Chapter 378 Dogs and cats are different species

“Tsk tusk…” In the face of the entire Hattori who was in the raid, Sougo Tama joked while staggering away from his attack, “I didn’t expect to order a takeaway and also come with a ninja attack. The characteristics of your store are really getting better and better. There are more tricks, by the way, Hattori, you have too many small elbow moves behind you…”

“Cut, are you dodged?” The elbow hit was dodged, Hattori Quanzou was also quickly backing away, whispering: “It seems that even if you start to slack off, but if you don’t show your determination to die… …”

Before he finished speaking, Tuma Zougou had already deceived himself: “You don’t even have the determination to die, so why do you get the bounty? Hattori? How about trying this trick? The soil goes to death. Cannon punch!”

The fist hadn’t come yet, but the whole of Hattori had already felt the wind blowing on his face. The force of this fist was heavy, as fast as lightning, just like a cannonball just out of the chamber.

“Well~!” Hattori Quanzang’s expression changed even more. Fortunately, he didn’t respond badly. He suddenly moved to the left and turned to the right while he was walking, avoiding the punch: “I really dare not dare to do this punch. It’s hard to follow, it should be said that it is a monster, even if it seems to be slack, but it still makes people feel a hopeless gap…”

“Woo…” While chasing the other party’s past, Tōma Sougo also kindly reminded: “The main reason is that you, a ninja, don’t do sneak attacks and assassinations. Instead, fight with me personally. You treat you as Naruto. what……”


Before he finished speaking, Hattori Chuanzang directly threw a smoke bomb on the ground and hid it under the cover of the smoke: “Don’t show me Naruto, do you know how hard Naruto works? Although now It seems that the talent is insufficient, but I believe that as the plot develops, Naruto will definitely become a great ninja…”

“Hid you hide?” Looking at the empty rooftop except for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who fainted on a chair, Tōma Sougo said while observing the surroundings: “Nonsense, Naruto is a hot-blooded male. The protagonist, it seems that the talent is not good now, it’s just that the plug-in hasn’t arrived yet…”

“Enough, don’t use your plug-in theory to evaluate Naruto, Naruto is but, he is a rare hardworking…” Hattori Quanzang’s voice came from all directions.

Just halfway through the conversation, Tuma Sougou interrupted: “Hattori, I have found you…”

“What!?” Hattori Quanzang was shocked when he heard the words: “You guy was just deliberately tempting me to speak, so as to figure out where I am? It’s really cunning!”

“Not at all…” After Sougo Tama waved his hand, he pointed to a wall with a bald eagle background and said, “Why do you think our school has the hip-hop culture of bald eagles!”

Hattori Collection: “…”

Silence, silence, silence is the private Toyosaki rooftop at this time.

For a while,

A breeze passed.

Hattori Quanzang walked out of the invisibility board (probably), looking at the hip-hop bald eagles on the board, he finally couldn’t help covering his forehead and said:

“Damn, it looks like I was really drunk yesterday, I’m embarrassed now…”

“Who is slacking off this so!?” Summoning the machine, always enlightened.

“By the way, let me give you a chance, I will find you fifty yuan more, how about assuming this has never happened?” Hattori Quanzang suggested.

“I’ll give you a chance, who will give me a chance?” Sougo Tama stepped forward with a look of kindness: “Or, I’ll give you an extra 300 yuan. You stand still and let me beat you up.” How’s it going?”

“The slack guy, only gave three hundred yuan, do you think you can eat me?” As a ninja’s vigilance, Hattori Quanzang once again opened up the distance from the soil.

“Yes, I think I’ll take you down!” Sougo Tama nodded disapprovingly.

Hattori Collection: “…”

Bastard, it’s going to die if you give face! ?

“Don’t forget, ninja is a profession that cannot be measured by common sense.”

“That’s why I even wanted to fight for Master Uncle’s idea of ​​offering a bounty? Although I didn’t think about being your Master Uncle…” Sougo Tama stepped forward again.

“Asshole, who admits that you are the uncle? You said that when you played hide-and-seek with my old man, you learned the secret skills of our Hattori family. I don’t believe a word at all. How could there be…” Before Sougo Doma could finish speaking, Hattori Junzo covered his ears with his hands.

“But actually, I was playing hide-and-seek with a Damn it old man, and at the same time I learned your so-called Hattori secret skills, and then, the old man insisted on admitting me as a junior, what can I do, I am also desperate… …” Sougo Doma interrupted with a shrug.

“Don’t be kidding, and at that point in time, the old man is already lying in the funeral coffin!”

“Woo…” After thinking about it, Tōma Sougo said, “This is probably the reason why the ninja is said to play cards in an unreasonable way.”

“Why don’t you play cards according to common sense? You tell me, how can you play cards without common sense so that you can play hide-and-seek while lying in the coffin. Do you want to say that you met an old man? A Piao…”

“Woo…” Doma Sougo squeezed his chin and said: “It doesn’t have to be Apiao, and, are you sure that the old bastard lying in the coffin is really the old bastard? Maybe it’s just the old bastard’s replacement for the dead. I don’t know where to go to be chic…”

“Nonsense, I checked it a long time ago, there is no human skin mask, and no…” Hattori Quanzang said with disdain.

“Cough cough…” Before he finished speaking, Tama Sougo almost spit out saliva, barely suppressed it, but still coughed twice: “Is this the inspection you said?”

“Otherwise!?” Hattori was puzzled.

“Have you checked the DNA comparison?”

Hattori Collection: “…”

“Iris contrast, fingerprint contrast?”

Hattori Collection: “…”

Tama Sougou covered his forehead: “I haven’t even checked these. Can you really be sure that the old Damn it is in the coffin? Don’t you know that ninja is the most unreasonable profession?”

“Enough, why do I have to do those checks on my dead old man?”

“Therefore, you can’t be sure until now, whether the old man of Damn it really died, and I, who mastered the highest secret order of the double tree, can be regarded as your uncle in every sense. You should Fortunately, I have no interest in this kind of small broken organization…

Moreover, I seriously suspect that the old man of Damn it was touching me at the time, and his purpose was to get Shuangshu to have a relationship with the Tuma family. Fortunately, Hattori, you led most of the members to reject the Tuma family. Invited, I only found out after investigating later, that the small broken organization of Shuangshu, nothing else, there are so many traitors…

This is like a comic book, laying the groundwork for the story of the traitor’s return and revenge. It is really daunting to think about it. “Sougo Doma said, rubbing his temples.

“Asshole, comics are comics, and reality is reality. In reality, no traitor would dare to come back for revenge! Moreover, he wouldn’t have anything to do with the Tujian family…” Hattori Quanzou looked indifferent:

“The one who accepts captivity is a samurai. If a samurai is a loyal dog, then a ninja is an unfettered cat!”

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