Chapter 368 The Reality Is Really Difficult

Once there was an urban legend that said: When you hear someone calling your name behind you, don’t turn your head back, because the ghost will blow out the fire of Yang Qi in your body when you turn back…


She has been on stage, but, to Tuma Sougou, the current Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is much more terrifying than a ghost or something. Who made this guy greedy her, and for some reason, he couldn’t take action against her?

Therefore, facing the call of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Tuma Zougou went even more anxiously.

“Sougen Tujian, you, you stop…” Seeing Sougen Tujian who was quickening his pace, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu trot to follow.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Chasing, chasing, this guy is impatient for him! It seems that he has to run faster…

“Sougo Tama, if you don’t want me to chase you eight streets like the literary girl in the comics, you just stop!”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

This is already threatened? Is he the kind of person who will stop when threatened? Want him to stop? It’s ridiculous.

“If you want to escape from the school building, YOUJUMP, IJUMP!”

Summa Suzuka was suddenly relieved: “…”

Even if it is wind, it sometimes stays for a short time. It’s just a hill that catches up with Xiazhi. What is he afraid of? In other words, the Titanic jumped into the sea! It’s not the flat land, does this Xiazhiqiu understand?

This time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally caught up.

“You, what did you just leave!?”

“Isn’t it a basic etiquette to leave when someone else is sitting down?” Tuma, talking nonsense, Sougo went online.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: -_-!

“What kind of basic etiquette is this?”

“Because if I stood there, I would think that the mud seat was used to me. If so, I’m afraid I can’t help but beat people. The doctor calls this mud seat violence syndrome…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

What kind of doctor would say that? The name of a disease like this is nonsense, but it’s too bad for Mr. Zongwu to say it arbitrarily…Wait! Sou-go-kun didn’t leave in a hurry because that junior was upset with me, and he was so jealous, right?

It’s really cute, no, you have to ask!

“Is there still this kind of illness? Excuse me, why does Sougo-kun hate someone else’s place?”

“I don’t know this?” Sougo Tuma looked contemptuously.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted his teeth, Zongwu Jun…

“Think about it, when is it possible for someone else to take a seat against you? One, that person did something sorry for himself, and he used it to apologize, as if he was very sincere…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded, that’s right, since he has already taken his seat, would he still be insincere?

“But, why should a sincere apology end if you did something wrong? Since you have done something to be sorry for others, then just go to death…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (One. One;;)

It’s too absolute, so the population growth will intensify!

“In the second case when talking about Tuxiazu, that is, someone has an embarrassment and wants to ask themselves for help, so they have to use Tuxiazu to plead with others…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

She seems to have encountered this situation, but if Zongwujun did not come, she was afraid that she would have to turn on the poison tongue mode to smash people.

“Since things will make yourself embarrassed with others, then improve yourself first. What does it mean to plead with others with the act of taking a seat? Do you expect others to be compassionate and have to help them? Or do you use moral pressure to do so? Forcing others?”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

It’s really a different explanation. Isn’t that the behavior of the student just now?

“That’s why I hate the behavior of being seated by the soil. If the object of the seat is me, I will really beat people. For the same reason, I also hate others saying sorry to me, thank you or something.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: →_→

She probably understood some of Tujian Zongwu’s thoughts again. In that case, why did she say that Tuxiazu is sincere just now!

At the same time they were talking about sitting down.

The implementer of Tuxiazuo, An Yilun, also looked dazed. He just finished sitting down, why did Senior Sister Xiazhiqiu leave? If Ying Lili leaves, it is still in An Yilun’s expectation…

After all, Ying Lili was so concerned about him An Yilun before. Seeing him sitting down with Kasumigaoka-senpai, she would definitely have a mess of thoughts. If you can’t figure out to leave for a while, it’s excusable. No, if Ying Lili didn’t leave, she was in An Yi. It seemed to Lun that the matter was only serious.

If he does this, Eiri can endure it, it means Eiri really doesn’t care about him, An Yilun, so Eiri’s departure is a good thing, which proves Eiri can’t forget him, she wants to coax him. Okay, that guy is also very simple, he can easily handle it with just a few good words in a while.


Where is Kasumigaoka-senpai? Why, he has already taken his seat, and Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu still ignores him and leaves? Even if it is a poisonous tongue, he can say a few words!

If Xia Zhiqiu-senpai takes his just now heroine declaration as a confession, he can also take the opportunity to say: “It’s a game, the heroine of the game. Actually, I am only interested in the second dimension. Please spare me about the third dimension, Xia Did Senior Sister Zhiqiu misunderstand…”

In this way, the image of the harmless otaku of others can be deepened again, and even if Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is vigilant, she will slowly relax her mind.

Because he is an otaku who is not interested in the three-dimensional and only indulges in the two-dimensional, it is impossible to do anything at all…

An Yilun has also written the script, but why don’t the actors act according to the script?


He seemed to have heard something from a male voice just now-Tuxia was very sincere.

Look, others can appreciate his sincerity!

Why is Kasumigaoka-senpai…wait! ?

male voice?

Why was there a man’s voice just now?

No, he has to analyze and analyze again, the male voice that appeared inexplicably ignores the senior sister Xiazhiqiu who left…


Didn’t Kasumigaoka-senpai just ignore him and leave because of the sudden appearance of the male voice? Yes, it stands to reason that I was begged by people, even if it was Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu, I had to respond with something…

And the reason why she didn’t do anything was definitely related to the man who appeared suddenly, Damn it, before Senior Sister Kasumigaoka left, she seemed to yell, Sougo Tama? Damn it, that bastard broke his plan again?

Today in the multimedia audio-visual room, but his last chance…

In the future, I want to think of “coincidentally” Xia Zhiqiu-senpai in the second year of high school. Not to mention the increasing difficulty, it is said that as long as there are a little more people, his seat will be sealed… There is no way, even if his character is a fanatical otaku, but When there are too many people, if you use soil to sit down in the poems of Xia Zhiqiu, you will be stared at by unhappy boys.

In this country with distinct classes, it is not too simple for a second-year high school boy to clean up his whole life.

He is a fanatic, but if he doesn’t get it right, he will become a bullied fanatic!

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