Chapter 392 Captain Yamazaki, please die decently!

Human beings are visual creatures. Under normal circumstances, people can often infer from a person’s appearance whether the other person is in danger. Of course, this is often inaccurate.

It is precisely because of this deep knowledge that Sougo Tama made suggestions for the transformation of the ordinary Yamazaki.

“By the way, there is also a hairstyle. Yamazaki’s current hairstyle looks very ordinary. If you make a moxican and dye your hair colorfully, the deterrence can be further improved!”

“Captain Sougo, what kind of manga are you looking for? Can you still see people like that? No, can you still walk on the street? If you walk less than 50 meters, you will be caught Keep your eyes on the note…”

“It’s not an extreme comic, it’s a classic look in the masterpiece “Fist of the Big Dipper”, how could it be targeted by the sliver…”

“Captain, that’s a look that will be beaten to death when you play!” Ordinary Yamazaki murmured with an ordinary attitude.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Has it been discovered?

“Yamzaki, do you look down on Moxi for? Apologize to Moxigan! Do you know how hard they work for Moxigan? In order to keep the hair style from falling, they have to spend 25 hours a day to make styling water… …” Anyway, fool around first.

“Captain, before joining the Kondo team, I myself was Moxi Gantou…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Eh? Is that right? Yamazaki is getting skinny recently.

“Ahem, then you are also very hard…”

“Ah! By the way, Captain, you told me that Moxigan was the hairstyle that was killed by a punch…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Ask Mr. Earthwork another day if there are any dangerous tasks that lack people. Yamazaki is definitely the right person!

“Okay, don’t worry about that shit Moxican style…” Real men never stick to the past.

Ordinary Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

Who wants to apologize to Mo Xigan? The captain found it useless, so he just replaced it with shit?

“Do you remember what I told you yesterday? Yamazaki…”

“Ah, although I don’t know why Captain Sogo wanted to intimidate several students, but Yamazaki, a member of the Kondo Division I team, retired, awaiting the captain’s orders.”

“It’s not intimidation, it’s for you to treat those guys well. Make sure that those guys can feel the warmth of home everywhere…” As soon as Yamazaki’s voice fell, Sougo Tama corrected the other party’s speech disorder. He was the kind of intimidation. Guys? This is ruining his style!

“Can you feel the warmth of home everywhere? The captain means…” Yamazaki retired in doubt.

“Stupid, I don’t understand enough, what is home? Home is a place for people to rest! You can feel the warmth of home everywhere, that is to say, you can rest wherever you want!” I am worried about Yamazaki Retreat’s ability to understand.

“Do you want to do it?” Yamazaki retreated slightly serious.

“Are you a violent man? I will choose [House of Demon Temptation] for this occasion?”

“Captain, you, don’t you want me to get all those guys drunk…” Yamazaki Retire on the other side of the phone wiped his sweat.

“Shallow, can’t it be that you guys are so happy to meet each other, you can’t hold each other’s hands while chatting, and you look right again…”

“Please stop your bad description, Captain…”

“Well, it’s okay to know the meaning anyway, or, Yamazaki, do you think you can’t do it?” Doma, the term was terrible, Sougo.

“Well…” On the phone, Yamazaki suddenly smiled: “If it’s other time, I’m afraid it may not be possible. Now, Captain, go ahead fifty meters and see!”

Tuma Sougo: “???”

This guy is starting to hide again! It’s time to ask Mr. Tufang if there is any task that needs to be sacrificed.

Go forward fifty meters, right? He was going to see what Yamazaki was doing!

A few seconds later, Tōma Sougou came to a corner. As soon as he turned around, the guy Yamazaki appeared in front of him. Ordinary him, he was really fascinating. He seemed to be in comparison with a certain girl, who was he? Ghana…No, it’s Kato, Kato Megumi!

Tuma Zou Wu’s memory began to work, and after a long while, the corners of his mouth twitched again.

It is said that there will be chaos first and then there will be heaven, I am as beautiful as a fairy in a picture…

But it’s so special when he came to this suspected world, how could he shiver so much, especially since the opponent can spawn an inexplicable skill, the water seems to be very deep!

To be safe, he decided to stay on.

While thinking about this, Tama Sougo was also taken into another VIP room by Yamazaki Retreat.

Fortunately, there are no escort girls here, only a small group of members of the Kondo team, which is said to be a small group, but in fact, there are nearly fifty or sixty people sitting in this private room.

Before these guys bowed, Sougo Tama took the lead and said: “Eh, a lot? Is this a party? Yamazaki is too much. If there is a party, I will not notify me, and I have to find it myself. You won’t despise me… …”

Yamazaki retreated and met hostile eyes from the players.

“Captain…” Yamazaki retreats crying without tears: “This is not a party anymore. In fact, today, the ape, the boss of Kondo and Mr. Turki are negotiating with representatives of Kansai United. We are just insignificant personnel.”

“Huh?” Hearing this, Sougo Tuma exclaimed: “Is Mr. Tufang still a child? I need to bring people in negotiations? And only so much?”

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

Captain, I suspect you have any misunderstandings about our combat effectiveness!


In my heart, I imagined the power gap between Tama Sougo and himself and others, and Yamazaki Rei wisely did not ask this question again.

“In fact, Mr. Tufang didn’t agree with the suggestion to lead people, we people just followed in secretly.”

“Woo!” Hearing this, Tuma Sougo squeezed his chin: “Sure enough, you guys also think that Tumu is very weak, don’t you, I really want to see that guy is smashed by the sword…”

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

How could the deputy chief be weak! Moreover, Captain, you have made no secret of your full malice towards the deputy commander!

“Well, negotiation?” Sougo Tama squinted his eyes and continued: “It’s really a term that I haven’t heard for a long time. Where are the master of the apes and Mr. Tufang in the VIP room?”

“team leader!?”

“Which one?” Tuma asked Heshan.

Yamazaki Retreat: “…”

Even if you are the captain, don’t even try to find out anything from him!

five minutes later.

“It’s really unexpectedly near. By the way, Yamazaki, since you have so many people, then the task of getting those guys drunk should be easy to complete, right?” Sougo Dooma looked happy after searching for the news. Standing next to him were fifty or sixty brawny men trembling.


“Yamazaki, isn’t this what you just wanted to express? If it’s normal, you might not be able to do it, but today… doesn’t it mean that you are actually ready to ask the players to help? ”

“Ha, ha ha…” Yamazaki smiled back.

In contrast, it was a confused, stunned, and trembling member of the Kondo Division I.

Captain Yamazaki, what did he promise Captain Sogo! ?

If it’s Captain Sougo’s request, they will be broken, right? Will it be broken by playing? Captain Yamazaki, please die decently for us!

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