Chapter 427

“It seems that the owner of the orangutan museum thinks that Yamazaki’s image is very suitable for him…” Sougo Domama was crazy.

Yamazaki Retreat: ▄█▀█●

“Yamazaki, cheer up, don’t worry about the past, now you have changed yourself through your own efforts, and, Sougou, you guy…” After seeing the shock, he fell to his knees. For Yamazaki, Kondo was anxious. Of course, while inspiring Yamazaki, he didn’t forget to turn his gun to aim at Sougo Doma.

Damn it, if it weren’t for Tama Sougou talking nonsense on the side, Yamazaki wouldn’t have just cheered up and was blown to the ground again.

“Woo…” But, before Kondo Ho finished speaking, Tama Sougou said with a wicked look: “Don’t worry about the past? That is to say, the owner of the gorilla pavilion thinks Yamazaki used to be very charming. ?”

Yamazaki, this is the end of your frantic death before. As the so-called gentleman’s revenge, ten years are not too late, and the revenge is always enlightened, all day long!

“Sougo, enough, Yamazaki has changed himself through hard work, and now Yamazaki is nothing…”

“Owner of the Orangutan Pavilion, do you think that hard work can change yourself?”

“Isn’t it? Sougo, as a swordsman, do you still have questions about this?” Kondo became serious.

“Well~!” The smile on Sougo Tama’s face became more and more evil: “I’m just thinking, if hard work can really change me, then why doesn’t the owner of the orangutan museum turn myself into a human?”

Kondo Ho: “…”

Crit, severe crit, what is meant by why not turn yourself into a human, he was originally a human, OK~!

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

That’s right, hard work can’t change him at all, ape, boss Kondo, isn’t he hard enough? But no matter how hard he works, he is still a gorilla!

Yamazaki retreated, and the color on his body began to fade.

“Or, through his own efforts, the owner of the orangutan museum has finally transformed himself from a human to an orangutan?” Sougo Tama, with a bright face.

Kondo Ho: “…”

It was another crit that pierced into the soul, almost knocking Kondo over to accompany Yamazaki.

However, he thinks he still has a chance of rescue.

“Hey many, Sougou, I just thought you like gorillas, so…”

“The owner of the orangutan museum can really laugh, you know, I am not interested in keeping pets, let alone a creature like a talking gorilla, wouldn’t it be scary?”

Kondo: -_-|||

Fourteen, you lie! Where does Sougo worship the orangutan? He only felt the strong malice on Zou Gou now!

“Hey many, so I am actually a human being…”

“Owner of the Orangutan Pavilion, really working hard.” Sougo Tama interrupted.

“Huh? Sougo, what are you talking about?”

“The owner of the orangutan museum not only learned the human language through his own efforts, but also tried to deceive himself by saying that he is a human being. Unfortunately, some things cannot be changed with hard work, such as the fact that you are a gorilla. No matter how hard you work, you can’t change it.” Kondo boss, let you break into my arrangement.

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

It turns out that there are some things that can’t be changed no matter how hard you work, such as the apes, the boss of Kondo is an apes, for example, his black history…

Yamazaki’s will to retreat was gradually sinking.

at the same time.

“Sougo!” Kondo Hoon’s eyes were filled with tears: “Don’t, stop joking, you know, you know better than anyone, I’m a human…”

“Owner of the orangutan museum, human beings are ashamed. When you want to tear off the loincloth in the public, you have been exposed…” Sougo Tama smiled more happily.

Kondo Ho: ▄█▀█●

Sougo, I actually just want to use this trick to force everyone to show their shameful side and drive away those accompaniment girls. In this way, before I get happiness, no one else can get happiness, if If you say this, will Sougo accept it? Will Yamazaki accept it?

Kondo opened his mouth:


But in the end he chose to remain silent. He thought about it clearly. What happened now was probably the retribution for his wanting to drag other people into the abyss of misfortune!

Yamazaki, sorry, boss Kondo seems to be unable to cheer you up today.

“Well~!” Seeing the desperate Kondo and Yamazaki duo, the smile on Sougo Tama’s face became brighter: “It seems that the orangutan boss has admitted that he is an orangutan…

It’s a pity. After working hard for so long, I was beaten back to the prototype and revealed my identity. What about you Yamazaki? Have you worked hard for so long? Will it be the same as the owner of the orangutan pavilion, who once turned back to the big ghost Yamazaki? ”

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

He will also be like Kondo, isn’t he, the orangutan boss? After retreating from the current Yamazaki, the big ghost Yamazaki who changed back to the past? Will this happen? Yamazaki did not know, so he glanced at Kondo, who was squatting on the ground and burying his head in his thigh…

This kind of thing does happen!

Kondo, the orangutan boss and the deputy commander had concealed the truth for so long, but it was not revealed by the captain in one day. If it were him, the big ghost Yamazaki would return to him!

Is he going to comb his hair like moxican again? No~!

Obviously, he has worked hard for so long, and has changed himself so hard…

Yamazaki retreats began to panic.

“Speaking of which…” Sougo Tuma, the leader of the knife, is still making up the knife: “That big ghost Yamazaki is really hard to forget, no matter how hard you work, your original image is still fresh in your memory. Even non-human beings like the orangutan boss can remember the Mohican look…

It seems that it’s useless to work hard, Yamazaki! ”

Isn’t hard work of no use? So what is everything he does? What is his confidence just now? Yamazaki retreated and began to doubt himself.

Just now.

“Sougo!” Kondo Hoon stood up: “Although it’s not a long time to reunite, but today, I seem to give you some lessons…”

“Eh a lot?” Sougo Tōma smiled unabatedly: “Does the gorilla want to teach humans? It’s really strange…”

“Lesson 1, when you violate your inner morals, be brave enough to admit your mistakes.” Before Sougo Doma could finish speaking, Kondo interrupted him aloud and walked towards Yamazaki:

“Yamazaki, I was rude today. I am very sorry, because of my selfishness, I want to drag everyone into the abyss of misfortune, and want everyone to struggle in pain…”

Yamazaki Retreat: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Boss Kondo, what do you mean by that?

“I, I actually just can’t get used to it. Why, why can you get your own happiness casually, and why I have to obey God’s arrangement even when I find Miss A Miao…” Kondo Hoon shouted from the heart.

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-|||

Boss Kondo, you…

“Because of this, I will do this and that kind of stupid things. I will cause you trouble, Yamazaki!”

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-!

Boss Kondo, why after listening to your reasons, I would rather you be a gorilla so that everyone can expose the most shameful side, are you a primary school student! ? Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

“Master of the Orangutan Museum, your evil and naive side has been completely exposed.” Yamazaki was only thinking about it in his heart, but Tama Sougou directly complained.

Sure enough, it is the right choice for humans not to guess the gorilla’s thoughts!

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