Chapter 405 Put down the hostages, what’s coming for me!

Tokyo, Ginza, 【House of Devil Temptation】XX VIP room.

After Kondo became sober, Turku Shiro was worried about the Kondo team again. After all, to play the sign of the Shimiya family, some preparations must be done first. By the way, the fish that has recently been put in are caught in a net or something. The total mess is enough for him to worry about…

In addition, he had to help a gorilla who was always ready to get rid of the tail. The earth party only hated his lack of ability to do so, so after a few words with Tujian Zougou, he took the gorilla on the side and asked to resign.

five minutes later.

“Well, it seems that the art of using flies to fool away the earthwork was successful. It is a pity that I can’t kill the fly by myself. However, I am not a demon after all. Since that fly likes to count others, it is a pity. Let him go to Africa to calculate the hearts of the uncles…”

After confirming that Shijuro Tobe and Too Kondo had gone far, Sougo Doma stretched out and said, “Oh, next, I should go back and see what happened to the really white model.”

As the saying goes, Cao Cao, Zhang Fei arrived.

Sougo Tama just started talking about True White, and before he even left, a LINE was sent first.

{Zong Wujun, it is said that only unqualified knights will let the princess send other girls home, even if they are apprentices, they will be deducted points #^_^}——The little and more rude maid .

Seeing the message sent, Tuma always realized that the corners of his mouth twitched. Sure enough, he didn’t take the wrong nickname. Shiyu, this guy is getting more and more rude. If it weren’t for stealing kisses and being arrested today, cough cough…

{Shiyu, you, do you have amnesia, you, you are not a princess at all, but a maid, the guy who pretends to be a princess will be stabbed by the knight ( ̄ー ̄)}-a dead duck-mouthed knight Jun.

{Knight’s gun? Which one? Is the one you carry close to your body? (✿◡‿◡)}——The little maid who is getting more and more rude.

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

Netizens really don’t deceive me. Once a woman gets serious, there is nothing wrong with a man!

{It seems that you are still aware of the identity of your maid, thinking that you are the first offender, so you will not be held accountable. Have you come to my house with Zhenbai? }——The knight with a hard-mouthed dead duck.

Tokama House, Tokyo.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had just stepped into the gate with Zhen Bai, had a pretty pink face at this time. Why was she so excited that she directly sent the explosive thoughts in her heart to Zong Wujun? How would Sougo-kun think of him.

But before she calmed down, Tama Sougou’s LINE had already sent a message. Seeing the message on it, Shiyu Kasugaokazu’s mind was hot again.

{Zhen Bai has already gone up to paint, won’t you be held accountable for the first offense? Then, how many times do you need to commit a crime before you will be punished by Lord Knight? }-The little maid who is getting more and more rude.

Tama Sougou: ▄█▀█●

Shiyu is definitely a nemesis sent by God. He is obviously the one who just sent his first kiss. He was shocked by his sentence a few weeks ago that he had no loss of death penalty and earned three years of blood…wait, shouldn’t that? Will Shi Yu think that he is a herbivorous man because he has not done anything recently?

{Little Maid Shiyu, don’t forget, I’m a believer with no loss of death penalty, three years of blood earned, haha…}-a knight with a hard-mouthed dead duck.

Intimidation is that simple.

{No way, as a maid, I can’t fight against Lord Knight. Besides, does the law work for Lord Knight? }-The little maid who is getting more and more rude.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This is a fairy, no wonder he can see that she is not a human at a glance!

{No, I mean, this law is not only effective for men, but also effective for women. I read a lot of books…}-the dead duck-mouthed knight.

Tokama House, Tokyo.

Seeing the news that Tujian always realized, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face flushed, not shy, but angry. What does that law mean for girls to be effective? Doesn’t this mean that her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can use it?

“Sister Shiyu, what’s the matter?” Just as Xia Zhiqiu was feeling chest tight, the hamster who was sitting on the side playing the game also found something.

“Actually, I was angry with my classmates…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled suddenly as he watched the cute dumplings buried.

“Get angry with Ounichan?” The hamster was puzzled: “Why? Could it be that Ounichan did something strange…”

“No, the reason why my sister is angry with classmate Tujian is because classmate Tujian left such a cute little sleepy person at home…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

“Hey…” The hamster smirked.

“However, what I didn’t expect was that Xiao Mu school girl didn’t go home either. I remember Xiao Mu didn’t seem to participate in club activities.”

“Ah~! That…” The hamster was buried in a cold sweat: “Sister Xiaomu is helping others to make up the violin course recently, saying that there will be some Vienna music competition in half a month…”

“Guide…” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was ashamed, and said secretly: “Isn’t this kind of development usually for special training to participate in the competition? What the hell is guiding others? Should I say that reality is really strange?”

Buried dumplings: -_-|||

Fuzzy, have you been fooled? O’Neill is really true. Shiyu should say it first when she comes. How can Xiao Bui recognize Shiyu’s appearance? Shiyu will mistake him for a waste material. There is no way, only Xiaokun The vest!

“But…” Just as the hamster buried his guilty conscience, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly said: “That guy Xiaobu is really stingy…”

Buried dumplings: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Teacher Xia Shizi, how stingy is Xiao Bui!

“Hiding such a lovely touch at home, I never mentioned it when chatting with me.”

Buried dumplings: -_-|||

No, no, no…

The one standing in front of you is Xiaobui!

“There are also Tujian classmates, and I never talked about Xiaopu in school…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth.

Tuanzi smiled awkwardly: “…”

Ernie sauce, let’s divide this pot.

“No, actually Xiaokun just moved here a few days ago. O’Neill and sister Xiaomu are probably not used to the existence of Xiaokun…”

“Xiaokun is so sensible. The more I am like this, the more I feel that I am leaving Xiaokun to watch the house alone, Damn it.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth again.

Hamster buried: (one. one;;)

O’Neill, it seems that you have been set on fire, Xiao Bui can only try to help you struggle…

“Sister Shiyu, don’t think about it so much, O’Neill must be busy with her own business. Instead of taking care of O’Neill, it’s better to play games with Xiaokun…” Speaking of this, Xiaobuy let out a starry eye. , I only hope that the game can take Shiyu’s attention away.

Facing Xiaobui’s star-eye offensive, even Zou Wu could only raise his hand to surrender, not to mention a mere Xiazhi Hill?

{I’m too lazy to tell you, I’m going to do something pleasant with Xiaokun^_^}——the little maid who is getting more and more rude.

Seeing the little maid’s increasingly arrogant words, Tuma Sougo fell into silence, that little sleepiness would not be…

No, there is no doubt that Xiaokun is Xiaobui’s vest!

Is this the threatening news from Shiyu? Damn it…

{Let go of the hostage in your hand, if anything comes at me, three years or the death penalty, I don’t care about you…}-the hard-mouthed knight with a dead duck.

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