Chapter 360 Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu slightly retracted her face-slapped hand

“Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu…no, teacher Xia Shizi, have you succumbed? You succumbed to the despicable means of the library? Let your hard work “Love Metronome” end?”

From An Yilun’s point of view, the performance of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is like a symbol of Wenku’s submission, such a hot work as “The Metronome of Love”, which author will easily end it, as long as the grades are good, who will not serialize a dozen? This book, anything else, as long as the reader is willing to pay for it…

Of course, the “Love Metronome” is about to end, and there is only one possibility that the library’s suppression…

This made An Yilun also see an opportunity. In his opinion, teacher Xia Shizi is still a newcomer and does not understand the situation in the industry. He is already a best-selling author, but he is unable to suppress the library. This is not his opportunity. ?

As long as he lets “Love Metronome” eliminate the “half-cutting” result, wouldn’t he become the savior of Kasugaoka-senpai? Instantly replace the position of the tongue of God! At that time, Xia Zhiqiu-senpai will not be grateful to him?

Seeing An Yilun who is getting more and more excited, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is a little helpless. If this fan is excited because of the content of the novel, it would be good if the excitement is because of the slash of the library. Sorry, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s vigilance once again increased by +1.

No way, who made the decision to finish the “Love Metronome” is her? It’s just that she had too little knowledge before, and the hero in it was not good enough for Zhenwei, nor Sha Yujia…

“Ah~! The ending of “Love Metronome” has basically been settled, so thank you for your kindness, about the illustration…” After being vigilant, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has already filtered out the book fans. The level of identity, looking at An Yilun’s frenzied performance, is basically a criminal…

The performance of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also made An Yilun feel stable. The more Xia Zhiqiu-senpai accepts his fate, then after his comeback, Xia Zhiqiu-senpai’s favor with him will only rise sharply.

“No, that’s not the case!” An Yilun also smoked his glasses: “Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu, have you ever heard of a Jedi comeback? Believe me, I will definitely not let “Love Metronome” end here!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What is this guy excited about? Is he the author or my author? What the hell does he want to do? Just ask.

“What do you mean?”

“First of all, it’s the illustrator’s problem!” An Yilun also pushed his glasses again: “Since Xia Zhiqiu-senpai is facing the suppression of Wenku, then the illustrator arranged by Wenku must be a hindrance. Fortunately Xia Zhiqiu-senpai has the foresight. , Please, I contacted the new illustrator…”

I repeat the matter of being asked again.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Let’s not say please, don’t please, what she is afraid of now is that the content of the novel has dragged True White. The guy who has never seen True White’s works has no idea how enchanting that guy is.

At this time, a soil of Sougou walked by: “It’s really white, ooh, it’s about to catch up with my painting skills for a week or so to learn painting.”

Shiina Shinairo, who silently followed behind him: “Sougo, is the most powerful…”

The unwilling expression was fleeting. On the surface, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still calm: “Xuebai means that the illustrator you got is better than the one arranged by Wenku for me?”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa was speechless. Since the “Love Metronome” was on fire, just a little bit of inquiry will know that Bunku helped her get in touch with the famous boss in the industry, Eromanga-sensei. It’s just because of Shiina Shiba’s super The specifications exist, she refused…

But now, this ill-intentioned schoolboy actually said that he helped her contact the illustrator. You know, although Mr. Eromanga was rejected by her, he can draw illustrations that are comparable to her. There are really few people. .

She wanted to hear it now, but this “book fan” wanted to say something again.

“Are you the new painter that the younger brother got? I don’t know who it is, but I can enroll in my younger brother’s Dharma Eye…” Slightly mocking, there is no way, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can’t help but want to slap her face, if she is not famous, she directly Teacher Eromanga just throw it out. As for the real white, it is a weapon of great injury…

The words that are obviously mocking sounded expectant to An Yilun. Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu has already recognized him. Otherwise, how could it be said that an illustrator can be in his sight? Next, as long as he can get rid of the fate of “Love Metronome”…

Well, those who don’t mention it first, you have to take a reassurance for Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu. Thinking of this, An Yilun also said with a mysterious expression:

“Has Kasumigaoka-senpai heard of Hideri Kashiwagi?”

Xia Zhiqiu: (One. One;;)

As an otaku, how could she not know that at that time, a copy of “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain”, she didn’t dare to talk to her father for half a month, so she would tell others?

What’s more, when “The Metronome of Love” was first submitted, she asked the old woman Machida Yuanzi if she could ask Hideri Kashiwagi to help her draw illustrations, but she was told that she was inadvertently doing business cooperation as a big boss. I’m afraid it’s not that the novels she writes are all working for the other party, or even, it is possible to carry debts.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was angry at that time, and slapped the table: “Can’t provoke, can’t provoke, just feel free to library…”

Big brother Ying Lili: “When can I receive illustrations or something to land? I ask for a really low price…”

“Ying Riri, you can actually go ashore as a cartoonist.” Sayuri Sawamura is always so considerate.

In response to this, Ying Lili threw out a pillow, then curled up on the bed, feeling wronged like a golden retriever dog who had been persecuted many times: “I knew how the demon could be so kind to Doma. He just wanted to let him They won’t be able to go to shore for a lifetime.”

At that time.

Sougo Domama, who was playing the game inexplicably lying with a gun, sneezed, and then was buried with a gun headshot…

“Euny sauce, it’s too bad to pull!” Although 15 pieces were slaughtered, her hamster hadn’t gotten a shot headshot by her hamster in the end? Although the total score is 15:1, the final winner is still Xiaobui!

Skip these not to mention.

When he heard Eri Kashiwagi, Shiha Kasugaoka was stunned. It seems that Eromanga-teacher was embarrassed to throw it out. Although Eri Kashiwagi has not achieved much in the illustration industry, the other party’s “Father’s Love is Like a Mountain” So far it has been recognized as a classic.

What’s more, Shiyu Kasumigaoka also knows that the reason why Hideri Kashiwagi did not become famous in the illustration industry was because of the identity of the other party’s big brother. There is no way. The average author can’t afford it, and the best-selling author has more choices. .

For example, she herself, when “The Metronome of Love” suddenly became popular, she also considered letting Hideri Kashiwagi be her illustrator. However, after Machida Sonoko talked about Eromanga, she betrayed, and she had seen it really white. After painting, she betrayed in an instant…

In Kasugaoka Shiba’s view, Shiina is really white, and she definitely has the ability to turn a rubbish novel into a best-selling product. Even if it is just for illustration, countless people will be willing to buy it!

If it weren’t for Kasumigaoka Shiba’s conviction that the third volume discussed with Xiaomei had a special magic, I’m afraid she would not dare to let Shiina Masashiro be an illustrator…


Let’s not mention Zhenbai, a slightly offensive guy.

Although Hideri Kashiwagi made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu quite concerned, after all, the psychological shadow of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu for nearly half a month was brought by that guy.


Care about…

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