Chapter 291 Extracurricular Guidance

This is about a certain boy coaching by Soma Tama in the past.

“You don’t even dare to take the first step, and still expect to fall in love? Think about it, as a beautiful girl with excellent grades, the guy Kasumigaoka has been so neglected by you so far, no one dares to take the initiative to approach her. As for me, that guy fell into trouble.”-This is from Soma Sougoto who is planning to train the whole class into a pervert.

“But classmate Kasumigaoka…”

“Don’t say anything like she is cold, not easy to approach, ask yourself, there is only one reason why you dare not approach Xiazhiqiu, and that is your ridiculous shame, if I say hello to Xiazhiqiu and I don’t respond Will be laughed at, if I take the initiative to attack others will say that the toad wants to eat swan meat…

Zhu Jun, in fact, the actual situation is not that terrible at all. You are not the protagonist. Who will keep his eyes on you? Even if Kasumigaoka is disgusted, at least you will be impressed…

Regardless of whether the impression is good or bad, it is always an impression. Katsura Mu once said that a bad impression can become a good impression as long as it is handled properly, but what about you? Classmates have been there for two years, and probably only left the impression of passerby A, classmate B, and masses C…” In the soil, I hate iron but not steel, I always realize!

The boy in the class who is gradually being brainwashed: “Tu, student Tuma, what are we going to do?”

“First of all, it is looking for an opportunity. Of course, you can ignore Xia Zhiqiu…” Sougo Tuma is very loyal, even if he cultivates a group of change, cough, love masters, he has not forgotten to evacuate the little maid out of the center of the whirlpool.

“Opportunity, what is an opportunity? It could be that you suddenly found a girl you like for a long time and actually has a little secret of your own, or it can be that when a girl you like is isolated, you take action out of righteousness…” To be a teacher, always understand.

“Do, you can’t do it, like discovering secrets, and doing things in isolation, roots, you can’t do it at all…” A male classmate retreated.

“Don’t say you can’t do it, you know? Opportunity is often reserved for people who are good at observing and always prepared. What’s more, you are not alone now!” Tuma, inciting people’s hearts, always enlighten!

“No, it’s not alone, Tu, Tuma-student meant that you are with us?”

“Idiot, now the whole class of boys are here! You are a group, okay? Love group, think about it, as long as you work together, let some people fall in love, and then let the person who fell in love first , Come to help single guys to assist, use the person who fell in love first to drive the person who fell in love later, and finally realize the feat of mutual love, isn’t it beautiful?”

All the male classmates look at me and I look at you. They didn’t expect that there would be such an operation.

“Think again. Why do you feel that you can’t discover the little secret of a good girlfriend? Because you think it’s just one person, but now it’s different. You are a collective, so many people are powerful. Everyone, just let those who care about it pay attention, don’t say anything. It’s a little secret, Bao Zhun can even find out what fat words she wears tomorrow…” Duma, crazy instigator, Zou Wu.

“As for isolation, it’s even more ridiculous. You are a collective. Only you isolate others. How can others isolate you? Tell me, how do you lose?”

On that day, the boys in Tuma Zongwu’s class all understood what maturity is, whether it’s getting rich first, coughing cough, falling in love first and then falling in love, no matter how many people are powerful… all theories prove that soil In the meantime, being single for two lifetimes, I always realize that I am worthy of being a love expert who has captured Xia Zhiqiu’s classmates just after I transferred to school!

Regrettably, Tuma Zou Wu still talked and stopped, and when he left, he just turned his head and smiled and said something.

“By the way, don’t chase those live girls. There is no shortage of licking dogs around live girls. What you do is just the icing on the cake. However, how can the icing on the cake give charcoal in the snow to increase your favorability? Takuya, I’m tired, remember Ask for leave for me…”

Fujikami Takuya, who was named among them, said excitedly: “Yes! Leave it to me, Master Tama!”

Other male classmates glared at Fujikami Takuya one after another, Damn it, why can this guy be taken by the real Tuma classmates and blow… ahem, disciple, didn’t he talk to Tuma classmates first? NS?

Looking at people now, not only do they have a girlfriend, but they can also receive private teachings from classmates Tujian every day. No wonder this guy even prepares lunch for lunch, which is so angry.

It was agreed that everyone would go together alone, but this guy Fujigami quietly held hands by himself…

This is so angry!

Sure enough, Tujian’s theory is extremely correct. The icing on the cake can be compared to giving charcoal in the snow. This theorem is useful for both boys and girls. They only lack an opportunity now!

On the day Shiina Mashiro transferred to another school, the opportunity came.

Seeing Doma Zougou is about to fall into an environment where he has been pointed out by a lot of people and fell into hell. The boys have long been unable to hold back. They want to send a charcoal fire to Doma Zougou when he is in the snow, but they think , Before the time, when classmate Tujian had not welcomed the betrayal, the firewood delivered at that time…

As for the reason.


Now the information known to the male students in Sougo’s class is: 1. Kasumigaoka has been attacked by Sougo Doma, and 2. The new beautiful girl Yukino Yukino in Sougou except for the news of Sougo Doma, right There is not much interest in other things. As for reporting, are you sure that you are not jealous? 3. Today’s new transfer student also has a close relationship with the Tujian classmates…

What do the above three points prove? It proves that Tujian is a real love expert. He is a real person. If he doesn’t follow his theory, he will hand firewood when he is lonely. Is this a peach?

As long as they can gain the friendship of the Tujian classmates, they can be mentored individually, and from then on, they will welcome Bai Fumi, become the CEO, and become the real winners in life.

What about the three beautiful girls? Please, the most indispensable thing in this world is beautiful girls. As long as they can learn a trick with Tama-san, are they afraid that there will be no beautiful girls?

What the male classmates didn’t expect was that the guy from Fujikami was so stupid. When Tuma came back, he was the first to jump out and be stunned. I really thought Wu You would sit back when I had a girlfriend? Even if you are married, you can get a divorce!

Fujikami Takuya: “You know what a fart. Master Tuma said that when there is really incomparable evidence, you must make sure that you can pick yourself out. Even if you betray your teammates, it is understandable, because love is war! For the sake of it! Victory, even when your teammates are about to sacrifice, don’t forget to go up and make a shot!”

Regardless of what the male classmates are in, they didn’t succeed anyway, there is no way, Sougo Tama dealt with it too quickly. Although Zhenbai lacks common sense, he still knows how to tell the truth without omitting it.

As a result, the situation between the male classmates and Sougo Doma is very delicate now.

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