Chapter 290

For a person who lacks common sense, it is really difficult for Shiina to understand what the misunderstanding is. Therefore, Shiina’s peculiar thinking began to work crazy and it had a miraculous effect.

Since you don’t know what is easy to misunderstand, then just stop talking?

Shiina Mashiro instantly felt that he was a genius, and he thought of such a great idea.

Now that he knew what to do, Zhen Bai patted Doma Sougo on the shoulder triumphantly, and stretched out his thumb and said, “Sougo, I understand!”

Tama always smiled back. Is this guy Zhenbai actually pretty reliable? Who said she would only cause trouble?

After the memory was over, Sougo Tama probably knew what went wrong. He wanted to slap himself, who was smiling at the beginning: “Smile Nimei!”

“Miss Zhenbai, I remember I asked you not to say anything that is easy to misunderstand…”

“Yeah! As long as you don’t speak.” Shiina nodded blankly.

Others did not understand what happened.

However, Kirisu Masuu understood why Sougo Doma said that Shiina Masaki had no common sense at all. Not to mention the words that are easy to be misunderstood, it is the same as not speaking. The logic is perfect.

Sou Wu Tama covered his head: “Then may I ask, what’s the matter with these notes?”

“The answer to everyone’s question is written, I didn’t speak!” Shiina, absolutely silent, really white.

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Ha ha!

What world-class artist is a problem child at all!

“About boyfriend…” I’ll leave it alone.

Sougo Tama did not finish speaking, Shiina was so white that she rushed to answer: “Sougo is my first male friend in Japan, and the first time I have made friends of the opposite sex.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

All boys: “…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

For a while,

“Huh!?” The class erupted in exclamation.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It’s really uniform.

“It’s really white, you have omitted too much!”

Shiina Mashiro blinked, “Writing, so tired!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

So, it’s all his fault? If I knew it, I should have told this guy to be honest.

“Excuse me, what is going on without clothes?”

“It’s all Ako dressing Maashiro, so Goku won’t help.” Shiina Mabai always tells the truth.

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

All boys: “…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

There was a long silence.

This time, no one screamed, but quietly watching Tujian Sougo. The development of things seemed to be different from what they thought, until Kasumigaoka Shiyu noticed the blind spot, and Shiina’s true white voice followed She is almost the same! Combined with Shiina’s words, Kasugaoka Shiba twitched the corner of her mouth.

Originally, she believed only 70% of the contents of the recorder, but after just that period, she completely believed it!

The strange thing is that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn’t feel any irritation, but she rose up in her heart: “What Zongwu Jun told me is the truth!”

The strange sense of pleasure was skipped, and Tama Sougo held his forehead and continued to inquire.

“What’s wrong with lying to sleep?”

Shiina Mashiro: “Sougo will ask Ako to sing a lullaby at 11 o’clock every day, bad!”

A misunderstanding of this kind of thing, as long as you open it up, you can quickly resolve it.

After listening to Shiina Mashiro’s various “magical” explanations, the whole class began to sweat, and the mood was very complicated.

for example.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “This guy is absolutely black when cut. She shouldn’t be called really white, but really black!”

Xuexiaxuno: “Impossible! There is definitely something hidden in this matter!”

All the boys: “It’s not easy for Tuma, but living with a beautiful girl or something, so envious…”

After this mentality changed to reality.

Fujigami Takuya was the first to rush forward: “Master Tuma, I seemed to be controlled by someone just now. You will always be my mentor on the way forward!”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

The position of this guy has changed too quickly, right?

Before Doma Sougo could speak, Fujigami Taku said in a low voice, “Master Doma, cohabitation experience, please be sure to pass it on!”


“Master Tuma, please call me Tuo directly.”

“Takuya, you are really shameless!”

“Where, it’s all taught by Master Tujian…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

I always feel that these guys have changed a lot. Should he do something to bring them back?

Wait, what does he care about so much? These guys just told him not to leave after school!

“Climb away!” Throwing Fujikami Taku aside, Tamazuo looked at all the boys with good intentions: “I heard that you just told me not to leave after school, right.”

All the boys, look at me and I look at you. It was the moment of silence, but suddenly someone stood up: “Someone told Tama-san not to leave school. Who said this? I’m Sato Jiye absolutely I can’t bear it, Tuma, he, Tuma has always been my sun…”

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Do you dare to say such ambiguous words?

Sato Tsuno’s heart “Huh, this idiot Fujikami is obviously hated by Tuma. It turns out that Tuma is not at fault, and he is still an out-and-out sultry master, and he is not in a good relationship at this time. What are you waiting for?”

Some male classmates who reacted are exhausted: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This guy Fujigami sneaked away? In this way, the delusion has a good relationship with the real students of Tujian. Compared with the fake ones, the students of Tujian are the real winners in life!

These boys saw it very clearly, but rather, Sougo Tama once said to them like that:

“The fake current charge seems to have a lot of friends, but most of them are of the same sex. They talk about sports, games…

The real current person seems to have few friends, but when you pay attention, you will find that all the beautiful girls are in contact with him, and the topic of why you can’t make friends is often the topic of chatting with more and more beautiful girls. After it was over, it became that there were few friends and many harems. So, princes, do you want to be fake or real? ”

At that time, the upright adolescent male classmates were provoked with enthusiasm by Doma Sougo’s words.

Everyone is an LSP, how could anyone want to be a fake cashier? There are so many things for same-sex friends! What they need is a youth romance story!

It’s a pity that Sougo Doma only talked briefly, and did not educate them in depth, which made it extremely painful for the male students who wanted to become real incumbents.

Originally, they thought that the current campus life was pretty good, with like-minded friends, and like-minded clubs, but when the real reality theory appeared.

The male classmates discovered that it was all bullshit. It was originally the age of the first love. Who really wants to be with a group of same-sex friends all day long? They don’t engage in Billy, nor believe in philosophy, and the soft girl doesn’t like her. NS?

If it weren’t for the sake of face, these guys would have been the same as Fujigami Taku, and they would have been involved in the sect of Sougo Domama, playing flute children, coughing coughing, and listening to the teachings.

Evidence is that Sougo Tama has received more and more boy notes recently.

In this regard, Sougo Tama just thought: anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

He just wants to break up people!

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