Chapter 393: The Guy Who Thinks Others Are Stupid is Stupid

“Captain Sougo, I just help you get a group of students drunk. Don’t blur things up. It’s too exaggerated to talk about tasks!” Seeing a group of team members looking at him, Yamazaki Reti explained quickly.

Don’t be so skilled in digging, Captain Sougo!

Members of the first team: “…”

It’s just that, Captain Yamazaki, and come back first, don’t have to cut your belly.

“Cut…” The pit that was dug at hand was easily seen, Sougo Doma took a sip again, and Yamazaki was getting worse and worse. How about such a simple person at the beginning? Everything has changed!

“Yamazaki, you are wrong again. This is actually a benefit I gave to the players. You must know…”

Before he finished speaking, Yamazaki’s face changed again: “Fu, welfare? Captain, why do I feel a malicious attack when you say this word? Can we not do this welfare…”

The members of the first team nodded collectively, Captain Yamazaki, you are really good, and every 15th day of the lunar new year, they will offer a glass of thin wine to show their hearts…

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

What are these guys thinking about, why didn’t the Kondo team practice the death squad? If so, Yamazaki will definitely be selected!

“Ahem, Yamazaki, you guys ruined the reputation of the former captain in order to sit on the throne of the team captain. I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person. I saw you wrong…”

Yamazaki Retreat: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

I am not, I am not, don’t talk nonsense!

Before Yamazaki could speak, Sougo Doma continued.

“Everyone can listen, am I going to give you benefits!”

The players pricked their ears.

“Look, as a member of the Kondo team, even though Mr. Tufang and the owner of the Gorilla Pavilion got together today because they can’t worry about it, but…” Sougo Doma scanned the surroundings with his eyes: “This kind of gathering Don’t you think something is still missing?”

“Captain Sogo, we are here…” Yamazaki was about to refute, would he not know what was missing? It’s just that the vice-chief and the others are still negotiating, so they quarrel…

Yamazaki thought for a while, he would definitely be killed by the vice-chief!

“Yamazaki, take it easy. Are you underestimating Mr. Tufang and the owner of the orangutan museum? Since those two guys said it was okay, it means that they are absolutely sure. Don’t forget, that guy has a vice-chief of ghosts. Title!” Sougo Tama said, tilting his head.

“Yes, we also know that the vice-chief will not do anything uncertain!” Yamazaki also replied after hearing this: “We are just worried about what happens in case…”

“Then don’t worry about it now.” Sou Gori Tama adjusted his collar: “Because, I’m here!”

Upon hearing this, Yamazaki smiled from the heart: “Yes…”

The members of the first team are all set at heart, and look like You Rongyan: “Yes!”

“Now that you understand, let’s enjoy the benefits that I have arranged for you. Besides, because it is a benefit, I have arranged a lot of girls over there. It’s just that those girls still belong to someone else. Can you grab them? When you get it, it depends on your performance…” Sougo Tama opened the temptation mode.

“By the way, don’t let the Kondo team lose the limelight because you are shy. You have to understand that the history of human development is the history of war. There are many things that can trigger wars, resources, land, food…Of course, Including women

As long as you think about it, everyone will find that the drinking war you are about to provoke is actually an indispensable part of human development, and I have even helped you find the reasons. This clubhouse is a little bit beautiful. Girl, I have all been sent to that VIP room…”

Before they finished speaking, the team members were already excited: “Song, Captain Sougo, it’s too much, so many accompany girls…”

Only Yamazaki retreated two steps and secretly said: “These idiots, the captain regards them as Yakuza who specializes in finding faults! What about the self-esteem of your formal organization?”

“Ahem…” Looking at Yamazaki who was backing away, Sougo Tama hurriedly coughed twice: “Do you want a good wine? Do you want a beautiful woman? Then go! I left everything there and find me Treasure…”

Before he finished speaking, Yamazaki Reti smiled awkwardly again: “Captain, you ran to the wrong set, even if the players are stupid, you will find out…”

“Wine, there are beauties!”

Listening to the shout, Yamazaki retired with a dull face–sorry, he overestimated the IQ of this group of players. No wonder he always realized that after the captain left, he could also become the captain…

Compared to the sluggish Yamazaki, Sougo Tama was quite satisfied. These guys are still familiar with the recipe and the familiar taste.

“Very well, it’s this momentum, Yamazaki, then you will be responsible for bringing everyone there. I’ll go and find Mr. Earthwork and them first. It just so happens that I have some things that are not convenient for me to do it myself (whispering whisper)…”

“Huh…” Seeing Tuma Zouwu who left, the “passionate” players were relieved.

This made Yamazaki, who had just recovered his senses, once again fell into shock: “You, you guys, all of you just pretended to be?”

“Ah~! Of course, as long as you meet Captain Sougo’s wicked taste a little bit, he won’t be minded by him…” Certain team members took it for granted.

“Furthermore, based on your reaction from Captain Yamazaki, what Captain Sogo asked for shouldn’t be troublesome…” Another team member analyzed.

“But Captain Yamazaki has really grown up, and he dared to confront Captain Sogo in person…” Some team members praised Yamazaki’s courage.

“That will be missed by Captain Sogo…”


Listening to your words and my analysis of the players, Yamazaki Reti has written on his face full of unrequited love-he thought these players were stupid, but he did not expect the real stupid person to be him!

These players are too deep in their routines, how did he become the captain of this team! ?

at the same time.

With the address given by Yamazaki, Sougo Tama came to an inconspicuous VIP room. I have to say that Yamazaki and others are very good at choosing a place. This private room is only less than 20 meters away from the room just now. , If something happens, those guys will definitely be able to get to the scene as soon as possible…

Before he could finish his emotions, a hand stretched out to stop him.

“Private meeting, stop ahead!”

Sougo Tama looked at the owner of his hand, and he was actually wearing a suit but not a tie. Bad review! However, the appearance is very strange, probably the other party’s people, he decided to withdraw the foreword-Yamazaki and the others can only rush to the scene in the second time.

It’s a pity, it’s too weak.

Otherwise, you can pretend to be Mr. Tufang to provoke and provoke the other party, so that the guy knows what embarrassment is.

The guy in front of me.


What kind of threat can the guy who was knocked out all at once poses to the earthwork, it’s boring!

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