Chapter 343

Private Toyosaki, park,

“Clang, clang, clang…”

After the urging of the class bell, Toyonosaki fell silent.

“Hey…” Sawamura, Spencer, and Ying Lili who were late sighed: “Damn it, the fact that the dead line is coming is too terrifying, and my mother is also true. Why don’t you wake them up sooner? , If you are too late, you will be misunderstood by everyone!”

She had forgotten the fact that it was who wandered around and played games all day before the death line was approaching.

Sawamura, Spencer, and Yinglili, the external image of an elegant lady, slightly overlapped with Xiaobai, but they do not have the psychological quality of Xiaobai at all, but the guy Xiaobai is in the public, and they all dare to agree. If you don’t agree, she will become a powerful character in the form of a hamster. Even if she is discovered, she can calmly incarnate Xiaoxiu and turn on the trumpet mode…

For their psychological qualities, Bitzer, Spencer, and Yinglili don’t know how many points they have made.

Skip this point without mentioning it.

Sawamura, Spencer, and Yinglili look like the eldest lady, but their essence is-a heavy house girl, an ace player named art department, but in fact, a great master in the book industry, Hideri Kashiwagi!

The insulting and insulting book drawn by him, I don’t know how many otaku indulged in it, but also killed countless lives. It is a sinful young girl.

Because Eri Kashiwagi killed Lu Guosheng, Sawamura and Eiri could only hide this identity, and on the surface disguised as a senior high school student who had no power to tie a chicken, ahem, okay, in fact she There is nothing to tie the chicken to…

In short, there are no more than two people who know the identity of Hideri Kashiwagi in private Toyosaki.

And of these two…

There is another person who is the source of her nightmare, so I won’t mention it.

The other person…

“Huh?” Ying Lili, who just opened the shoe cabinet, was stunned. There was a copy of GALGAME “Angel Love” that was just released. She has been famous for this game for a long time, but because of the time of writing, she still Before I had time to buy it, I didn’t expect that she suddenly appeared in her shoe cabinet today. Could she be the luckiest girl in the legend…a ghost?

Who put this game in her shoe cabinet? Is her hidden identity exposed? Or, this is a temptation to her by others. If she takes it away quietly, she will expose her identity as an otaku. It’s really an unsuspecting guy…

Fortunately, Ying Lili had encountered the ultimate evil of mankind. With such a small method, she instantly thought of countless solutions.

For example…

“Hahaha…Yinglili, are you careless? I’ve asked. Yinglili hasn’t bought this GALGAME, which is called a magical work by the industry, right?” While Yinglili was thinking about it, a glasses house suddenly jumped. Come out, proudly said.

It’s hard for An Yilun to even think about it. In order to find out about the “gift of apocalypse” that Eirili is lacking in Zecun, he has spent a lot of effort. Of course, there are also those who usually follow Eiri secretly. reason.

In this regard, Sawamura, Ying Lili is like this: -_-!

Knowing her identity, but the person she most reluctant to mention, appeared.

“Anyi classmate? Is there anything wrong with you?” The rigorous social rhetoric obviously rejected people thousands of miles away. If it were ordinary people, I’m afraid it would have been defeated long ago.

But who is An Yilun, he has already abandoned such things as face!

“Ying Lili, the name An Yi is too strange, right? How can I say, we grew up with childhood sweethearts too!” First of all, it’s friendship.


In Sawamura, Ying Lili frowned: “Anyi, we only met when we were young. If this can be considered a childhood sweetheart, then my elementary school classmates are basically my childhood sweethearts.”

“Ying Lili, it’s not like that, you, you have changed, you obviously didn’t say that at the beginning…” An Yilun obviously did not expect Ying Lili to be so resolute, and when he spoke, he denied his childhood sweetheart status.

Fortunately, he has another trick.


An Yilun also unearthed his seat again.

“Yinglili, I don’t know what I did wrong, but I don’t want to quarrel with you anymore. I was wrong. Can you forgive me?”

If these words were put in a few years ago, Sawamura and Yinglili would be happy to death, now…

Ying Lili was panicked, she couldn’t help it. She would also have to panic when someone came to take a seat early in the morning. If someone else saw this, she might have misunderstood her Ying Lili bullying classmate.

“Hey, what are your nerves, get up quickly!”

“Is Eiri forgive me?”


“If Ying Lili refuses to forgive me, I won’t get up for the rest of my life…” An Yilun also mobilized his own superiority, in order to complete the encounter of fate, for the sake of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, he fought!

In Zecun, Ying Lili gritted her teeth, and the scum in front of her was indeed her childhood sweetheart. Even a few years ago, she was still worried about how to reconnect with him. The demon of Satoru!

“People’s childhood sweethearts don’t do this kind of thing, my childhood sweethearts are, but they are countless times better than you…” Ying Lili still remembered that after she was teased one time, she said this to the devil in a crying voice. Sentence.

Then it didn’t take long for the demon to send her a videotape. In that videotape, his childhood sweethearts’ words and deeds were actually recorded. When An Yilun also proudly said that Ying Lili was that fool. Keep feeling guilty, this is the end of the betrayer…

Sawamura, Ying Lili finally understands what a sinister heart is, and at the same time, her fear of Sougen Tuma has deepened. That guy is definitely a devil, not a devil. How can she lead An Yilun also to say Say these words!

Didn’t she just say something about her childhood sweetheart? Is it necessary to slap her in the face like this? Her simple and beautiful memories were destroyed in this way. How could she dare to believe others in the future?

Ironically, what did the demon say to her: “If you want to start, who hasn’t met a few scumbags, when you experience more…”

Originally, Ying Lili thought that the devil had turned her sex and wanted to comfort her. She was looking forward to asking: “What will happen if I experience more?” Will she meet the right person?

“When you have experienced a lot, you will get used to it, oh, if you encounter a few more scumbags, maybe Miss Sawamura can hold a competition. Among the people I know, who is more scumbag!”

Listen, is this really human?

If it weren’t for the defeat, Ying Lili wanted to slap her up at the time, why all the claims were based on her encountering a scumbag?

Besides, other people are just scumbags, and Tujian always realizes this demon, but he takes pleasure in teasing other people’s souls. In comparison, those scumbags are simply not enough!

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