Chapter 332 Prove that you are yourself

It has been five years since the earth, a traverser, and a non-girl-controlled traverser. It has been five years since he has traveled into this three-dimensional world that seems to be transformed from the second element. However, because of the need to take care of a lot of things, the number of people in the harem is still: 0

It is the shame of those who travel through.

It is precisely because of this shame that the harem is zero that Tama Sougo was seen today by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, causing his image to be greatly damaged, and he can only hide in the corner with broken thoughts.

“Only the love brain will always think about falling in love…”

“Isn’t it possible to have never been in love? Why have to…”

“Why do you have to be so proficient in kissing, isn’t it…”

“Besides, the so-called love is not dopamine…”

“What’s the use of being in love? Just be happy…”

For a while, the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

She was actually frightened by this kind of outsider, and more than once. Sure enough, no matter how many theories are, there is no practical test result!

and many more!

its not right!

Hasn’t Zhenbai been attacked by night? This guy has obviously happened more serious than this. Why do you care about this? Get up and refute!

hold on!

The direction of her reasoning today seems to be too wrong, that is to say, the so-called night attack, maybe…

Thinking of a certain possibility, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward and patted the squatting soil Sougo.

“Zongwu-jun, stop thinking about it, didn’t you kiss Zhenbai?”

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Come back, when he kisses the crazy demon?

“Why would I kiss Zhenbai?”

“Isn’t it the night when Zhen Baiye succeeded?”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

I always feel like talking with this guy across five worlds, isn’t it just that Zhenbai touched him at night and wanted him to be a model? Can you not use words that are full of ambiguities like the success of the night attack?

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, please don’t use words with obscure meaning at will, or is it that Xia Zhiqiu doesn’t understand the meaning of successful night raid?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^

What attitude is this guy!

“I just called them Shiyuji. After eating and wiping them out, I called them classmate Xiazhiqiu. Surely Jun Wu is a man. Men are like this… sobbing, sobbing…”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Does this guy know who was eaten and wiped out…

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, let’s not talk about eating and wiping things out first, does Xia Zhiqiu think that being woken up from bed at night, and then asked to be a mannequin, even if it is a successful night attack?”

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu: (⊙ˍ⊙)

The night attack is to go to the boys’ room at night, to the bed…This is really white.

Was awakened from the bed, and then asked to be a model…

Combining the two, doesn’t that guy really mean that a successful night attack means to wake up in bed at night and become a model?

This is really two concepts at all!

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked herself that sometimes she would deliberately speak to mislead others, but compared with Zhenbai, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu bowed down.

and many more!

Since the guy Zhenbai didn’t succeed in the night attack, then Zong Wujun shouldn’t be afraid of Zhenbai. Then why did he establish the inexplicable “Oolong Tea Research Institute”! ?

Thinking about Zou-kun’s jerky and stiff reaction just after kissing, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lost her high light again.

“Zong Wu-jun, really gay…”

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

This guy has already ruined him once, what else do you want? How does he look like GAY? The real GAY (Gui) is still honing the samurai spirit in the dojo!

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, can I sue you for infringing on my right of reputation? Regarding my sexual orientation, I can personally be 100% sure that it is a female favorite…”

“Question, it’s not GAY’s Sougo-kun, why is it so stiff when kissing a girl?”

Summa Enlightenment: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

That’s because you didn’t expect you to attack suddenly! The boy really needs to protect himself when he is outside. He is too prosperous to suffer this brutal attack.

“Ask another question, it’s not GAY’s Sou-go-kun, why didn’t you call Shi Yujun before kissing, but changed to classmate Xia Zhiqiu after kissing?”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

Of course it is because he has already noticed that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu seems to be greedy for his body…

“The last question, it’s not the gay Sougo-kun. Why do you want to establish a society without any women? Even if Hiratsuka-sensei is so slow, you will notice something in the end?”

Summoning the Earth: ヾ(××)

What did you notice, did you make it clear?

However, after the conscience was asked three times, Sougo Tuma really couldn’t answer any of them.

The first question is, although the fact that he is strong in the outside world has been exposed, please leave him the last trace of dignity as a traverser.

The second question is, is it necessary to make Tuma Zougou answer: “Then what, I think you are greedy for my body now…” No, I can’t say it, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to say!

Third question…

Seeing the silent (thinking how to get out) Sougo Doma, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu once again lost a layer of high light. Although she had thought about it, even if Sougo Doma is really gay, she will break him straight. But when faced with this suspicious truth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu simply accepted that he couldn’t.

Let’s not talk about the problem of getting back from breaking, let’s talk about how to break the problem, do you want her to ask online: the boy I like is gay, how can I break straight, wait online, in a hurry?

Why, why is it so? Shiyu Xiazhiqiu wanted to cry. It was the first time I made friends, and the first time I had someone I liked. This should have been a double happiness, and when these double happiness add up, it will add countless joys, but why , The guy she likes has a high probability of being gay?

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is asking a leading question. Damn it, I don’t want to think of a way. He is GAY, which is equivalent to a label. It doesn’t matter if Shiyu Xiazhiqiu thinks that way. , That waste material will collapse after a touch of it!

There was a lot of waste material, but there is already a sign of collapse…

If it didn’t start to fall apart, how could Yuzhi Yazi enter the door of the Tujian House? If it doesn’t collapse, how could she make such a weird suggestion to “The Metronome of Love”, that weird third volume, even Doma Sougo had been confused for a while after reading it!

If this makes a lot of waste material mistakenly think that the tall Oni sauce is GAY…

Not only Xiao Bui will collapse himself, even Sougo Morama himself will collapse!

How to do?

How to do! ?

How to break this situation! ?

So, who brought up the topic of GAY? Why does it have to be gay to establish a club without girls? Can’t men sway their youth together?

Although I didn’t expect those hungry animals to show off their youth…

Besides, who said that there are no women in that club, isn’t Shizuka Hiratsuka? As a player who can fight…

and many more!

Can play…

Sougo Tama was thinking about it, and at the same time he threw Hiratsuka from the list of instructors. If there is a guy who can fight, he will not be able to arrange many activities of the club…

No, now is not the time to think about this. He, Tama Sougo, a proper straight man, a hobby girl, the question is, how can I prove that he is not gay?

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