Chapter 417

The more naive, passionate, and simple-minded fool, the easier it is to ignore the influence of banknotes.

“Hey…” Sougo Tama sighed in his heart. He clearly showed Yamazaki the power of banknotes. At the same time, he also let Yamazaki inherit the banknotes ability to do whatever he wanted in this club. How could this guy not Will infer other things?

“Yes, Yamazaki, the reason why the owner of the orangutan museum is booed, on the surface seems to be too much of his own speech… In fact, it is because the owner of the orangutan museum has changed the way to block others from making small money. , Like this kind of club, every bottle of high-priced wine sold will bring a commission to the companion girls…

Therefore, when the escort girls are happy to serve guests and drink, they are very happy to have guests invite themselves to drink. This is a way for them to make money, but the orangutan pavilion’s words exclude the girls, which is no different Yu Duanren makes money, if I was there at the time…”

“What would you do if it was Captain Sogo?” Yamazaki Reti started thinking.

“I will immediately ask the waiters to bring up all the wines suitable for women, and then let them organize another game. In this way, the custody will greatly increase the favor of the gorilla pavilion owners. After all, because of the gorilla pavilion owners They reaped another achievement…” Doma Sougou, a powerful person with money abilities!

Yamazaki retreat: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

This is the so-called way of thinking of the rich?

“Wait, wait, captain, what are you planning? It’s not just to get those students drunk after spending so much money?”

“A lot?” Sougo Tuma tilted his head. Since the rise of the Tuma family, money has been equated to numbers in the eyes of Sougo Tuma. You must know that when the Undead River was handed over to the Tuma consortium, Tuma Sougo has already deducted 30 billion yen from the personal account of Guilong Tama.

After years of unremitting efforts, finally, in addition to the house where he currently lives, 30 billion yen has already been spent. Is Tama always proud of him? Are you proud?

Was he happy that day? To be honest, the happiness of having money and squandering crazily, such an idiot as Yamazaki can’t even imagine.

It’s not that Soma Souchi. If you go to the club where he used to consume, or the area around Yuanyue, he can enjoy the top VIP membership treatment with his face.

Of those companion girls who have served him, who can’t wait to dedicate themselves to him immediately?

However, it is precisely because the girls are too enthusiastic that Tama Zougou has to set a rule for himself, that is, never go to the same club for a second time in a year.

Soon after this rule was established, new urban legends began to emerge among the clubs.

According to legend, the king of the night wanders in many clubs. When the king of the night is leaving, offer the best wine and give the best hospitality. He is a symbol of wealth and a representative of profligacy. When you are satisfied with the hospitality of the king of the night , You can hear the sound of the night emperor:

“I will pay for all the consumption tonight!”

That is the grace of the King of Night, even the guests can enjoy the reward of the King of Night, on that day, just waiting for sales to soar…

These were all just fun for Tuma Zougou. After playing for half a year, he gave up because of being too boring. From then on, the King of Night has truly become a legend.

Compared with that time, is it more expensive today?

If it weren’t for bringing out Xiaobu without permission, he didn’t feel embarrassed to ask for money from Tujian Guilong, he could make a bigger scene!

To be honest, if you are just looking for materials for Shiina Masai, he actually has countless ways to save money. Not to mention that he has a mannequin career, even if he doesn’t, he just knocks out and tied him home to make sure Masai is finished understanding. Later, that person still didn’t know what happened.

It’s just that this method seems to be too troublesome for Sou Jian. If you want to learn to draw the human body, you can’t just refer to one person, right? If you come one by one, you have to refer to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse…

But if you hire too many mannequins at once, let’s not say whether there will be strange rumors, just say that if you don’t pay attention to entering the door, it will be too hot to your eyes, but no amount of money can make up for it!

If it is a kidnapping, if there are too many people kidnapped at one time, even he must be careful to prevent clues from being left. Why is he so tired if he can spend money to solve it?


He wasn’t all thinking about it for nothing.

Xuexia Xuena looked at him every day as if he knew he would do bad things, coughing cough… It was actually quite uncomfortable to be stared at by Xue Nv with cold eyes.

Rather than let Xuexia always focus on himself, he might as well increase the number of people who do bad things and violate the rules, and then skillfully divert the other party’s attention while pleasing himself, coughing cough…

Of course, pleasure of yourself is just incidental, absolutely, definitely not the main reason!

“Yamazaki, there is no plan. I just watch the students study hard and take everyone to relax. A hearty drunk will make people forget countless worries…” Sougo Domama said, his eyes glanced slightly at the same time. After reaching the other side, he stretched out his index finger and shook it.

“For example, now, Yamazaki, if you get drunk thoroughly, you won’t worry about the owner of the orangutan museum.”

Yamazaki Retreat: -_-|||

“Captain, what about after sober?”

“As the saying goes, there is wine now and drunk now, and tomorrow will be sorrowful…”

“No, it’s not right, Captain, if even I get drunk, then tomorrow is not waiting for me, but the vice commander’s knife…”

“Yamazaki, don’t think about life so badly. Look, doesn’t the owner of the orangutan museum still have a loincloth to defend himself? What if he shows his instincts as a beast and keeps winning afterwards?”

“Captain, do you believe this will happen?”

“You can try to pray to God…”

“Is this useful?”

“I don’t know if it is useful, but at least after praying, when you are slaughtered by the earth, you can comfort and comfort yourself. You prayed like a god, maybe you can ascend to heaven!” It’s just so comforting.

“Captain!” Unfortunately, the object of comfort is not useful: “You are already announcing the death penalty, right? Even the captain feels that I’m not saved?”

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama once again pinched his chin and said, “No way, because the gorilla inside seems to have begun to take off the loincloth. I just heard it, take off the loincloth…”

Before he finished speaking, Yamazaki Reti was already full of horror: “Na, Nani? Orangutan, boss Kondo won’t really take it off, right?”

“Who knows?” Sougo Doma shrugged: “Others are okay, what do gorillas think, I never guess…”

Before he could finish speaking, Yamazaki had released his hand and hurried into the VIP room, yelling:


“Well~!” Looking at the back of Yamazaki’s departure, Sougo Tama sighed: “This guy Yamazaki is really energetic, but he can finally go home, back…”

“Master Sougo, where did you go?” Before Sougo Doma finished sighing, an acquaintance-Takuya Fujigami walked out of the door that Yamazaki opened.

Doma Sougo: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

You guys are playing wheel wars! ?

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