Chapter 313 The Ambition of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu

When you have dinner, you can find someone to apologize to others. Is this really an apology? Or are you here to mix rice? Unexpectedly, teacher Xia Shizi, who had even held the signing event, would actually have to rush to eat… Sure enough, there was a dead end in writing a novel. Fortunately, he left in time.

While Sougo Tama was full of malicious speculation about others, Xiao Mai, who was playing mobile games with her head down, suddenly spoke again: “O’uni sauce, Xiao Mai really doesn’t want to eat the hamburger meal…”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Is this waste material coming back? It seems that she should be taught a lesson to completely cure her entanglement!

“Got it, stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers, don’t you want shredded pork!” This time, Xiao Buying is useless even if it is cute. The entanglement must be cured. As Ouni sauce, you must watch her finish eating the green peppers.

“Hey, Oni-chan, Shiyu just sent a message and said, let’s stop ordering. She received a good response from this signing event. To celebrate, Ms. Machida specially organized a celebration banquet for her, and they came to pick her up right away. US.”

Tuma Sougou: “Huh!?”

Okay, come here for a meal?

“Ouni sauce, Shi Yu said, the location of this celebration banquet is still the restaurant opened by Yuanyue Shijie graduates. It’s a top ten graduate. The cooking level must be better than the top ten who dropped out of school like Ouni sauce… …” Hamster Buried thought.

“Xiaobui, O’Neill advises you not to have any illusions. Sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In fact, it would be nice if you don’t need shredded pork for stir-fried pork with green pepper.” When it was over, Tuma Sougo interrupted.

If you have a lot of waste, don’t you really think that the top ten graduates can have a higher level of cooking than his top ten?

“Oni sauce, we can still speak well without mentioning the green pepper. Isn’t Oni sauce also the top ten? Or the top ten who was dropped out of school after the failure of Shiji…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How to do? Want to tell this waste material that he lost deliberately? Ahem, after knowing more about the matter of deliberately losing to others, what would she think of herself? Would she think that Ernie sauce is indeed an incurable salted fish?

and many more!

Even if you don’t tell Xiao Mui now, after Xiao Mu has tasted the dishes of the top ten graduates, he will notice something, right? So, I can’t go to this celebration banquet! How could he just want to understand this now?

“Xiao Mai, Oni sauce suddenly found a problem. Xia Zhiqiu’s celebration banquet seems to have nothing to do with us. Moreover, Xiao Mai can’t let go of eating with a group of strangers or something?”

“Oni sauce is too uninspiring. What Shiyu is saying is friends with Xiao Mu. As for strangers, Shiyu has said that Miss Machida is a celebration party for her alone, so she just entertained her alone. She and her approved friend, hey, Xiao Mu is a friend approved by Teacher Xia Shizi…” Fan Mu: (☆▽☆)

Summa Enlightenment: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Isn’t this too capricious? Is that old woman Machida Yuanko so generous? What should I do now? With Xiao buried, wouldn’t it be shameful for O’Neill to just want to eat with you alone today? No, it must be ashamed! Now, what excuse should I find…

Tuma Zongwu’s excuse was eventually found, no way, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu came too fast, Tuma Zongwu was still brainstorming, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had already walked into the store.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was in a good mood at this time. She had to let Tujian know one thing first. She, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, didn’t want him to go to the rooftop with him every day, not because he was greedy for him. Is it the bento made by Yuanyue Former Top Ten? With the help of Machida Yuanzi, didn’t she also book a restaurant for the top ten graduates?

“The Metronome of Love” has been completed. Before writing a novel, Shiyu Kasugaoka decided to face her own mind. Then, she was equal with Sougo Tuma. At the very least, she didn’t want to be a maid, girl. Friends or something, to…

No way, the time limit for looking at the maid is about to end. Tama Sougo will always say: “Ah, the maid will almost not be able to eat delicious bento. In order to have a delicious bento at noon every day, do you want to consider continuing? Appointment? Or…” These words used to lure her into Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s goal is not a maid, but…

In short, she wants to let Tuma Zouwu understand today that she is not greedy for that lunch, she is greedy for him…

For this, she even lied to find a reason to invite Xiao Bui. It was just a signing event. How could Machida Yuanzi give her a celebration banquet? This is actually her own pocket, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, let alone Shijie The price that the graduate personally shot was really black, if it wasn’t for the sudden fire of “Love Metronome”, she received a lot of royalties…

Tuma Sougo once again, without knowing it, lifted a rock and hit him in the foot! He has a headache now, how should he explain to Xiaomu later, what is the gap between the top ten graduates and himself? Let me start with some things I didn’t know before to pave the way.

Here comes the problem. The Kobayashi gentian, who is regarded as a foodie by Xiaobui and has no talent for cooking, is actually an active ten outstanding person. How can I explain it calmly?

Little Taozi, a primary school student who was considered by Xiaobuian to grab cakes from her, is actually an active ten outstanding person, so why should he explain it calmly?

How do you explain these things to Xiao Mu?

In order to make it seem natural for him to drop out of school from Yuanyue, Tuma Zougou has always boasted about the strength of the ten great talents, and has often devalued the ten great parties. It seems that it is very contradictory, in fact, it is very understandable, Tuma Zougou What is bragging about is the title of “Ten Jie”. As for who the Ten Jie is, isn’t it the Tujian Zongwu X10?

As for the others? Are they the top ten? Who said that? Anyway, Xiao Mui came to Yuanyue only when he was free on weekends, and most of the other time, it was the earth who skipped class and went out to find someone. So in fact, Xiao Mui didn’t know that all those who had friendship with her in Yuanyue were ten. Jay!

I blame the little maid, there is nothing to do for a celebration banquet. If you don’t have a celebration banquet, how can he think about so many past omissions? Thinking of this, the culprit Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can’t help but stare at the culprit. The culprit.

“Student Tujian seems to be not very satisfied with going to the restaurant opened by the top ten graduates. Could it be that he is a top ten, but others are the top ten graduates, oh, is this the so-called jealousy?” Faced with the fierce eyes of Sou Wu, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not show any weakness.

“Eh? Is Ouni sauce jealous? No wonder I haven’t said much since the beginning, but Ouni sauce can rest assured, even if the dishes of the top ten graduates are delicious, the taste of Ouni sauce is the world in Xiaobai’s heart. First!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

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