Chapter 344 Ying Lili’s Nightmare Source

Five years ago, Zecun’s villa.

“That, thank you…” Although the guy on the other end of the phone destroyed her yearning for her childhood sweetheart, but anyway, he also helped her to recognize a person, and she was always crying outside by the young lady. After a few days, I had to call to express my gratitude.

“No need at all. I just want to see what kind of guy is there that is countless times better than me. It turns out that there is no such person at all. By the way, did you kill that guy?”

Sawamura, Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Why does this guy utter such words so easily? Sure enough, it was a devil!

“If you think that one shot is not enough to relieve your breath, I can introduce a variety of methods for reference, such as lighting a sky lantern, peeling the skin…”

Toma Sougou hadn’t finished speaking, and she already scared the young Ying Lili whole person. How did Ying Lili hang up at that time, Ying Lili has forgotten, but in the vivid description of Doma Sougo At the same time that Ying Lili grew up, she also had a nightmare for a period of time. The content of the nightmare is almost the punishment described by Sougo Doma…

It’s just that the victim is her Yinglili, and the perpetrator is Sougo Doma.

Ying Lili still hasn’t figured out why someone can say so many terrible things to Loli’s casually…

This is also one of the reasons why Ying Lili would keep away from Doma Sougo. However, although in reality, she stayed away, but in his hands, the book based on Doma Sougo has sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain and is constantly being drawn. Come out, as long as you think of Sougen Doma, Ying Lili feels that she has countless inspirations…

In her eyes, Doma Sougo is too much in line with the personality. In the book, No matter what method Doma Sougo uses to abuse the heroine, Ying Lili will not be surprised, but thinks this is a matter of course.

It’s just that the more she draws the book, the more she feels that the earth is always enlightened. It seems that the guy in the book will come out at any time, and then give her a lesson!

Facts proved that it was not a random worry. When Sougo Doma found her with the latest book she had drawn at the time, Ying Lili was completely stupid.

“Sawamura, it’s not right, it should be called Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi, right?” Eiri still remembers how Tama Sougou approached her with a benevolent face.

“Why, what Eri Kashiwagi, I, I don’t know what you are talking about!” Faced with the approaching Sougo Doma, Eiri can only step back and start acting stupid.

“Explaining that is too anxious will be seen as true or false, Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi.”

“I have said it, I don’t know what Hideri Kashiwagi…” I can’t admit it, absolutely can’t admit it!

“It turns out that Miss Sawamura doesn’t know what Hideri Kashiwagi. It seems that I can only use the tricks I learned from Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi to’enter’ Miss Sawamura.”

“Huh!?” Sawamura, Ying Riri almost broke down at the time, what tricks Eri Kashiwagi learned from him? Isn’t it just some books…

and many more!

Ben, Tama Sougou is going to use the tricks from Hideri Kashiwagi’s book to deal with her Eiri? Isn’t that to treat her as the protagonist of the child…

No, that’s right, most of her books are based on Sougo Doma. In other words, this guy is originally the actor of the book, but even if he is the actor, that kind of thing really happened to me, Ying Lili I feel afraid of being a pill!

Immediately afterwards, she glanced at the Soma Sou Wu who was getting closer and closer to her, and finally couldn’t help but said, “Absolutely not!”

“Ms. Sawamura’s reaction is not like the reaction that I don’t know who Hideri Kashiwagi should have!”

Sawamura, Ying Riri crashed completely, and then began to give up on herself: “Well, I am Eri Kashiwagi, what do you want…”

“Didn’t I say it? I want to apply what I learned from Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi to the teacher, revenge for those poor heroines!” Sougo Tsuchima replied solemnly.

Sawamura, Yinglili: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Can this be human words too? Besides, what the hell is it to avenge the heroine? In the book, aren’t you guys doing it?

“You, don’t mess around, I, I will yell…”

“Ms. Hideri Kashiwagi is imitating a certain heroine? Shouldn’t I say at this time, you shout, no one will save you if you break your throat, and if you yell, Hideri Kashiwagi’s identity It was exposed…” Tujian, the big villain, Sougo is online.

Sawamura, Yinglili:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This guy is indeed the style of a sub-protagonist. It is true to choose him as the male lead, but…who will save her now? Is it true that her identity and innocence, she can only choose one from Sawamura and Yinglili? Is this the retribution of the painter of the book, from then on, she can only be tuned wantonly by Sougo Tuma, and finally becomes an RBQ?

She doesn’t want this kind of future!

“You, you fellow, I, I will not succumb! And, you, you are already committing a crime, if there is a mess, I, I will…”

“A crime? But, I believe the audience will understand it.” Sougo Tama shrugged indifferently.

Sawamura, Yinglili:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

View, audience! ? This guy still wants to do something to her in the public. How bad is this? Besides, is this guy really not afraid of being caught? If there is an audience, as long as someone calls the police, he will be over. Of course, Ying Lili is also over…

In Sawamura, when Ying Lili was thinking about it, Doma Sougo was already close to her.

In response, Sawamura, Ying Riri said, she is done!

“Then, Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi, please use yourself as a model. Use all the tricks you used in the book and start creating. In addition, I personally have a lot of ideas about abuse. Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi basically Just to make the actor shrink…”

“Huh!?” Sawamura, Ying Riri looked dumbfounded: “The so-called use of all the tricks on me means to draw on the notebook?”

“Otherwise, what do you think?”

Sawamura, Ying Riri: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

I thought you were going to use it directly on me!

Of course, it is impossible to say such a thing…

“Or, Mr. Hideri Kashiwagi thinks that I should show you in reality?” Mu Ma, full of bad water, Sou Wu.

Zecun, Yinglili: ((‵□′))

This guy definitely did it on purpose!

“I’m really sorry, I’m really not interested in a figure like Yingri Kashiwagi…” Doma, Can Nianlian, Sougo.

Sawamura, Yinglili: (ㄒoㄒ)

That’s enough, let’s not scare others, but also mock her in this regard. She is still a child and there is still room for improvement.

“Based on the genes of the Zecun family, Mr. Baimu should have nothing to count on in this life.” Sougo Tuma once again can’t remember his face.

Sawamura, Ying Lili: “…”

Heh, heh, mom, she seems to be as smooth as a wash!

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