Chapter 367

For An Yilun, Ying Lili is already the most talented person he knows. He was once jealous of Ying Lili, especially when Ying Lili truly ignored him, An Yilun was even more so. I think that because of his talent, Ying Lili has been addicted to painting, so he will not pay attention to him…

For this reason, An Yilun even thought that if Ying Lili could not paint, it would be so good, or she would always be like when she was a child, only knowing how good the graffiti was. In this way, Ying Lili had to follow him…

However, after listening to Shiina’s achievements.

First prize in the International Art Competition? Was summoned by the Queen of England because of his paintings? A gem in the history of human art…

Watford? What the hell?

Is this what a female high school student can achieve?

An Yilun also looked dazed.

Is this kidding him? How could there be such a genius in this world?

If so, how does Ying Lili compare with others? If Ying Lili is not useful, then how can he approach Kasumigaoka-senpai in the name of co-writing a book and start a strategy for it?

What should I do? What should I do now? If it is a GALGAME game, this line has become a dead end, Damn it, if it is a GALGAME game, he will definitely not be so passive…

and many more!


An Yilun also suddenly had a new idea!

Now that the road of co-writing books has been broken, I invite Senior Sister Kasumigaoka to play the game together, the GALGAME game with the theme of encounters in his imagination, and in the process of making the game, he can also become fettered with Senior Sister Kasumigaoka. …

As for how to invite, An Yilun has already had a plan in mind. The high school students are all thin-skinned, so there is nothing that can’t be solved by sitting down. If there are, then two, three…

Anyway, his crazy otaku’s personality is the reason for pleading. He is not harassment, but has a dream in his heart, and the soil is also a strong evidence of working hard to realize his dream!

Thinking of this, An Yilun also raised her head again: “Sorry, Eiri, I didn’t know Shiina-senpai’s strength is so powerful…” We must first comfort Eiri. This is the original artist of his game. Shiina is really white. He is more powerful, but he has never been on the line with the other party…

Of course, if in the process of making the game, he can have an intersection between Kasumigaoka-senpai and Shiina Mashiro, he doesn’t mind replacing Ying Riri…

Ying Lili, who hasn’t figured out what horrible An Yilun is also thinking about, just turned her head. Anyway, she never thought of comparing Shiina to Shiina on the way of painting. In terms of painting, she is more talented than her. That’s a lot, but as long as you are naive and want to compare Shiina with Shiina, you are basically autistic…

She is a drawing book, so forget it!

Seeing Ying Lili ignores herself, An Yilun is also not embarrassed, he knows Ying Lili is Tsundere again, and it will be fine in a while…

Immediately afterwards, he changed the subject.

“Kasumi, teacher Kasushiko, I, I don’t understand. Since the famous Shiina-senpai has already accepted the illustration job, why is “Love Metronome” still finished in three volumes, if not because of the library…”

“This book fan schoolboy, I never said that the ending is related to the library…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at An Yilun with a speechless expression: “The story has to come to an end. Three volumes are just enough for me. Tell the whole story…”

“How is it possible that Zhenwei has just appeared on the stage. Between Sha Yujia and Zhenwei, the gentle Naoto should have difficulty making a choice. So gentle Naoto will hurt the other party no matter who he chooses. So, Naoto There should be more confusion and hesitation…” An Yilun also wittyly used the novel content as a breakthrough.

Hearing this, when I remembered what Tujian Sougo had said, I summarized it as follows: Gentle people are actually the least gentle…It turned out that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face turned strange, and I didn’t feel anything before, but listen. After An Yilun’s description, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt, why is this behavior so scumbag?

What did she think at the time, how could she think of using this kind of person as the leading actor? Fortunately, the third volume of the novel basically has nothing to do with that straight person…

How could she be described as the hero who the author resists in his heart?

This individual scheming schoolboy, who really doesn’t open the pot and pick which pot…

“As a matter of fact, I have already said that the content of the final volume will be kept secret for the time being. As readers, you don’t want to be spoiled by the author, right?”

An Yilun also: “…”

Damn it, he failed again, and even chatting with the content of the novel as a breakthrough was blocked, why is this happening? He has studied “Love Metronome” crazy, and the young love in it all proves that the author himself is a simple fool who has some illusions about love…

But why didn’t it show up in Kasugaoka-senpai at all, Damn it, in order to make Kasanogaoka-senpai have a good impression of him, he also imitated the Naoto in the novel!

While he doubted himself, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu spoke out again.

“If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first…”

An Yilun also: “…”

No, no, you can’t let Senior Sister Xiazhiqiu leave like this, if you leave like this, he will have no chance at all! It seems that a straight shot is needed.


Thinking of this, An Yilun also stood in front of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu again, and then, a standard soil seat appeared.

“Please, please wait, Senior Sister Kasumigaoka…”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Here again?

Sawamura Ying Riri covers her face-this is really her childhood sweetheart. It’s embarrassing to think about it. Fortunately, she disconnected from her in time.

“Sister Kasumigaoka, please, please be the heroine of my game!”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Has she been stunned for too long or something? Is this a confession? However, she finally understood the ulterior motives of this fanboy…

“…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu just wanted to speak.

“Kang Dang!”

The door of the audio-visual room was opened.

Doma Sougo, who wanted to become a salted fish, walked in.

Seeing everything in front of him, Tuma Zougou secretly said in his heart: “This special thing can be mixed together? In other words, there will be no plot lines or anything? Wait, if this guy Xia Zhiqiu is Attracted to the past, then she won’t be greedy for me?”

Thought of this.

Tujian Zouwu said, “It’s Xia, hehe, Shiyu, that, Tuxia is still sincere, I, I will leave first!” First affirmed Tuxia, and then left quietly. The plot line will bring these guys together, right?

Sougo Doma, who left the multimedia audio-visual room, felt that he was really witty…

When he retired, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu suddenly became anxious, and she didn’t care about the book-loving schoolboy who was “confessing” to her in front of her.

“Souma Sougen!”

Seeing Tujian Zouwu’s back, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said loudly.

Hearing this name, Sawamura Ying Riri suddenly turned pale, and then immediately looked around to see where she could hide.

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