Chapter 285 Who is the Devil?

Declare again.

Tuma Zou Wu is definitely not a sister-in-law, and is very principled.

Even if the hamster buried became the eldest lady buried, two tearful eyes sent out requests, Tama Sougou would not change his position, he barely hesitated and said: “Then I can only play for another hour…”

“YES.” Miss Bui shrank into a ball again: “Euny sauce, help Xiao Bui throw away the trash by the way, it is troublesome to sort the garbage.”

Sovereign Enlightenment: #^_^

“By the way, O’Neill will stop by to see if Zhen Bai has fallen asleep. Even if it is a unilateral challenge, Xiao Mu will be the final winner.” Xiao Mu, who was already sitting in front of the TV, seemed to think of something again. Turned back.

Summoning the Earth#^_^##

“I will confirm this for myself!”

“Eh!” I don’t know when the hamster, who was already leaning on a cat doll, made a disgusting noise: “No, the time to confirm is enough to bury one-tenth of the map.”

Sou Maura: -_-!

This stuff is mine, this stuff is mine. The world is so beautiful, don’t be irritable.

Matsuyama House, on the second floor, in front of Shiina’s white room.

“Huh~!” Sougo Tama stood outside the door and sighed: “As a result, it came here. There was a lot of waste material! How could Zhen Bai have not slept yet at this time, her kind of unilateral Challenge, it’s strange that Zhenbai can understand…”

While vomiting in his heart, Tama Sougo opened the door gently without making any sound.

Although the act of breaking into a girl’s boudoir at night seems awkward, as long as it is not discovered, there is nothing wrong with it!

“Is this going to be messy with the apartment of Shizuka Hiratsuka’s older single female teacher?” Just after a glance, the paintings and clothes scattered on the floor made Sougo Tama think so.

Was he wrong to send Yuzhi Yazi back? This is Sougo Tama’s second thought!

Ah, it seems that the family will have to add a sum of housekeeping expenses in the future…

“Sougo?” Before Tōma Sougo finished thinking, Shiina Shiina’s voice with a little doubt came over.

Sou Maura: -_-!

Really white, this guy really hasn’t slept? Everyone is a night owl today, right?

“It’s really white, why haven’t you slept yet?”

“I want to draw…” Shiina’s puzzled expression flashed away, and he spoke again with a blank expression on his face.

“Really white, what you lack right now is not the painting skills, but the common sense and fantasy abilities…” Sougo Tama covered his forehead and said, silly strong this guy hasn’t taught her yet? Artificial mental retardation is really useless!

“Ayano said, the manga newcomer award is about to start, let me try some drawing first.” Even when answering the question, Shiina Masashi stared at the drawing intently, obsessed with it, and couldn’t extricate herself from it.

“It’s really white, even if the comics newcomer award is about to start, you can’t stay up late to draw the draft. Rome can’t be built in a day. A proper rest is more conducive to creation.” In order to avoid that waste material will not sleep for a while, now Let’s solve the problem first.

“Competing with Xiao Mui.” Shiina Mashiro’s gaze still didn’t look away from the drawing.

Summa of the Earth:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

No, no, really white this guy was really fooled by the little girl?

“Just ask, what are you comparing to?”

“I don’t know, Xiao Jian said that he can’t sleep,” Shiina Masashi looked slightly confused.

Doma Sougo: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

I don’t know what you are mixing up with?

“It’s really white, Xiao Bui has already given up. She is sleeping soundly now.” Let’s end this boring competition.

“Win!” I don’t know if it was an illusion, Shiina’s mouth curled when Shiina said this again.

“Why is this kind of inexplicable persistence?” Although the curvature disappeared very quickly, Tuma Sougou still noticed it.

“Zuo Wu.”


“Next week, accompany me to see Ayano, the reward for winning.”

Tama Sougo: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What the hell, do you still have stakes in your game? But why does he execute the bet!

“…” Before he had time to speak, Shiina Mashiro had once again used his natural advantage of mouth fast.

“Zao Wu, good night.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

When it comes to giving him a chance to speak, why did he just lie down after saying goodnight? Anyway, go to the bed and lie down. The road of teaching for this fellow is really a long way to go.

While thinking about it, he stepped forward and hugged Shiina Masaki from the ground in the position of a princess. There was no way, I couldn’t just watch her sleep on the ground like this, even Hiratsuka could wake up from the cold in this weather. If Shiina is really white…Forget it, don’t think too much, just throw it on the bed.

“Zuo Wu.”

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Isn’t this guy Zhenbai still asleep? This is Porcelain, don’t lose your bed, just throw this guy directly into the hell of the artwork…

“It’s so warm in my arms.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

never mind.

Shook his head, Doma Sougo put Zhenbai gently on the bed, and then covered her with a thin quilt before turning around and walking out of the room.

“It’s so warm in my arms, Xiao Jian seems to have said this to me too, really two idiots.” After closing the door, Tuma Zougou shook his head slightly helplessly.

Earth house, living room.

“Xiao Bui, Zhen Bai has already fallen asleep, go to bed as soon as you finish hitting the boss.”

“Did you really fall asleep? It seems that Xiaoying won, UMR, invincible.”

“Yes, yes, yes, UMR is the most invincible…”

“Ouni-chan, do you want to wait for Xiao Mai to conquer the last big boss, and we have another duel that we haven’t come to for a long time?”

“Are you going to sleep anymore!”

“O’uni sauce, it’s Saturday morning after conquering the big boss. It doesn’t really matter whether you sleep or not! Anyway, it’s salted fish at home.” The hamster said with a bulging face.

The Earth’s total enlightenment: (¬_¬)

You have a good point, but I was speechless.

“Little buried, do you want to sleep anymore?”

In this game raised unilaterally by the hamster, the winner still belongs to the hamster, and the prize is taken over by the loser Shiina Shiba. It was a successful matchup.

After a while.

“Euny sauce, just two more hours, and two more hours for Xiaomai, Xiaomai actually forgot, this morning there is a movie replay of “Into the Ke Xue Washing Machine”, this theatrical version of Xiaomai I wanted to watch it a long time ago. If I went to bed without seeing it today, Xiao Mu would definitely not be reconciled…Huh?” Hamster Mui launched his act of acting like a baby again.

But this time it was, DUANG! Missing skills!

Summoning the Earth: zZZ

He was already lying on the tatami after he had just soaked in the bath. Doma Sougo swears that it was definitely the tatami and pillow that moved first.

“Ohni-chan shouldn’t sleep much yesterday. It seems tired. Really, I always want to sleep early, but I can’t even take care of myself…” Wu, Hamster Buried muttered to himself while dragging the quilt over to cover him.


“Ouni-chan, Xiaodi is going to be late for school!” He shouted.

The awakened Tuma Sougo: “…”

This stupid touch is so many, in fact, she is the devil!

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