Chapter 314

Standing in front of this Japanese cuisine restaurant named “Mistiya”, Tama Sougo felt instantly helpless. His image of salted fish was probably deeply ingrained, which made him look a little frustrated.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is very happy-after this time, Zongwujun will definitely not use lunch to seduce her. She will never greet that lunch. She wants to get rid of the identity of a maid, and then dignifiedly initiates towards Tujian Zouwu. attack.

With this determination, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu stepped into the fog house: “Hello, I am Shiyu Xiazhiqiu who made an appointment. Excuse me, does Chef Gan have time now?”

Tōma Sougou has always had a good mentality. When he entered the shop behind Xiaomei, he didn’t care anymore, because he had already found a reason for himself. His journey is the sea of ​​stars…” In this way, it should be able to pass the blunder, right? Maybe! ?

As soon as he entered the store, Gan Hyugako’s face suddenly changed when he was talking to Shiyu Kasumigaoka with a smile.

“Tama Sougo!?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “?_?”

Did you know each other again? How broad is this guy?

Toma Zougou, who has already guessed something, said: ╮(╯3╰)╭

That’s why he didn’t want to come to the store of the top ten graduates. The circle is too small and there are too few people, so he can easily…

“Miss Hyugako, long time no see.”

“Are you together?” Gan Hi Xiangzi suddenly asked Shiyu of Asaka’s Hill.

“Well, what’s going on?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little puzzled.

“Sure enough, it’s no wonder that you will be asked today, you must do it yourself, Sougen Tama, you arranged it! Are the students already unable to satisfy you? Are you already going to reach out to the predecessors?” very bad.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What does it mean that students can’t satisfy Sou-go-kun? What does this mean?

“Miss Hyugako, please pay attention to your words, and why should I arrange for you to do it yourself?” Sougo Tama looked helpless.

“Isn’t it? Don’t you want to test my cooking skills now, and then eat halberd with me, like forcing the students, and start to force the seniors to eat those messy dark dishes…” As if thinking of something, dry Hyugako A look of fear: “Don’t come over, no matter what conditions you make, I won’t eat a halberd with you!”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

No, no? Could it be said that Zongwujun’s cooking level is better than that of the top ten graduates? Isn’t he the top ten who dropped out?

Buried in soil: (⊙ˍ⊙)

What is dark cuisine? Sounds cool!

“Well, Miss Hyugako, I have dropped out of Yuanyue because I failed to eat jiji. It shouldn’t have anything to do with people like me who are not chefs?”

Gan Hyugako: “…”

After being sluggish for nearly ten seconds, he let out an unbelievable cry:

“Nani!? Among Yuanyue’s students, is there a monster that can defeat a guy like you?”

Hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was faintly disturbed.

“There are many reasons, Miss Hyugako, how can I say that I am also a guest here now, what you should do now is to treat us well, right?”

Qian Hi Xiangzi hurriedly said, “Sorry, it’s rude, please…”

Inside the VIP room.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu became more irritable, but she will settle the account later, but why is the chef of this restaurant sitting with them so grandly?

“Student Tujian, I still can’t believe that there is a guy in Yuanyue Academy who can beat you in the halberd. In other words, whose hand did you lose? Does Yuanyue have monsters more terrifying than you? “Fuck, full of curiosity, Hyugako.

“Miss Hyugako, Shiji is so interesting because it is full of various uncertainties, isn’t it? Even if it’s me, it’s impossible to guarantee victory every time.” Tuma began to look for reasons, and realized it.

“No, it’s unbelievable to say it, it’s even more weird than the urban legend…”

“Huh? Um, Miss Hyugako, may I ask…” Hearing Gan Hyugako’s speech, Mu Ma also asked, “Is the cooking skill of Oni sauce very strong? Even if it’s a top ten, it’s about the same level as him, isn’t it? Are there nine people? It’s normal even if they can lose, right?”

“You are……”

“I’m more than a touch, bury it in the soil, and Miss Hyugako calls her a small burial.” Sougo Doma introduced.

“Is there a lot of one touch? It’s really Kawaii Le, Xiao Bui, listen up, you can’t describe the cooking level of your Ooni sauce in two words, you have to use a metaphor, then It should be a monster. What’s more, even if it’s the ten best, there is a difference in seats. You, Ernie Chan, is the only one in the middle of the country since the establishment of the school, and the ten best will be the first throne…”

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

No, no? So Goku is so strong? Can her plan succeed? Master chef, you are a top ten graduate. She was the backer who paid a lot of money to find him. You admire Zong Wujun so much, isn’t she spending money in vain?

“Miss Hyugako, there is a saying in the empire that horses have slapped feet and people have slapped hands, and eating halberds will occasionally fail.” Tujian began to find various reasons for dropping out, and he realized it.

“Woo!? In other words, is O’Neill being dropped out of school because he missed it? But isn’t O’Neilling the top ten? Is he dropped out of school once he missed?” Xiao Mu was puzzled.

“Xiao Bui, this is the cruelty of eating halberd. No matter what status or status, as long as you step on the halberd platform and hand over the corresponding bet, you must strictly abide by it after losing.” Tujian, with a serious face, Total realization.

Gan Hyugako nodded in agreement: “It’s true. This is the true essence of Jiji, and it is also the policy of Yuanyue teaching. However, who is the Tujian student losing to? I really want to know.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Can curiosity not be so exuberant! ?

“Anyone who made O’Neill taste the failure?” Xiao Mei squeezed his fist.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Enough, small buried, don’t make trouble anymore!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: (☆▽☆)

Yes, even if you fail this time unfortunately, if you find the guy who made Zong Wu Jun fail, wouldn’t you let Zong Wu Jun understand that her Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is not greedy for him?

In an instant, the three women reached a consensus, and they looked at each other.

“Euny-chan, who is that fellow Tama-san (young brother) who made you lose? Just tell us, OK…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

What are these guys doing?

However, fortunately, he didn’t just find a passerby to eat a halberd and give up and drop out. The guy who lost to Si Yingshi seemed reasonable, should it be reasonable?

Although Si Yingshi himself won, he couldn’t believe it. He thought that it was a trap for several days. He was anxious for several days, and he was afraid of being sapped on the road, but the facts proved that he always realized that he was a trap. Honest people, can afford and let go!

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