Chapter 406

“Damn it, that guy Shiyu didn’t reply to the news.” After LINE sent the message, it was as if the sea had fallen to the ground, Tama Sougo turned on the incompetent rage mode with his hands holding his hair.

at the same time.

Earth House.

“Sister Shiyu, you have to concentrate on playing the game. If you didn’t just play the cover behind you, you would have died!” Even in the form of a little sleepy, you are also serious when facing the game.

“Yes!” This kind of seriousness infected Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. She couldn’t play games better than Xiao Bui. Could it be that Xiao Bui’s younger sister, who seemed to be young, couldn’t make it?

In how to say, she is also an adult, OK, before she wins Xiaokui, put down other trivial matters first! For example, cell phone messages. Anyway, her contacts are only her parents, the editor Machida Yuanzi, Xiaobui, and the hard-headed Knight Jun.

The first two are very relieved of her. As for Machida Yuanzi, it is better not to answer her phone calls recently.

As for Xiao Mu and a certain unreliable knight, she is already at their home anyway, what else should she send? So, just shut it down.

Sou Wu Tama embraced his hands, fixed his eyes on the phone on the ground, his fingers kept tapping his arms.

five minutes later.

He finally determined that not only did Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu not reply to his news, he also turned off his mobile phone, Damn it, what does this guy want to bury the little sleepy form?

What are the pleasant things! ?

Even if nothing happened, staying with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, a pollution generator, his simple and lovely touch would be damaged…

A touch of simplicity and loveliness——Sougo Tama is caught in a long test.

After a while, he slightly revised his conclusion:

Even if nothing happens, the two guys will contaminate each other if they stay together! If that guy Shiyu becomes, Mr. Knight, I’m hungry, Mr. Knight, I want to drink Coke, Mr. Knight, please get some potato chips-what can I do! ?

Shi Yu won’t say anything, in case Xiaobui turns into-Oni sauce, do you want Xiaobui’s stockings? O’Neill, they are also today…

If this happens, where will he go to fight Dawei Tianlong again? He hasn’t bought a flight ticket to Germany yet, even if he can manage it, he still has to leave it to a professional! ?

As long as he thinks of this, Tuma Zougou can’t help but shudder for the miserable life in the future, no, absolutely can’t let things develop like this.

You have to settle the matter here quickly and rush home before the two contaminate each other.

Now that the decision has been made, the first thing is to determine how the guys from the [Oolong Tea Research Institute] are doing with the Kondo team members.

While thinking about this, Sougo Tama stood up and opened the door of the VIP room, rushing to the room he had just left.

But before he entered the VIP room he opened, Sougo Tama saw Yamazaki Reti who should have been in the room. Before he could speak, Yamazaki Reti was the first to find him. As if the savior was discovered first.

“Team, Captain, you, are you here!?”

Seeing Yamazaki retreat, sweating profusely, Sougo Doma fell into deep thought–could it be that he didn’t find a hidden master?

“Yamazaki, don’t worry, what just happened, speak slowly…” Is it a Japanese high school student? It’s normal for a few monsters to appear. He has to make sure if he can get over it.

“Captain, you’d better look inside for yourself…” Yamazaki said with a faceless face.

“Inside?” Is it still selling at this time? Doma Sougo opened the door gently, and glanced inside with a slightly suspicious expression in his eyes.

This look is a lore!

Tōma Sougou thought of a certain lyrics-just because I looked at you more in the crowd, I was blinded by my dog’s eyes.

After closing the door again blankly, Sougo Tama looked at Yamazaki Retreat with a smile on his face: “Yamazaki, I assume I haven’t been here today, understand?”

Hold it!

It’s a pity that after a long absence, Yamazaki’s courage has grown day by day. Even if Tama Sougo was his former captain, he was still held back by Yamazaki when he wanted to escape.

“Yamazaki, do you want me to help you remember the pain?”

“Captain, one side is the sword mountain, the other is the sea of ​​fire, how do you let me choose?” Yamazaki retired with tears in his eyes.

Sougo Doma glanced at Yamazaki Retreat with a complicated expression: “Who got the gorilla after all? Where is the earthwork? Does that guy care about it?”

It’s not that he is always incomprehensible. He just opened the door and took a sneak peek inside, and he saw the scene of extremely hot eyes. A group of boys with their shirts off were coaxing around a gorilla…

To be honest, it’s not a big deal just like this, but Kondo’s gorilla’s thinking is obviously different from that of ordinary people. Although they don’t know what games they are playing, everyone else starts to take off their shirts. Only the gorilla pavilion’s shirt is neat and tidy. Qi, but below—it only has a loincloth left.

In addition, it is surrounded by a group of boys holding wine bottles, how do Domama look at it, it looks like a group of boys who are drunk, want to do something to that orangutan, spicy eyes!

Those accompaniment girls are even sitting aside and having fun, if it weren’t for the teacher Song Qi who still remembers their glorious career to teach them from time to time, then they would really make money just sitting down!

“Actually, it was Ono who ran into the orangutan in the bathroom, the boss of Kondo and Mr. Tokata…”

“Then the owner of the orangutan pavilion came to eat and drink? Where’s the earthwork?” Blue veins appeared on Sou Gou’s forehead.

“That, it’s actually the orangutan I invited, Boss Kondo…” Yamazaki retired touching the back of his head and said with a look of embarrassment.

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

This guy Yamazaki really doesn’t know how to write dead words!

“Captain, listen to my sly and explain…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

It is said that the newly built cemetery is pretty good. Would you like to buy a copy for Yamazaki?

“That guy Ono ran into an orangutan in the bathroom. When Mr. Kondo, Mr. Kondo cried very sadly, and Mr. Earthwork on the side had nothing to do about it…”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

The orangutan boss is used to not crying any day. After buying the cemetery, will he give Yamazaki a glass of water and wine after the fifteenth day? So troublesome…

“I heard Ono said that the orangutan, the boss Kondo cried because Miss A Miao had something to do today, and she asked for leave to rest at home. The vice-chief was holding a knife at the orangutan. Boss Kondo made gestures, and Ono found me in a hurry. …”

Yamazaki Retire felt quite exhausted at this time, why is there an organization where the deputy commander takes a knife and gestures at the general!

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Sure enough, they are all irrelevant questions, why didn’t the earthmoving guy cut it down? By the way, I have to ask Yamazaki for a while, whether he needs someone to worship or anything, it is really troublesome to think about it.

“Captain, I really only suggested that the apes and Kondo boss be replaced by another person and try in a different mood. Who knows that the deputy commander entrusted Kondo boss to me, and the deputy commander threatened me if he didn’t take care of Kondo. Boss, he will kill me!”

“That guy from the earthwork tells you so directly?”

“No! The deputy commander threatened with his eyes, I can understand…”

“The look in the eyes? Yamazaki, can you understand the look in my eyes now?” Doma, the nuclear kind, Sougou.

“Guru!” Yamazaki swallowed his saliva: “Captain, otherwise you can directly discuss with the deputy commander and give me a good time. I really can’t hold it anymore. Do you know the mentality of Boss Kondo who came here? ?”

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