Chapter 333 If We Switch Offense and Defense

In a sense, Sougo Tama encountered a rather incomprehensible proof, which is like when you go to the bank with your ID card, and the bank asks you to prove whether the ID card is not you, it is ruthless, it is ZZ .

Fortunately, Mujian always knows and knows more and knows that the more you are in this situation, the more you can’t speak casually, you can easily leave the story behind, and you can only deadlock the topic on the word “gay” So, the most urgent thing is to think about a topic and divert the other person’s attention, such as:

“It’s decided, in order to bury Jiang’s physical and mental health, even if Sou-jun is gay, teacher Xia Shizi, who is a love expert, will break him straight.”

That’s right, Sougo Tama was about to nod, wait!

Isn’t this not giving up sticking the gay label to him at all? Moreover, why is this Kasumigaoka picking up the topic again! ? What is meant for Xiao Bui’s physical and mental health? May I ask, is he the source of pollution to his body and mind?

Summoning the Earth: #^_^


“Needless to say, Zongwujun, although I don’t understand the habit of people like you very well, I will definitely let Zongwujun see the charm of women. Even if Zongwujun likes my stockings, I will You can warm up for Zongwu every day…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t give Tujian Zongwu a chance to refute.

This day, for Kasumigaoka Shiwa, was really a day of great ups and downs. During the lunch break, Shiba Shiina’s words made the serious Kasumigaoka Shiba realize what defeat is called. She was a proud guy. If everything is really like Shiina Shiina. In other words, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu will probably hide her unstarted relationship, and disappear with the passage of time…

It’s just a love affair that hasn’t started yet, and she can’t defeat her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu. Although she said that, there is always a bitterness and a sense of loss in her heart. It’s just that she is holding such a complicated mood. When I saw Sougo Doma and the shy Shizuka Hiratsuka, he touched it with a ghostly spirit.

Perhaps it is a psychological unwillingness to lighten the novelist’s mind. When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard about the club that Tuma Sougo was planning to build, the first thing he thought of was: “True White succeeded, but also failed. She succeeded. Ye attacked Zongwu-jun, but he also failed to make Zongwu fear her true white.”

If the two people get along in a pattern that one party lacks common sense of life, while the other party has fear, can they be happy? Shiyu Xiazhiqiu thinks it is impossible to be happy at all! With this kind of mentality, Kasumigaoka Shiwa robbed Sougo Doma from Shizuka Hiratsuka…

Originally, Toma Sougo was making it clear that he was not afraid after Shiina was really white, Kasumigaoka Shiyu already had the idea of ​​Mingjin’s retreat. However, proud people have to save face, even if they guess wrong, they can’t let the other party. Seeing that, she became a laughing stock from then on, so she started the diversion Dafa, with the words of Hepingzhongjing, and changed the topic to the matter of Sumazuo Enlightenment is gay.

Anyway, proud people don’t make mistakes, and if they are wrong, it is the other party’s fault. Even if you know that you are wrong, then change the topic.

Tuma Zou Wu always missed a bit. He thought that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was the same as when he first met, attacking high and low defense, as long as he showed his attacking fangs, this guy would escape by himself.


Attacking high and defending low was just when Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu hadn’t clarified her intentions. When she realized what she really cared about, her defense power against the total comprehension of the earth increased exponentially.

Sougo Tama just hesitated for a second or two, and Kasuga Qiu Shiyu chose to take the initiative. Although his love experience was 0, he would definitely not only be on the defensive side in a love war.

At that moment, Tama Sougo and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also completed an offensive and defensive exchange.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was quite happy at this time, even she herself did not expect that a kiss that had gathered the last courage not only completed the offensive and defensive exchange, but also learned the truth of the real white night attack!

Moreover, judging from the appearance of Zongwujun, it is almost always Zongwujun’s first kiss, although she is also, but this does not affect her ridicule of the ruthless pretender, Tujian Zouwu.

As for Soma Sougou, is it gay? Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is 100% sure, no! As for the reason, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu just wanted to say that Sougo Tuma’s hot eyes have never been placed on boys! It would be weird if it is gay!

Although Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made this point clear, it did not affect her in putting the gay label on Tujian Sougo, because in this way, she has reason to show her intentions and pursue boldly-after all, she But to bring Sou Gou Morama back.

Just like now: “Zongwu-jun, when people asked you if you like stockings, at that time, you even asked me to take it off and try it, but… to correct you now, do you want to try it?” Xiazhi Qiu Shiyu blinked his burgundy eyes and said.

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

I’m playing off, I didn’t expect a small Xiazhiqiu to set the defense point so high. He made a mistake in making a mistake. Knowing that her defense was so high, he chose the location as a place outside the law on the rooftop, pretending to be a place outside the law. The deputy was about to mess up immediately, a mere Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, how dare to be so skinny.

Let’s not talk about the operation of preheating black silk. Why does he like stockings if he likes it? Why is he not gay, but stocking control? Now even if he deliberately said, “Ah, Kasugaoka-classmate’s stockings are really grateful, then please take it off…” Such words.

Not only will the other party not be shy, but they will also pretend to take off the stockings and attack him: “In order to get back to Sougo-kun’s sexual orientation, I also have to contribute my stockings…”

At this time, should he pick up the stubborn or not?

At this point, Tuma Sougou also had to admit that in this interpersonal war, he had exposed his hole cards to the effect that he was completely at a disadvantage. Therefore, in the process of the opponent’s attack, he only Able to avoid the front for a while, waiting for the opponent to reveal the opportunity.

At this time, don’t try to keep your eyes on the topic quietly. Even if it sounds too forceful, you must first turn your attention away.

“Ahem, speaking of stockings, I remember that when Zhenbai first came, I couldn’t even wear the stockings by himself. By the way, when it comes to true white, what does the guy from Zhenbai want me for? It’s really weird…”

Kasumigaoka Shiba: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Sogo-kun, the topic changed too unnaturally, and it was too rigid! Zhen Bai didn’t find you at all, it was completely made up by her Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, okay, wait…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought of something.

It was just because she was afraid that Hiratsuka would directly agree to come down, so she used Shiina Masashio as a guise to deceive Sougo Doma. If Sougo Doma learned the truth, she would definitely ask her why.

Based on her understanding of Tuma Sougo, Sougo-kun can surely guess her mind…

Tuma Sougo: I already know, you guy is greedy for my body.

But what about Soma Sougou’s mind? Although his first kiss was taken down, his intentions were not revealed at all!

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