Chapter 316 Shiina’s Request

Sunday, 3:00 AM

The soil in his sleep suddenly felt cold in his body, and then, a rather smooth touch was attached to his body. At that moment, he was awakened from his sleep.

who is it? Killer or monster?

Sou Wu Tama opened his eyes.

Shiina Masashi also opened his eyes and stroked his upper body with his hand.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It turned out to be really white, not right!

“Really white, what are you doing?”

Shiina was really white and tilted his head: “A man’s body can’t be drawn. I haven’t seen it before, so I want Sougo to be a model.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

No, no, this is absolutely wrong!

“On the beach, there are so many boys in swimming trunks in the swimming pool…”

Shiina Mashiro: “I haven’t been to…”

Sou Wu Tama covered his forehead: “It’s really white, what kind of life did you live before!”

“Drawing…” Shiina is serious, but a little lost: “It’s just drawing.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

That’s it, it’s because of this that he is embarrassed to play tricks on this guy Zhenbai. It seems that the girl who has gained tremendous achievements is actually nothing compared to what she has lost…

“Sougo, be my model. I want to learn how to draw male bodies.” Shiina Mashiro said again.

“It’s really white, can’t you use a computer to watch videos?” Humans are a strange creature. On the beach or in the swimming pool, even if you only wear a pair of swimming trunks, you don’t feel anything, but after you leave that environment, you still show yourself. I feel ashamed, except of course perverts, for example, a certain Sehui, a certain Yizhi…

“The video will lack three-dimensionality…” Shiina Masashi shook his head, and after vetoing Tuma Sougo’s proposal, he spoke again: “Sougo only needs to stand there, and Mashiro will learn soon!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Student Zhenbai, things are not as simple as you think, okay? Let’s not talk about the problem that Xiao Bui will turn into a monster to attack at any time…


Explain: After eating all the snacks, Xiao Bui will become a crushing monster Bui Yu Yuko. When he appears, he will directly press on the Sougou in the soil in his sleep. It is easy to expel him. Just serve a coke and bamboo shoots. Dry, potato chips, shredded squid, etc., it will naturally disappear…

By the way, the time of the monster’s appearance is usually around PM12:00-AM01:30. Normally, when Buried Yoko appears, it will be accompanied by some things such as:

“Oni sauce, snacks, snacks are gone!”

“Ouni sauce, I can’t breathe without snacks!”

“Euny sauce, buy snacks for Xiaomai!”

Wait for countless miserable sound effects.

Fortunately, Doma is always knowledgeable and knowledgeable. After having the first experience, he will always prepare snacks in the room to drive away the monsters and bury Yuuko, and try to be a lark.


Let’s not talk about the problem of Xiao Mu Ye’s attack. He is only sixteen years old now. It is a period of strong hormone secretion. He only wears a pair of underwear and stands in front of the opposite sex who also only wears pajamas. Let’s not talk about it. Facial problem, in case if the stone is changed…

The most terrifying situation is that while he is getting better, what should I do if the transformed Miyoko breaks in? At that time, he will look at him with a happy expression!

No, absolutely can’t promise!

“It’s really white, you made a mistake!” Doma, Fudge, Sogoro went online.

“Sougo, is Zhenbai wrong?” Shiina was puzzled.

“It’s really white because I have never seen a boy’s body, so I don’t know how to draw it, right?”

“Hmm!” Shiina nodded, “That’s why I want Sogo to be my model.”

“But Zhenbai, have you ever thought about just using me as a model, then what you learned is just how to draw me…”

“No…” Shiina really shook his head, trying to explain something.

But, how can Tama Sougou make her react: “It’s really white, it’s not that I am boasting. Among the same sex, my figure is definitely the best…”

Shiina nodded, “Well, Sogo’s figure is perfect.”

“Because of this, it’s really white. If you use me as a model, you will definitely lack representativeness. Even if you draw me out, what about other male characters? Use the same standard? This is not feasible in comics. what……”

Shiina true white: @_@

Doesn’t it work in comics? So, what should she do?

Look up and stare: “Zongwu, help me.”

Doma Sougou touched his chin and began to think: Zhen Bai, this guy can drown even in the bath, and it’s too dangerous to go to the beach or swimming pool. Moreover, when everyone is playing, this guy can only observe. It’s sad to think about it, this guy. But if you can find a talented person, you have to help her make arrangements.

“Hey…” Thinking of this, Tuma Zougou sighed. Fortunately, he is so knowledgeable and has countless strategies in his mind. The problem of true white is so easy for him to solve. If this is given to others, I am afraid that Big head, no, or unclearly becoming a model…

“It’s really white. If you want to learn how to draw a boy’s body, you can’t just stand in front of your eyes, but don’t worry, since I promised to help you, I will definitely solve this problem for you…”

“Yeah!” Shiina nodded, “Sougo is really good, then, the model…”

Toma Sougo: “The model is not in a hurry in advance. It’s really white. It’s already very late. If you don’t sleep anymore, you won’t be able to get up from the sun tomorrow.”

Shiina Mashiro: “…”

Zongwu always said something to scare people, obviously:

“The sun will not rise anymore!”

“It’s really white, do you want to destroy the world if you don’t agree? Get me to sleep!”

“Um…” Shiina was really disappointed.

Lunch break.

Private Toyosaki instructor office.

“Tama-san, are you saying that you want to start a club?” Kirisu was a little confused. Isn’t this guy a member of the homecoming department? She even talked to Sougo Doma several times about this, but all of them were:

“so boring!”

“Is it okay to go home?”

“Study makes me happy, club activities are too delayed for study.”

Wait for the excuses to be dismissed, especially “learning makes me happy, club activities are too delayed for learning.” This reason has made Kirisu really winter gritted his teeth for a long time, why don’t you have the AC number in your heart when you enter the school with a full score? If it weren’t for being busy with the teacher’s resignation and entry…

She had long wanted to arrange a bottom test to test the bottom of these guys. It was like Sou Suma Tama. Kirisu had long thought about it. As soon as the results came out, she would just hang up and talk to him. , There is no future for cheating!

It’s just that before she had arranged a thorough evaluation, a message disrupted her rhythm. The famous private school Xiuzhiyuan launched a call to organize a unified examination with many famous schools in the Tokyo area before the arrival of Golden Week in May. Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just a conspiracy for recruiting students and fame in the private Xiuzhiyuan.

Originally, if other prestigious schools did not respond to this kind of thing, it would be fine. However, the representative of the private Xiuzhiyuan student union is very capable of negotiating. After contacting and getting the support of some prestigious schools, the unified examination in the Tokyo area is also mentioned. On the agenda!

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