Chapter 379 Don’t Slap Your Face When You Do It?

“Hey, Hattori, now the cats are tamed. Many people keep cats as pets at home…” When someone else says something pretty, please interrupt him-Doma Sougo.

“Asshole, I’m talking about wild cats, wild cats!”

“But, isn’t the ninja always effective in the tradition of loyalty to the lord?”

“That’s just the past. Anyway, it’s time for the ninja profession to retire from the stage of history. So the only ninjas left now are wild cats. As long as they have a bite of food, they can join together to fight for creatures… …” Hattori Junzo once again spoke beautifully with a serious face.

“Woo…” To this, Sougo Tama could only raise his hand again: “Hattori, the wild cats now live by selling cuteness in exchange for food, basically there is no fighting…”

Hattori Collection: “…”

Damn it, judging from the fight just now, it seems that he can’t beat this slack guy, but I really want to kill him!

“You don’t understand at all. The so-called selling cuteness is a weapon used by wild cats to fight, just like ninjas using ninjutsu. The wild cats seem to be selling cuteness, but they are already on the battlefield!”

“You guy is really obsessed with being a cat…” Tuma Goku smiled cold and sweaty.

“Of course, as opposed to dogs, of course I am a cat pie!” Hattori Quanzo nodded.

“Because the cats are even more…” Sougo Tama stepped forward harmlessly.

“Yes, of course it’s because cats are more mysterious and elegant…” When it comes to cats, Hattori Chuanzou doesn’t seem to be calm.

However, before he finished speaking, he was already caught by Sougo Doma, who looked harmless to humans and animals: “The general is now, Hattori, and the wild cat will be more vigilant…”

“Are?” A cold sweat broke out on Tan Xing Zhengnong’s Hattori Quanzang’s head: “If I said, I just made a joke, would you believe it?”

“What do you think?” Sougo Tama, with a grinning smile: “Hattori, offering a reward is not so easy to take!”

“Actually, I just want to remind you not to be too slack. If the kunai just now is not a plastic kunai, but an iron kunai, you are already cold, do you know?” Hattori Chuanzou is full of desire to survive!

“If it is iron kunai…” Toma Sougou smiled unabated, but his left wrist shook suddenly, and then a handful of Colt appeared in his hand: “If it is iron Kunai, the bullet in this gun will let you see your brain…”

“By the way…” Hattori is all in cold sweat: “Did you guy carry a gun at school? And, how can people see their brains.”

“For students, school is a battlefield. Do you go to the battlefield without weapons?” After Sougo Tama asked rhetorically, he concealed Coltby to Hattori: “As long as the bullet is fast enough, people will die before they die. , You can still see your brain, do you want to see it?”

“I don’t want to!” At the moment when he was targeted, Hattori Junzo raised his hands. He was very sure that Sougo Tama’s so-called battlefield was absolutely wrong, he did not dare to say.

Facing the confessing guy, Tama Sougou pushed his left hand backhand, and Colt slipped into the cuff: “Hattori, although your confessing attitude is very straightforward, I still want to beat you up…”

“That…” Hattori Chuanzang’s strong desire to survive: “Actually, I really just want to remind you that you can’t be so slack when you are offered a reward on the black market. If this were the past, I would not be able to approach you easily. …”

“Murderish and murderous intent!” Sougo Tama suddenly said, “Did the old man at Damn it teach you? However, I remember that there should be something in the secret technique scroll.”

“Secret Skill Scroll!? Wait, why have you read the Secret Skill Scroll!” Hattori Quanzang’s eyes twitched: “Don’t you mean the Hattori family secret skills learned while hiding and seek…”

“That was the thing that fell from the old man of Damn it when I was about to grab it. Because of the secret breaking technique, I was kicked again!” Sougo Domama’s left hand was holding the core of his head. Shan Xiao: “Besides, it’s not just a copy. It should have been in the headquarters of Shuangshu, right?”

“Woo~!” Hattori Quanzang groaned, “Are you still at the headquarters? Anyway, will it be exchanged for toilet paper?”

“Isn’t that the precious secret technique of your Hattori family?” The corner of Tuma’s eyes twitched.

“That’s why I said that the ninja is a product of lagging behind the times…” Hattori Quanzo retorted.

“Ah, that’s the case, why are you still looking for me to ask me about your sins anytime? Haven’t all the so-called secret techniques been exchanged for toilet paper by you?” Tōma Sougou smiled on his face. The # sign began to pop up.

“Haha…” Hattori Quanzang’s strong desire for survival began to work: “In fact, I just want to be your practice object, so that you can master the secret techniques of our Hattori family as soon as possible. So, would you believe it?”

“Then, do I have to thank you?” There was another # character on Tuji’s forehead.

“No, this is what I should do. In fact, I also hope that the secret techniques of the Hattori family can be carried forward, but I am too tired to practice…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this really human?

“So it’s like this…” Sougo Morama was kind on his face.

“It seems that you can also understand my good intentions, you see, it is precisely because of my threat that you can practice the secret techniques of the Hattori family to perfection, like what murderous intent and murderous intent, I even listen to it. Never heard of…”

“Hattori, you should thank the old man of Damn it. If it weren’t for the secret technique of your Hattori family, it could actually reduce my perception, and focus the target group of perception on the sake of maliciousness and killing intent to me, I I’ve killed you…”

Hattori Collection: “…”

You are still a student, don’t talk about killing people so easily! but……

“Why is there a secret technique that reduces perception? Even if perception is reduced, it is simply weakened!? What the hell is the secret technique of our Hattori family?” He still couldn’t help but complain.

“It’s not to reduce perception, but to transfer perception to a target that is murderous and malicious to oneself. To be honest, it is a kind of enhancement of perception ability. When you guy just came here, there was no killing intent in your heart. Naturally It became my neglected target…”

“That is to say…” Hattori’s face suddenly became difficult to look: “You are not slack at all?”

“Slacking off?” Sougo Tama smiled again: “Who knows about this kind of thing? Or it would be better for you to experience it yourself. After all, if you don’t have your secret technique, I might be with someone now. Like a god, I can’t feel any surprises or surprises…”

“Don’t know what to do with your own body…” Hattori Quanzang wanted to give himself an ear scraper a few minutes ago. Why can’t you observe it carefully?

“How can it be counted, after all, it is the guy who wants to receive my bounty…”

“Actually everyone can see that I was just making a harmless joke, ha, ha ha…”

“I don’t think it’s a joke. Moreover, the ninja is a wild cat. It is an animal that can get together to fight for a bite. It’s not surprising that this kind of animal came to me for a reward…”

Hattori Collection: “…”

Having said so much, I just wanted to beat him up, how could he succumb so easily?

“So, don’t slap your face when you do it!”

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