Chapter 286: Dreaming This Thing Has Nothing To Do With Brothers And Sisters In The Soil

“Ouni-chan, you haven’t watched a movie with Xiao Qian for a long time.” Looking at Sougo Doma with a rather uncomfortable face, Hamster Mai quickly lowered his head, and whispered while drawing circles on the ground with his fingers.

Sou Maura: -_-!

Yeah, after moving out, I really haven’t watched a movie with Xiao Mu. Maybe Xiao Mu is lonely, right? Forget it, accompany her today.

“Into the Ke Xue Washing Machine” is playing.

“Euny sauce, if you were the one who ate APTX-4869, Xiaoying would definitely recognize Eunice sauce at a glance!” Looking at the washing machine that was repeatedly exposed and unseen, the hamster vowed to pack the ticket.

Sougo Tama looked at it and shrank into a dumpling of about 40 centimeters and buried it: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

He found a problem.

“Xiao Mai, you’ve actually eaten it…”

“Huh? Ernie Chan, what?” The hamster looked up in confusion.

“Perfect APTX-4869, Xiaobui, you must have eaten it, or else how can I explain you…” Sougo Douma touched his chin.

Before he finished speaking, the hamster said with a puffed mouth.

“Oni sauce, it’s too rude. APTX-4869 is not scientific at all, it’s just a fantasy product, and Xiao Mu is a lazy state evolved by himself…”

“Actually, this is even more unscientific. How can human beings evolve in order to evolve themselves to shrink…” Sougo Tama snatched.

Hamster buried: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Doma Sougo continued to ponder:

“Is it going to be lazy all day…”

“Kuo Le wants to drink…”

“If you can stay home as much as possible without going out…”

“Eunichan!” Hamster turned his head: “What? How can Xiaowei be like you said…”

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

There is no self-aware guy.

The hamster understands the meaning of the eyes of the earth: -_-|||

“Actually, Xiao Bui only has so little touch…”

Summoning the Earth: →_→

It’s a little louder when you say this!

“Wait, what Ernie Chan said is definitely wrong. If you want to talk about laziness, really white is lazy than Xiao buried. For Kuole, there is a Baumkuchen instead of really white. Speaking of squatting at home, really white paints. , I can squat better than Xiao Mai… However, Zhen Bai does not have this ability, so this is definitely Xiao Mai’s human evolution!”

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“Xiao Bui, Zhenbai has also evolved, she has evolved into nature mentally, and, Zhenbai did this to work hard for her dreams, you…”

“No, Xiao Mu is also working hard for his own dream, okay?” Hamster Mu protested.

Doma Sougou: “So, what is Xiaobui’s dream?”

“Hmph!” Hamster buried his arms around his chest with a sneer: “Listen to Ernie Chan, don’t be scared by Xiao buried’s dream…”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

This guy doesn’t seem to be telling lies. Is it because I have a lot of waste material in my chest, and I have already decided my goal?

“Xiao Bui’s dream is of course to be able to live lazily for the rest of his life, Wu You carelessly drink Kuo Le, play video games, and chase new fans…” The hamster buried his foot on the table and pointed a finger at Tian Dao.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

It should be said, is it worthy of his touch? It was really an expected answer. She looked at whose back she learned, it must be Guilong Tuma and Dahei Tuma. Fortunately, this waste material was brought out.

“So what about O’Neill, what is O’Neill’s dream?” The hamster sat down and asked.

Tuma Sougou: “Make enough money, then eat and wait to die!”

Hamster buried: “…”

Should I say, is it really her salted fish ohni sauce? This kind of day without dreams is really… fun, sure enough, laziness is the best.

“The dream of O’Neill is really…”

Summa of the Earth:…(⊙_⊙;)…

Oops, oh, let’s tell the truth, the guy Xiaobu will not be affected by any strangeness, wait, I think it can be rescued now!

“Xiao Mai, O’Neill just joked, in fact, O’Neill means to build a considerable business, and then feel at ease to provide for the elderly.”

Hamster buried: (¬_¬)

Don’t think she can’t hear it, there is no difference between these two statements, okay!

“Xiao Mai was joking just now. Xiao Mai’s dream is actually to open up a piece of life in the busy city with a leisurely heart.”

The soil is always enlightened: -_-|||

This guy learns so fast!

Hamster buried: ( ̄︶ ̄)

O’Neill, Xiao Mai will also change his words.

Both of them became quiet.

For a long while.

Tuma Zou Wu couldn’t help but said: “Xiaobui, about dreams and so on, you are so hard to learn from Zhenbai and work hard!”

“It’s really white that I still don’t know how to change clothes, Yazi said!” Hamster buried.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“The day Zhenbai transferred to school was a sensation, isn’t it, Ernie Chan?” Hamster Buried continued.

Tuma Sougou covered his forehead: “Xiaobui, don’t mention that! Besides, how do you know?”

“Shiyu told me.” The hamster buried his face like a spy.

Doma Sougo gritted his teeth: “That guy…”

“Does O’Neill set a goal to become a true white person?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

A touch of waste material becomes really white, ha ha ha…

“Sure enough, a small burial is best if it is a small burial, that is, it is neither humble nor great. It is such a small burial that is more than a touch of O’Neill sauce.”

Hamster buried: →_→

“Ouni-chan, it feels like you are perfunctory. Fortunately, the amount of burial is too big. Just as Ouni-chan is telling the truth. By the way, Ouni-chan, what happened on the day that Zhenbai transferred to school? Shiyu also Didn’t make it clear…”

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched. It didn’t mean that it was embarrassing or embarrassing, it just made people feel awkward. If it weren’t for most of the boys in their class, they had evolved into all kinds of his licking dogs, those things…

Shiina Mashiro transferred to school on the day.

Private Toyonosaki, the principal’s office.

“Principal Yamamoto, let me introduce you. This is the internationally renowned painter, Ms. Shiina Mashiro.” Sougo Tama pushed Shiina Mashiro forward and introduced.

Principal Yamamoto hurriedly stepped forward and complimented: “Miss Shiina’s name is already…”

Before the rainbow fart started shooting, Shiina Shiro was awkward.

“Zuo Wu!”

Tuma Sougo: “Huh?”

Principal Yamamoto shut up sensibly.

“It’s not Shiina Mashiro, it’s Mashiro…” Shiina Mashiro made a serious mistake.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Is this the time to tangled up the address?

Principal Yamamoto’s expression that I know, I know everything, and sure enough, even Shiina is on the boat of Mutujian. What about internationally renowned artists, it’s really worth noting that he didn’t send it to Master Tujian himself. It’s Young Master Tujian, he also has to take the opportunity to give an assist.

“I don’t know what the relationship between the two is…”

“Fang…” The relationship between the host and the tenant, however, Tama Sougou was still slow for a second.

“Sougo is my boyfriend, the first time…” Shiina was serious.

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