Chapter 359 Isn’t the information not equal and still use routines indiscriminately?

Although the hero saves the United States is an old-fashioned and extremely bloody routine, isn’t the reason why the routine can become a routine because humans are willing to accept it?

An Yilun, who has an unusual understanding of the two-dimensional culture, also knows this. It is precisely because of this that he will repeatedly emphasize the fact that he is “pleased”.

What makes An Yilun also regretful is how did “Love Metronome” suddenly become popular? If the results of “Love Metronome” are not as good as expected, but with his efforts to turn the tide, “Love Metronome” has today’s results, An Yilun also believes that he will definitely have a place in the hearts of Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu.

That damn god tongue, can’t you cook your food well? What’s the mess in ACG circle!

Fortunately, God Tongue is an eldest lady. If God Tongue is as male as him, An Yilun can’t even imagine how to get Xia Zhiqiu’s favorability from the opponent…

Fortunately, it’s a big lady…

However, things have happened, and An Yilun is not prepared to struggle with it. Since “The Metronome of Love” is already on fire, then he will try another way to save the beauty.

That is to become the “benefactor” in the beginning…

As long as Ying Lili can work hard to draw the illustrations that Kasumigaoka-senpai wants, draw the illustrations that readers want, and draw… as long as the “Love Metronome” can increase sales again, then, under constant reminders, he is The impression of “being entrusted” will be firmly imprinted in the heart of Kasumigaoka-senpai.

Under this circumstance, he is equivalent to the change of direction saving Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu once. Then Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu’s affection for her has not risen linearly?

In addition, Xiazhiqiu-senpai and Ying Lili, the fool’s childhood sweetheart, will become collaborators. During the period, that fool’s childhood sweetheart didn’t know how many assists he would give him. Think about it, it’s the rhythm of Wuhu’s take-off!

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is to realize his identity as An Yilun as a “benefactor”, so he has to always emphasize that after he is “pleased”, he went all out to find an illustrator…

Moreover, this point does not seem to be a flaw in An Yilun. After all, not many people will deliberately remember what they have talked with the first time they met. He only needs to blur the concept; even if it is revealed, he can use it. , It seems that he misunderstood and pushed it over…

Not to mention, in An Yilun’s opinion, these choices are all operations that have greatly increased their favorability. When we first met, others would forget everything they said, and Yilun was because of this. I tried my best to find an illustrator. In this comparison, can I tell which one is higher and lower at a glance?

It’s a pity that An Yilun also overlooked one point. He didn’t know Shiina’s identity.

Similarly, he did not know that Shiina Mashiro had already taken over the illustration work of Kasumigaoka Shiwa. With Shiina such as Shiina Shiina, how could Kasumigaoka Shiba ask someone to draw her illustrations.

Because of this, An Yilun also thought that it was a perfect fit, which exposed great flaws from the beginning.

While this made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart vigilant, she also had some doubts. She wanted to see what the spectacle house was thinking about.

“Speaking of which, it is really troublesome for the younger brother, but because of the popularity of “Love Metronome”, I only received a notice from the editor yesterday, saying that I have helped contact a new illustrator… ”

“Wait!” An Yilun also hurriedly interrupted. This kind of thing must not happen. If the illustrator of the library is used, then how can he come in contact with Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu as a “benefactor”!

“Senior Sister Xia Zhiqiu should create the best light novel now. How can you follow the library arrangement in the illustrations casually!?”

“The younger brother is too exaggerated. I have never said the best light novel or something. Not to mention the sales of tens of millions of copies of “Fantasy Demon Sword”, even “Explosive Black Fairy”, I can’t compare it here. …” Because of the good sales, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn’t really care about these things. She said it at this time just to see what the schoolboy was doing.

“The “Burning Black Fairy” is not worth mentioning. It is clear that “Love Metronome” has the potential not to lose to “Fantasy Demon Sword”. As long as the senior sister can continue to write it down, with the potential of “Love Metronome”, I can definitely step on…”

“I’m sorry, “The Metronome of Love” has been finalized for the third book, and it will be another story next time…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu interrupted.

“Huh!?” An Yilun couldn’t understand either, “Love Metronome” is so popular now, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can rub the fire and write the story all the time: “Three, three volumes finished? Senior sister, is it possible? Is it the suppression of the library? Undying Chuan Library is crazy, no, otherwise, how could the three-volume “Metronome of Love” be finished?”

This remark once again made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu more vigilant. If you care about novels, you should ask her who the protagonist chose in the end, but An Yilun also cares about the three-volume “Love Metronome”. Thing.

If she was suppressed by the library, I’m afraid that now she and An Yilun have also developed the same hatred of enemies, but… thinking of Yuanzi, the old woman has been asking her to modify the content of the third volume, at least, she can’t directly finish the book. When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked helplessly, she wanted to laugh inexplicably…

Although her original plan was to end five copies of “The Metronome in Love”, let alone that she has no interest in continuing to write “The Metronome in Love”. The most important thing is that after discussing with the fellow Xiao Mu, Xia Zhi The more Qiu Shiyu thought about it, the more exciting he became, and he couldn’t control his hands at all, and after writing, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu even thought that the third volume had a different kind of magic…

The magical power shocked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu as the author. She was sure that she would never write a novel like the third volume again…

In short, in a word, it is impossible to revise the revision. Wenku will publish it as soon as it is released. If it is not released, she can write a new book, a best-selling author, self-willed!

Even An Yilun didn’t know this. He could only judge based on his past experience. When the novel became popular and suddenly finished the book, what reason could there be other than the suppression of the library? That’s why he said that he was angry at Wenku, showing that he was on the side of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Didn’t you say something? “When a woman tells you that she is quarreling with others, she doesn’t want you to analyze who is right and who is wrong, but wants you to stand on her side unconditionally.”

“Senior Sister Kasumigaoka, how can Wenku be like this? It is clear that the story of “The Metronome of Love” has just begun to the middle part. If it ends like this, it ends like this, I can’t promise…”

It is a pity that An Yilun also stood in the wrong line this time.

As for the library, I have always wanted to let Shiyu Xiazhiqiu write it down, but Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, a best-selling author, is self-willed!

“Oh, the story is not half, after all, the two’protagonists’ have already touched each other…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is good at misleading, and the two heroines have indeed known each other.

This sentence once again made An Yilun also see his opportunity to become a “savior”.

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