owner of the orangutan museum has gradually transformed himself into an orangutan through hard work. You have to work hard to make yourself It turns into a big ghost!” Sougo Tama made a final conclusion.

Kondo took another crit.

Yamazaki has retired and fell to the ground, so he doesn’t want to become a demon Yamazaki!

“Sougo…” Kondo Hoon wanted to rescue him.

“In addition, the owner of the orangutan museum, will your efforts make Ms. A Miao like you?” Sougo Tama asked heartily.

Kondo Ho: “…”


Fall to the ground, can’t get up again!

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

Captain, you really are the devil! ?

“Boss orangutan, you and Ms. A Miao, isn’t it the typical hard work that can’t be paid back…” Sougo Tama still continued to make up the knife: “So, hard work may not be successful…”

However, before Doma Sougo finished speaking, Kondo, who had endured countless blows, slowly got up: “Sougo, even if it’s my wishful thinking, even if I try hard, I still can’t get it. Miss Miao’s response was good, but, at least I tried hard…

If I have not worked hard, I am afraid that Miss A Miao may not even remember my name, but it is precisely because of my hard work that I can have those pleasant intersections with Miss A Miao! ”

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-|||

Boss Kondo, if I remember correctly, what the vice-chief said is that you have been regarded as a stalker by that Miss A Miao. What a pleasant intersection!

Is it really useful to work hard at this kind of thing?

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

“Happy intersection? Does it mean being arrested by the government?” Yamazaki didn’t dare to say the fact, Tama Sougo dared to say.

Kondo Takashi: (One. One;;)

“Then, those are just misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and, through my own efforts, I found out Miss A Miao’s address, and I even went to Miss A Miao’s house…”

“Is it invited?” Sougo Tama began to ask questions.

“No, I dug a tunnel leading to her house through my own efforts!” Kondo Hoon’s face was holy.

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-!

Captain, boss Kondo, thank you. Thanks to the cooperation of the two of you, he will never be able to look at the word hard anymore.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It’s over, because the lower limit of the orangutan museum owner is too low, he is a little speechless. Compared with this gorilla with no limit, Yamazaki is simply like an angel.

“Eh a lot…” Looking at the silent Sougo and Yamazaki, Kondo Hoon pointed at himself again: “You don’t understand that I dug out a tunnel leading to Miss A Miao’s house through my own hard work… …”

“Owner of the Orangutan Pavilion, I think you should stop your efforts, you are already on the verge of being tempted crazy!” Tuma always realized kindly interrupted.

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