Chapter 317 This will be the reason for the bad exam, right?

The unified exam of famous schools in Tokyo is said to be an exam. It is better to say that the major schools are a war for students, fame, and influence. Don’t think that famous schools can sit back and relax Wu You’s large-scale recruitment of students—— After capital gains dividends in education, it will begin to expand. The private Toyonosaki school has only been established for more than ten years. Hasn’t it also won the title of prestigious school?

The private Xiujien Garden has been an educational institution established to educate aristocrats and samurai families from the past, and it can be described as a prestigious academy with a long history.

Even now when the aristocracy is abolished, there are countless talents who were born in the wealthy and famous, who will bear the destiny of this country in the future.

But even with such a powerful private Xiuzhiyuan, it is still unable to oppose the capital. A detailed survey shows that the public opinion of the private Xiuzhiyuan is declining year by year, and many outsiders’ evaluations have changed to: Establishing for the rich and wealthy. Some activists even claim that the school’s high bias is due to the backdoor cheating…

Because of the declining wind reviews, the private Xiuzhiyuan has gradually begun to cease to be the first choice for the children of wealthy and famous families to study. The most criticized private Xiuzhiyuan is that the Tujian family is a newcomer who does not lose to the Sigong family. The upstart chaebol, but none of the children of the Tujian family are studying here, cough cough, it’s cold…

Affected by this evil, even the private Xiuzhiyuan will have to face the problem of enrolling students next year. After all, capital has already obtained dividends in education and has entered a stage of crazy expansion. A prestigious school has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, breaking ground …

Under this circumstance, there are countless choices for high-quality students. Even if it is a private Xiuzhiyuan, it cannot rely on its past name and make no moves…

So they started a war!

This is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for other prestigious schools. As long as you surpass the private Xiuzhiyuan in this war, the last fig leaf of the private Xiuzhiyuan will disappear. After a large number of high-quality students are disappointed in Xiuzhiyuan , Other prestigious schools can share these resources.

Challenge! The battle is formed!

However, for the person in charge, this is a matter of mouth movement, but for those who are really going to enter the battlefield, it is simply a bad deal!

So, who is the one who really entered the battlefield?

Is it the principal?

Sorry, he is only responsible for the overall planning on campus.

Are you a student?

Students who seem to be fighting are actually just weapons. Can students remember that they will fail for a lifetime if their scores in a unified exam are good or bad? In this country, they only need to pass themselves.

It is the teacher who really entered the battlefield!

They use students as weapons to fight on the battlefield. When the students explode with unparalleled prestige, most of the credit goes to the person in charge. When the students are all duds——

“Asshole, how do you teach the students?” Black pot.

Since Kirisu received the news of the well-known school unified exam this morning, he has been anxious. The other teachers at least know the performance of their weapons. As a new instructor, Kirisu’s eyes are completely black.

Although Shiyu Kasumigaoka in the class was promoted with the first grade in the grade, in the eyes of Ms. Kirsu, Kasugaoka was already abolished. Under the influence of Tama Sougo, Kasugaoka was not in class. Sleeping is just chatting and passing notes in class-first grade, that’s it? That’s it? That’s it? Tease her!

Shiina Mashiro, although he is an internationally renowned artist, it is true that Mashiro’s common sense ability is absolutely, absolutely a zero point!

Doma Sougo, the guy who stood in front of her and claimed that he wanted to start a society by himself, according to Doma Sougo, he was approved to enroll with full scores in all subjects, but only Kirisu Masuya knows this. The guy even wrote on the test paper: “I’m sorry, I can’t make it anymore.” A “talent” who can get full marks on that question.

These three guys appeared in a deck of cards, and Kirisu really felt like he had to take pills!

Not to mention the male classmates who are getting more and more commotion under the influence of Sougen Doma.

Play peat!

What is the difference between this special and Doudizhu holding 34568910QK in his hand?

For this reason, Kirisu’s head will be big, but even so, she didn’t feel embarrassed about Tuma Sougou’s club application. Aside from the war, club activities are also a resume of students!

It’s just that what makes Kirisu Masuuori suspicious is that Sou Gotu Tama is a homecoming club who has been beaten to death, but he started to create a society just before the start of the war?

How do you look at this, how suspicious, I glanced at the community creation application submitted by Sougo Tuma, the name of the community [Oolong Tea Research Society], and the task of the community: to study the historical changes of oolong tea, and the various differences between oolong tea today and the past oolong tea , And made practical research on this…

What an inexplicable society! Oolong tea is oolong tea. What is the difference between today’s oolong tea and the past oolong tea? How does this society look tasteless…

So, here comes the question. She has just received the notice from the prestigious school for the unified examination, and Sougo Tama immediately handed in the application for the establishment of the society. Why is this?

Kirisu Masuu was lost in thought.

What is the connection between the prestigious school’s unified examination and the establishment of a society? If this is placed in the past, let alone the [Oolong Tea Research Society], as long as five students can respond, even the [Nap Club] [Central Second Society], she can pass in minutes, but this is the unified exam. To come…

and many more!

Societies, unified exams, unified exam results?

Kirisu’s brain connected the clues together.

Sougo Tama probably already knew the news of the unified exam. In order to save face, he deliberately founded a club. When the time comes, even if the results of the unified exam are not satisfactory, this guy can say: “Ah, I have been busy recently. I don’t have much thought to learn about the club, so I said, the club…” These rhetoric are used as excuses!

OK! Kirisu really understands, Don’t look at this guy Tama Sougo, it’s actually a stomach of bad water.

Damn it, but the application for the club is in full compliance with the school’s regulations. Even if Kirisu really wants to stop, she can’t get stuck, but this doesn’t mean she can’t say anything!

“Establishing a club, it seems that Tujian has already made a clear investigation…” The prestigious school’s unified exam is about to be held.

“Does this kind of thing need to be investigated?” Isn’t the establishment of a society just after submitting an application, and a total of five people, including him, responding? The soil always felt a little puzzled.

Damn it!

Seeing a clear look on Sou Gou Doma’s face, Kirisu Masuya gritted his teeth: “It is a good thing to create a club, but if you have to worry about the development of the club and delay your study…” This is what you want to do for yourself. Find the reason, right?

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Sougo Doma, who has academic performance or something, will certainly not worry, but the members who join the club are suspicious, suspicious, suspicious, and suspicious!

How did Mr. Kirsu know that the club he founded would affect learning?

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