Chapter 418: Adding an idiot, there will be an unknown chemical reaction

Is this the so-called long way home? There are two sources of pollution at home! Before they contaminate each other, he must rush back…

Doma Sougo sighed, and found a reason indiscriminately:

“It’s Takuya, I just went to the bathroom, but I didn’t expect to turn around and get lost…”

“Master is really careless, obviously our private room is here, Master, hurry in.”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Why are you going in? Go in and expose yourself? If it’s okay without that gorilla, and with that gorilla, wouldn’t the members find that both sides know themselves? After that, he was planning something. Isn’t it necessary to expose it, Damn it, Takuya Fujikami, the rebel who stabbed the master, no, he didn’t promise to accept this guy Fujikami as his apprentice!

“Eh, is it here? It sounds so lively inside…”

“This…” Taku Fujigami touched the back of his head and said, “In fact, the Kondo team also joined in, the legendary Kondo team…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

“The legendary Kondo team?” The Kondo team has also become a legend? Is not it! ?

“Doesn’t the master know? However, we only knew it today. If it weren’t for Mr. Song Qi’s knowledge and introduction one by one, we still don’t know that there is such an organization that can be called a patron saint where we stand… “Fujigami Takuya said with a look of longing.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

What is this guy looking forward to indiscriminately? What exactly did Songqi’s alcoholic teacher preach in front of the students?

“Guardian, protector?”

“Sure enough, even the master is not as knowledgeable as Master Song Qi.”

“Well~!” Toma always realized that he was full of black lines, but he still said with a strong smile: “After all, the other party is a teacher…”

“But everyone says that the master who can unearth Ms. Songqi from a group of ordinary teachers is also unfathomable.” Takuami Fujikami also added.

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

What have these guys made up for?

“Is Teacher Song Qi extraordinary?”

“Of course, Ms. Matsuki is not only not afraid of danger, but also knows the Kondo team well, how can those ordinary teachers catch up with Ms. Matsuki’s guidance!” Fujigami Taku also nodded affirmatively: “Master, don’t stay outside, let’s go in and say …”

“Eh…” It’s impossible to get in. Once you get in, it’s almost as if everything is gone. You have to find a reason to fool this guy Fujigami: “Actually, I’m not very comfortable with being with strangers, especially with a bunch of strangers. When a stranger…”

“Master, don’t worry. At first, most of us had the same idea as the master, but the guys in the Kondo team are very enthusiastic and don’t make people feel pressured or anything…”

Doma Sougou: EMMM…

This f*ck is even called a buddy? What did those players do?

“Furthermore, we are the protection objects of the Kondo team. They won’t do anything to us, hiccup…” While Tamazuo was meditating, Fujikami Taku also hiccuped and said:

“Hiccup~! Master, don’t delay, today is a gathering held to commemorate the founding of the club. If the president of the club does not show up…”

“Fujikami, you are drunk, why don’t you…” Listening to the wine hiccups, Sougo Tama’s eyes lit up. Since the plan has failed, he is also ready to go home, so it’s better to take Fujikami away.

“Master, it’s just hiccups. Who wouldn’t hiccup after drinking?” Fujigami Takuya explained, while holding Sougo Doma with his hand:

“Let’s go in quickly. The members are all waiting for the master. I also want to introduce a few buddies I just met to the master…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

“Fujigami, you are really drunk, don’t forget, Yoko…”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, this is just a man socializing outside, Yoko will understand…” Fujigami Takuya waved his hand and said indifferently.

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

This is the same Takuya Fujigami who wants to eat other people’s beloved bento, who is embarrassed to speak? Could it be that this is the legendary national tradition?

Now that you have reached this point, don’t blame him for his cruelty, Fujikami, you can sleep peacefully, he is not allowed to go in, anyway, there is the idiot Yamazaki to clean up the mess, so…

“Captain…” Just as Sougo Tama was thinking about how to give Fujikami Takuya a bit, Yamazaki’s tragic cry suddenly came from the private room.

The earth is always enlightened: (one. one;;)

Hallucinations, hallucinations just appeared, as long as you stun Takuya Fujigami in front of you and leave this club, everything has nothing to do with him.

One minute later.

“After all, I still didn’t take it hard to deal with Yamazaki, what did the owner of the orangutan museum do?” Sougo Doma, who seemed to be pulled in by Takuya Fujikami, sighed in his heart.

As soon as he walked in, Tama Sougou heard Yamazaki crying in a hurry:

“You can’t take it off, ape, boss Kondo, the loincloth is your only dignity, if you take it off…”

In addition to Yamazaki, the other players also stepped forward to persuade:

“Ape, boss Kondo, this is just a game, no, there is no need to be so serious…”

“Let this game end!”

“That’s right, Boss Kondo, please wear your pants back! That’s enough!”

Seeing what happened in front of him, Tuma Sougo wanted to cover his face. He glanced at the other side: (¬_¬)

It is precisely because of this that he did not see the triumph in Kondo Hoon’s eyes: “Yes, that’s it, even if I want to destroy myself first, I will drag you to hell. You group can be happy. Bastard…”

Well, even if he saw it, Sougo Tama would not guess Kondo’s thoughts. It is impossible for humans to guess the way of thinking of orangutans.

In order to drag everyone into the abyss of misfortune, Kondo Hoon also worked hard. He carried the loincloth that had not been untied after being blocked by Yamazaki, with a serious face.

“You fools, don’t stop me! On this rugged road of life, there is no regret at all, whether it is games or life, if you don’t take it seriously…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

If you don’t say this for the sake of understanding the loincloth, it is actually pretty handsome.

“No, it’s not like that, Boss Kondo, if there is no regret on this road in life, let us idiots build on your body and pave a way for you to retreat…” He who often drinks chicken soup Yamazaki also learned how to make chicken soup.

“Yamazaki!” Kondo took a sip of chicken soup, and Kondo was stunned: “You, what are you stupid talking about!?”

“Boss Kondo, whether it is life or games, you are not alone…”

It’s really like a bloody scene.

The members of the [Oolong Tea Research Society] in the outer circle can’t manage that much. They chanted: “Take off, off, off…”

The same goes for the companion girls sitting aside: “Take off, take off, take off…”

Comparing the two, Tuma always realized that he couldn’t control himself, and wanted to spit out a bit–your characters are really upside-down, right? Who is the Jidao organization in the end! !

Shouldn’t the Kondo team make a fuss at this time and let the members of the [Oolong Tea Research Institute] take off?


As long as there is a gorilla, things can easily get out of control!

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